
The Banshee's Fog

I really hated having to run but I was never good at staying in one place for to long and I have places to be i gotta keep my schedule which puts me in the next town in a few days so i had to leave but i left a little not with the amulet and ring saying i was going to be in the next town for a while to stay and hunt the area for a while. I heard the woods near they had amazing wild game. I walked threw the woods and it seemed different I then saw something shinning so i walked off the road and followed it then all of a sudden there was a mist rolling in and i could see the shine down a little hill when i kept walking i couldn't see anything. Then i felt my foot step in water and i kinda knew what that meant as i heard i voice i drew my bow and began to back up Intel i ran into a wall of fog. I drew an arrow back and said "come out and you die this is why my arrows are silver tipped" and then the spirit floated out and i knew exactly what it was a banshee she lures people in and then conjure a wall of fog you can't pass threw and then pretty much drain the victim of life like other spirits the only way to hurt them is Silver and magic. She then tried to charm me like she does most victims I just let my arrow fly hitting her sending her in a rage and the fogged opened up and I ran all I could hear was her wailing and the fog was pursuing me. Then I saw the road and the second I got on it I turned and she was gone so was the fog I flipped around looking and then I decided I would keep going hopefully she wouldn't come back. I kept walking and I could still hear the banshee wailing and crying everytime I looked off into the woods I could see shinning she wanted me back into the woods then I saw a fork in the road and off one path there was a old mausoleum and I walked for it and heard her wailing the closer I got when I walked up to it all of a sudden the fog closed around me again and she had me back in her grasp so u drew my arrow and got ready to hit her again but before I had a chance a whip like lash with the most smacked my bow away and I did the only thing I knew I drew that old troll knife and I held my back to the mausoleum and waited she closed in on me I slashed with the knife and where I slashed her it glowed and the banshee freaked out and the fog dissipated and she fled I looked at the knife put it back on my side and pryed the mausoleum open and inside there was nothing but bones and then there were old swords. I just turned and walked back down the path I have already desecrated one grave and then I heard the wailing again and all I could think was fuck she's back again. Then I heard screaming and I looked around and saw a fog cloud forming and I ran for it I drew my knife and burst threw the fog abd there she was the banshee and the waitress I said "What are you doing here" she looked at me terrified and said "I was following you" I side stepped to her and looked at the banshee and said "Remember this" she floated back a little and stepped up and jumped and pluged the knife right into her chest and just like before it glowed but this time she fell to the ground and became a pile of robes o ran up to her and grabbed the robe and stuffed it all into my bag the fog was now gone and she said "Why are you taking that" "Banshee robes are really known for there magic property's." she nodded and I said "well if you want to come with me you gotta know I live in the woods most nights." she nodded and said "im not use to fancy living anyway" I nodded and we walked together down the road and then I said "well make camp right off the road here come on" when we sat down I pulled up a log for her and started a fire and she looked at me and said "What lives in these woods" i glanced over and said "Most predetors will stay away from the fire and trolls can't sneak worth a crap." she nodded and I pulled out the fur bag and told her she could sleep on it she laid down on it abd after a while I pulled out the robes and draped the banshee robe over her and then claimed a tree the robe would protect her and a layer of fog grew over the area. She was safe and no one would see her and most trolls would stay out of banshee fog. I tied some vines around me and slept in the tree when morning came I could hear her saying "Shane Shane the fogs back" I got up and dropped out of the tree and said "don't worry its the robe when someone wears it the fog rolls in you can even control the fog if you focus." she took the robe off and I stuffed it back in the bag and stomped the fire picked up the fur blanket and we got back on the road and we walked and she said "so if I wore that robe I'd have the powers like the banshee" I nodded and she said "So can I use it more maybe practice with it." I looked at her and said "do you want to be a banshee" she shrugged and said "ya as long as I don't turn into a creature" "you won't we might have to get the robe trimmed down and for that we need a really good tailor. She nodded and said "so we almost to that town" I nodded and said "ya were about there and its great to have company."