Status: active!

Mr. Winter


Of course, with the cold weather comes the inevitable snow that coats all surfaces with its white powder, exciting children and annoying their parents as they trample their wet shoes into the house and their fathers shovel the snow from their driveway.

And like all aspects of the cold weather, Garrett hated the snow. He could deal with the decoration snow because it wasn't cold, wet and it didn't make a mess everywhere, but when it came to real snow, Garrett could care less.

So when he woke up on December 3rd to a white wonderland outside his window, he knew he was going to have a bad day. He grumbled and moved closer into Alyssa, shutting out the image of the powdered outside.

"What's wrong now?" she whined, as this was the second day in a row he had woken up in a bad mood.

"It's snowing outside."

Alyssa's eyes flew open and she pushed Garrett off her, rushing to gaze out the window at the snow falling before her eyes, completely mesmerised.

"Garrett I wanna play in the snow," Alyssa breathed out, her face and hands pressed to the window as if she could almost feel it from inside their toasty bedroom.

Garrett crossed his arms. "You can play in the snow if you want, but you can play by yourself because there's no way I'm stepping foot in that."

Alyssa pouted at him. "Why do you always have to ruin my fun?"

"I hate snow, you know that."

"I don't get it; you love Christmas but you hate snow and cold weather. What kind of person are you?"

"A person who lives in Arizona."

Alyssa rolled her eyes. "Well I'm going to go play in the snow if that's okay with you mister grumpy pants."

Alyssa changed into a pair of sweatpants, a thick jumper, boots, gloves, scarf and beanie and headed outside, her boots making the snow below her feet crunch satisfyingly.

She picked up a handful of snow, turning back to the window Garrett was glaring at and threw it, splattering the white powder on the window where his face was.

"Hey! No fair!" He exclaimed.

"If you wanna get me back, you gotta come out here!" Alyssa taunted him.

Garrett just shut the curtain and laid back down in bed, only to be alerted by Alyssa calling out to him.

"Baby! Come and look what I'm doing! Garrett!"

Garrett pulled himself up from his bed and looked out the window again, finding Alyssa lying in the snow, spreading her arms and legs repeatedly.

"Look baby! I'm making a snow angel! This is so fun!"

Garrett rolled his eyes and pulled the curtain closed again. He laid back down for a moment, before shooting out of bed and donning the same winter gear Alyssa had.

He stepped outside, wrapping his arms around himself to stay warm as he watched Alyssa play in the snow.

"Come and make a snow angel with me!" Alyssa exclaimed as she saw Garrett standing outside.

"I'm not touching that stuff ever," Garrett complained, referring to the snow.

Alyssa pouted and ran over to him, her arms open wide. Garrett, noticing her snow covered clothing, backed away from her advancing figure with his hands out in front of him.

"Don't you dare come near me with your cold, wet clothes," he warned her as she kept coming towards him with a cheeky grin.

"What are you gonna do? Throw snow at me?" Alyssa taunted him. Garrett narrowed his eyes, picking up a handful of snow and raising his eyebrows.

"One more step and this is going in your face."

Alyssa smirked and lifted her right foot, continuing to lift it as Garrett moved his arm back further to slingshot the snow.

She put her foot back where it was, then quickly took a step towards Garrett, who let the handful of snow fly towards Alyssa, hitting her square in the chest. Her mouth dropped open in surprise and her eyes widened. It didn't take her long to scoop up a handful of snow, form it into an icy ball, and throw it at Garrett, who shielded himself from the attack with his shoulder.

"You asked for it missy!"

Garrett scooped up a large handful of snow and threw it hard and fast; hitting Alyssa in the stomach. Alyssa retaliated, this time hitting Garrett's chest as he wasn't quick enough to duck. It didn't take long for the pair to engage in a full-scale snow fight, complete with hideouts and obstacles.

* * * * *

An hour later, Garrett and Alyssa were both lying in the snow panting, soaking wet from their snow war. Garrett sat up and surveyed the yard. Instead of being blanketed in snow like their neighbours' yards, the snow surrounding Alyssa and Garrett's house was a mess from running, falling, and being made into many snow balls.

"I guess I should shovel the driveway," Garrett said to himself.

Alyssa sat up next to him, looking at the messed up snow in their yard. "I think it can wait until tomorrow. I'm thinking that a hot shower, a hot coffee and a movie is in order today. You wanna join me?"

"Join you in what? The movie or the shower?"

Alyssa shrugged. "Both, if you want."

Garrett grinned at Alyssa. "I knew there was a reason why we're so good together. Come on, last one inside's a rotten egg!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this ones late! I've been kinda sick and sleepy the last couple of days so I didn't have the energy to finish it last night!