I'm Coming Home to You

My Heart's Always With You...


“Hey guys…some of your girls are here…can I let them in?” We heard Carl say over the intercom. Zack looked at me and smiled, as he must have noticed my knee-jerk reaction to the words ‘some’ and ‘girls’. I tried to stifle my eagerness though…and for good reason, as Zacky’s smiled quickly faded when Michelle and Lacey walked in.

I took the opportunity as Syn greeted Michelle to camp out in the break room. I couldn’t bear to see the pity in anyone’s eyes every time they looked at me, any longer. I tossed a row of paper cups at the wall, thinking a temper tantrum would make me feel better. I was wrong, so I just slumped down on one of the benches and sulked.

Carl’s voice once again came over the intercom…

“Sorry, guys…there’s a couple more…”

Yeah…quickly doing the math in my head…a ‘couple’ more girls showing up meant I was pretty much on my own for the rest of the evening. I immediately heard giggling, which tended to happen once the ladies started congregating with one another. Ditching the studio gig for the rest of the day was starting to sound like a spectacular idea, but then I heard Syn’s delight-filled voice.

“I thought you had to work?”

“Nope…” said a familiar voice softly. I immediately looked up to see my beautiful girl standing in the doorway to the break room with a distasteful look on her face.

“Sanders…” Cori grimaced. “I hope this isn’t how you typically ‘keep house’.”

It took me about a half of a second until I was standing right in front of her, looking down at her gleeful smirk. “Well I live alone, so I’m not used to having to pick up after myself.” I admitted sheepishly, running a hand anxiously through my hair, not wanting to fuck anything up with her this time.

“Well, sugar…you better learn quick…because I don’t like messiness.” She smiled warmly and got close enough for me to feel her breathing.

“And, Sanders…” Carrie called out to be from the other room. “Be careful of what you wish for because she’s a drill sergeant.”

“Dude…she’s right…I’ve seen it first hand!” Zack piped up.

“Hey…are you helping this situation or hindering it?” Cori whirled around to face Carrie and Zack.

“No…no…baby…” I whispered as I grabbed Cori around her waist. “I absolutely love to be told what to do…especially if you’re going to be the one doing the telling.” I felt her giggle as I nuzzled my face into her neck.

“Yes…” she purred in my ear. “You did respond well to my ‘instruction’ earlier today didn’t you…?”

“Ew…ok…enough…that was way too much information.” Carried cringed, as we all broke out laughing.

Everyone that is…except one person…

“Did I miss something?” She asked snidely.

“Sorry, babe…I never got a chance to tell you…” Syn began explaining to Michelle.

“Tell me what?” She continued in a low voice.

“Shads and Cori are together now…and she’s evidently moving in with him…right, guys?” Syn gestured in our direction, a little meekly, as Michelle wasn’t giving him much of a solid reaction to what he was telling her.

“Are they really now?” Michelle turned and gave us the death stare. I felt Cori tense up in my arms.

“So how long has this been going on…and have you told my sister yet?”