The Half Life Bet

Chapter 1: The bet (Part 1) [Complete]

It is unbelievable how life can change with one single decision, a decision you didn’t even pay much attention and because you have to make so many decision during the day that you don’t take to mucho time for the ones that don’t seem to important, the funny thing is that sometimes it’s that careless decision you made that suddenly change your life plans.
It happened to me; a decision bought me all the way from Santiago to London, the cradle of the industrial revolution, the city of the great Queen. How did I get here? Because of my grandmother, well to be fair because of my decision.

- Honey can you do me a huge favour please please please- said my mom while she was running all over the kitchen, probably looking for her keys or wallet- I really need someone to look after granny.

- Why what happen to her?

- No it’s nothing bad, I promised that I was going to this spiritual speech with her but I have a very important meeting, I really can’t cancel it, could you please go with her? She will really appreciate it.

- Of course when is it?

- This afternoon at 5.30- her voice sounded as I wouldn’t like it, and she was right.
- What?! Mom couldn’t you tell yesterday at least? - I started to claim behind her while she moved like a squirrel.

- I know honey I totally forgot to tell you- yes she always forgets, her head it’s too busy with boring office work- I’m so sorry but please don’t leave granny alone, she will feel so bad if she doesn’t go

- I don’t even believe in those things. Okay I’ll go with her, just because I love my granny- I wasn’t so thrilled to go to that speech, meeting or whatever that thing was, but it was my granny, the only alive, make her sad would be the last thing I want.

- I knew I could count on you- my mom hugged, kissed me and left back to work. It was already 3.30 so I started to get ready immediately; I picked up my granny and went to the super speech yeei.

- What happened to your mom? - I figured out that my mom didn’t have time to explain my granny about the change of planes.

- She had an important meeting, as always- the place was far away so we talked about many things, she explained me that a well-known medium was doing an important meeting here in Chile and people all over the world came to this meeting, I didn’t realize how huge this thing was until we arrived to the place, it was palace, a huge, majestic, beautiful, old building like a Romeo and Juliet building, full of trees, bindweed and all kind of flowers that made it a lovely place. We entered to a huge lounge full of elder people, all excited to meet this mysterious guy, as soon as we entered my granny started to talk with her friends so I just stood by her side looking around, appreciating the old architecture that made you go back to the 15th century. I felt so lucky that I brought my camera, it was an amazing setting for my next photography exposition, my mind was full of thoughts and my body couldn’t stop taking pictures, I was totally absorbed with this peculiar atmosphere until someone brought me back to earth, a tall young man was in the crowd, that’s what impressed me more, he was young and handsome, curly brown hair, stunning sky blue eyes with a weird shape but matched perfectly with his Nordic face, I couldn’t help myself to take him a picture, God his smile was so beautiful, his movements were so careful, like this guy was one of the prince that lived in this castle. I tried to get closer to him so he could see me but the damn show was about to start and I had to grab a sit with my granny. Everybody was so excited when the medium finally appeared, but I couldn’t stop thinking about that guy, I wanted to talk to him, I could almost hear his voice, talking to me in an endless conversation, I could almost feel his gentle touch, his pale skin, I was so obsessed that it almost freaked me out, what kind of psychopath am I?

- Honey what’s the matter? Why are you so impatient?

- It’s nothing I’m just a little hyperactive – She looked at me not believing what I said but she stopped making question and concentrated again in the medium while I just tried to control my anxiety and silently scream for this thing to end. I was about to collapse when the medium announced a break, like a bird released from a cage I ran out of the lounge until I got to a balcony that made a square around the building of old bricks, the balcony also had other ways that take you to who knows where, my curiosity was strong enough to go and see what else could you find in this place, the path just took me to another side of the “castle” but the interesting part was that the tall guy was also there, and he saw me all frozen of fear, yes I was all nervous like a teenage girl that sees her crush, but I was not a teenage girl and he was not my crush, what’s wrong with me?! – Perdon, no quise mirarte de esa manera - the guy seemed a little bit confused.

- Excuse me… I don’t understand- of course genius, usually Nordic people don’t speak Spanish.

- Oh sorry, I meant that I didn’t mean to look at you that way.

- It’s okay, I’m getting used to it- said with that beautiful smile and a deep harmonic voice that left me speechless- It’s weird to see a young woman here, do you like spiritualism?

- Eeer no, no I came with my grandmother… just to take care of her… you know

- I’m afraid I don’t, all my grandparents died a while ago

- Ohh… I´m sorry- I didn’t know what to say, there were plenty of ways to continue the conversation but I had to say that stupid thing, damn it Maria!

- Don’t worry-he laughed when noticed my awkwardness, luckily that laugh relaxed me a lot, it brought myself back to my body, I was finally acting more confident- I taking care of my mom here, kind of a similar situation.

- Yes, kind of –my mind was empty again, didn’t know what to say, what to do- I’m Maria - I said starching my hand.

- Benedict at your service – he took my hand and kissed it, that kiss was like an electroshock to my body, I tried to dissimulate my feelings but his smile and eyes looking at me in a funny way were saying that I failed.

- Excuse my stupid attitude, I don’t know what’s going on with me- I was totally embarrassed again, I never felt so vulnerable in my life and it was killing me, but suddenly I paid more attention to his eyes, he was as nervous as me, he was freaking out but acting cool, that made me feel relieved and I could finally start a conversation. He was British, specifically from London; he had that lovely accent that I could hear for the rest of the day. I can’t really explain what happened that afternoon, it was just the two of us in a medieval castle talking about each other, there was a special environment and we were totally trapped by it, everything was happening so fast after we broke the ice, we started talking like we have met for years, we were fascinating with each other, with every single story we met a little bit and I start liking him more more I could feel how every minute something attracted more to him, I was closer to him, he was closer to me, we didn’t mind the fact that we have met the same day we were just showing our feelings, we were lost in the castle of love.
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Excuse my spelling, constructive coments are always welcome and thanks for reading!
Sorry I just realized that I didn't update the whole chapter, now it will make more sense (;