Fresh Start Fever

Chew Me Up, Spit Me Up

It felt as though I was floating through darkness. There was no end to it, no start either. Just nothing. My head was light but my body felt heavy. Like there was no balance, nothing made sense. It was terrifying not having any control over what was happening. "Casey" I could hear a voice call out from the distance.

I opened my mouth and tried to call out but the words caught in my throat. Making me choke. I couldn't talk. "H..." I choked out.

"Casey!" The voice got louder. I tried to run towards the voice, pulling myself along. I needed to get to the voice.

"Wait" I finally whispered.

"Casey wake up" The voice got louder. It was booming all around me, capturing me and dragging me.

Suddenly I felt two hands on my shoulders and I was being shook. Panic filled my body and I let out a blood curdling scream. My eyes flew open and I came face to face with Oli. I was still screaming, I couldn't stop. Tears streamed down my face and Oli pulled me into his arms. I fainted onstage. I turned my head slowly and seen that the crowd were in shock.

Matt followed Oli backstage into the dressing room. "Get a medic" Oli called out to a random member of staff.

"She's fine" Matt mumbled. Oli laid me on the couch and I looked at him with fear.

"Does she look fine?!" Oli snapped at my brother. "Why couldn't I move her until she woke up? Has this happened before?" Oli was going to end up losing his shit any minute now.

"She used to faint a lot as a kid, if we moved her she would freak out. Worse than this, she'd pass out and not wake up for hours. You have to leave her" Matt explained.

"So all those kids could watch her freak out? Like some fucking TV show? Matt she's your sister!" Oli shouted.

"Yes and it wasn't ideal that she fainted onstage but you forced her into singing tonight to make youself feel better so if it's anyones fault here, it's yours!" Matt shouted back at him. Oli sighed in defeat, knowing it was true.

"Go back onstage guys, I'm fine" I said quietly, sitting up.

They both looked at me with sad looks on their faces. "I'm not leaving you" Oli walked over to me and kneeled down next to me.

"I'm telling you to go, your fans need you and the medic will be here any second now" As if on cue, the medic came in.

Oli nodded and walked out with Matt. The medic gave me a check over to see if I was okay, which I was. I decided to go out into the bus and sleep it off but it didn't work too well, I just felt sick. I went to the bathroom and threw up. It made my stomach ache, feeling so low like this wasn't good. I am never singing onstage again.

There was a soft knock on the bathroom door. "Case, it's Jordan" I heard softly. I opened the door and let him in. "What happened?" He asked.

"I don't know if I'm honest" I shrugged. "I was singing away, then next thing I know I hit the ground" I sighed. It's weird how it happens, I haven't fainted since that time in Florida when we were going to Disney World. When I was younger I fainted a lot.

"You were screaming, crying and shaking the full time you were passed out. I've never seen something so scary Casey. Oli was in shock but he tried to keep you as comfortable as possible. That boy loves you Case. You gotta tell him what's up" He looked me dead in the eye.

"I can't. I don't know all the details yet and even if I did, he has his own problems to worry about right now" I mumbled.

"Case, this is very serious why are you shrugging it off?" He frowned at me. "Do you think that if you ignore it then it'll disappear? It won't and you need to deal with this face on and stop joking about" He said seriously.

"Jordan can we just leave this until I get home" I rolled my eyes.

"No Casey, you could die" He said really loudly. I stared at him with shock. I never wanted to think of that because it was a long shot, basically 5% chance of happening but having Jordan say that to me, scared the hell outta me. He noticed the look on my face and he pulled me into his arms. "I'm sorry Casey, I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you" He mumbled.

"It's okay, you're just saying what I'm too afraid to think about" I sobbed into his chest. We stood in the bathroom for a further 5 minutes hugging and then left.

I climbed into my bunk and cried my eyes out. Nothing was going right and my head was going to explode. My body ached and my stomach was in knots. I felt as though I was being tested. The curtain of my bunk opened and I felt someone slide in. I turned around to see Oli lying next to me. "Hey" He whispered. He swiped away hair from my face and smiled softly.

"Hello" I sniffed. He laughed at my actions and kissed my forehead.

"You're adorable Casey" He mumbled against my forehead.

"Oli tonight was really scary" I cried a little. He wiped away my tears and pulled me into his arms.

"I know it was but it's over now, you're with me and I'm gonna keep you safe. I know I'm a wreck right now but for you I'll suffer in silence to make you feel safe" He whispered in my hair.

I looked up at him and smiled. "I love you so much" I leaned into his lips and kissed him. I felt his lips smile against my own, which made my heart flutter. He cupped my cheek with his hand and ran the other through my hair. I tried to deepen the kiss but he pushed me back. "What?" I asked with confusion.

"I have a surprise for you" He said and climbed out of my bunk. A few minutes passed and he climbed back in. He sat down across from me and held his hands behind his back.

"What you got there Oliver?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, it was a long shot but a few days ago when I was high as fuck I sorta bought this" He laughed. I looked at him strangely and he placed a small box in the palm of my hand.

I opened it and found a beautiful diamond ring inside. "Oli, what the hell?" I laughed. It was a beautiful ring.

"I don't know, I don't remember we weren't even together when I bought it but I had this big plan to give you a real wedding ring. It was hilarious but now that we're together it seems fitting that you have a real wedding ring. You deserve it and since you had a shit night, you needed something beautiful to cheer you up" He smiled at me, like a goofy idiot.

"You're a dork, but thank you" I said attacking him with hugs. I guess there's always a silver lining.