Status: active!

Mr. Winter

Hot Chocolate

If there was one thing Garrett hated, it was cold weather. To him, it was the one thing that spoiled Christmas. He didn't like having to wear layers on layers and he didn't like how tired it always made him feel.

Alyssa on the other hand, she thrived in cold weather. Of course, girls enjoy winter more because it gives them an excuse to wear nice leggings, scarves, boots and beanies. Alyssa had always tried to make Garrett enthusiastic about the cold weather, "It means that Christmas is coming soon!" but he still wasn't sold on the idea.

Unfortunately for Garrett, the second day of December brought the cold weather with it, brutally signalling that winter had arrived. He pushed himself further down into the bed and wrapped his arms around Alyssa, attempting to remove every surface of his body from the cold air.

"What's wrong?" Alyssa mumbled as Garrett snuggled himself into her.

"Too cold," he mumbled into her, making her giggle.

"Come on you big baby, get out of bed and I'll make you something hot for breakfast," she said, pulling back her covers.

"No!" Garrett yelled, wrapping the duvet back around her shoulders, "Don't do this to me."

"Garrett you woke me up at the ass crack of dawn yesterday just to tell me it was December first, you deserve a little payback."

"I'll cut you off if you get out of this bed," Garrett warned her as she pulled herself out of bed.

Alyssa smirked. "I've already cut you off by getting out of bed. Come on, there's a nice hot shower calling you name, and you might find something else in it," she called to him in a sing-song voice. Garrett just curled himself around the pillow she had left behind.

"Nope. Not happening. Not getting out of bed."

"Your loss!" Alyssa called out to him as she left the bedroom to take a shower. Garrett ignored her and closed his eyes again, relishing in the warmth of the bed. He was startled about ten minutes later by Alyssa diving on top of him, letting cold air into his cocoon of warmth.

"Get off me Lyss!"

"Come on! You pulled me out of bed to do things yesterday so it's only fair that I do the same to you! You wanted to go Christmas decoration shopping and I wanna do some baking."

"But I don't wanna leave my bed," Garrett whined, turning away from Alyssa to shove his face into his pillow.

"We can light the fire and buy marshmallows and roast them?" Alyssa suggested. Garrett only grumbled and Alyssa scrambled to find another excuse to get him to leave the bed.

"We can... Go visit Pat? See what he's up to?"

Garrett lifted his head from the pillow. "You're supposed to be convincing me to get out of bed, not giving me a reason to stay in it."

"Well what is something you wanna do that doesn't involve staying in bed all day?" Alyssa said, exasperated.

Garrett thought for a moment. "Well, I wouldn't mind going to find a few new records? Then we can come home and listen to them while we bake?"

Alyssa smiled, feeling like she had accomplished something. "Okay. And since you're such a big sook, I'll make you some eggs on toast and a hot chocolate and bring them in here for you, okay?"

Garrett kissed Alyssa softly. "Thanks, Lyss."

Alyssa left to make Garrett and herself breakfast, bringing it in on two trays. She placed one in front of Garrett and he sipped at the hot chocolate, wincing as it burnt his tongue.

"Maybe you should wait until it cools down before you drink it," Alyssa sassed Garrett. Garrett just narrowed his eyes at her and ate his breakfast. By the time he had finished eating his breakfast, his hot chocolate was still scalding. He placed the mug on his bedside table and set the tray and plate on the floor.

"You gonna eat all that?" he asked Alyssa, peering at the last of her eggs.

Alyssa looked him flatly in the eyes, stabbing the eggs with her fork and raising them to her mouth, chewing them while keeping her gaze on him.

"No-one messes with my eggs. What happened to your hot chocolate?" she asked him.

Garrett pouted. "It's still too hot."

"Aw, poor baby. You'll just have to wait until it cools down."

Garrett leaned in and kissed Alyssa. "Thank you for breakfast, baby."

Alyssa smiled before kissing him back. "You're welcome."

Garrett smiled back at her and leaned in to kiss her again, wrapping his arm around her waist.

"You warm enough yet?" Alyssa asked Garrett with a smirk.

Garrett shook his head. "Nope," he replied, popping the 'p'.

"Well, I don't know about you but I'm starting to get kinda cold. I need to be warmed up. How do you suggest I do that?" she asked him.

Garrett pretended to think. "Hmmm, I don't know. Maybe you could take a bath? Put on a sweater? Light the fire?"

"I'm not sure I really wanna do any of those options, give me something else."

"Well, I could always warm you up?"

"And how would you do that?"

"Like this."

Garrett pushed Alyssa back down onto the bed, capturing her lips in a kiss that grew deeper and more passionate, sparking the pair into a frenzy.

By the time they had finished warming each other up, Garrett's hot chocolate had gone cold.
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