The Half Life Bet

Chapter 1: The bet (Part 2)

- What do you do for living?

- What do you think I do – he asked me looking at me with that funny smile.

- Judging your clothes I would say you are a business man

- And judging by my personality? – It took me a while to answer that, he was incredibly funny and gentleman at the same time, he looked very mature but had the soul of a child.

- That’s a tough one, but I’ll say you are artist, like a painter, a musician, an actor maybe.

- Well done Chile, one of those three is the right one

- So you are not going to tell me what do you are huh? – The answer was a wicked smile – I guess that’s a no. Do you want to know what I do?

- I’m intrigued, but let me guess… your body tells me you are a sportswoman, but you have the spirit of an artist maybe a… - he looked straight at me for a couple seconds he got closer and closer to me until I thought I was going to be absorbed by his bright blue eyes- photographer, I could bet my life on that

- Are you sure you want to bet so high? If you lose your life is mine – At least for me it didn’t sound bad at all, but I have definitely lost the bet.

- It’s not a bad lost at all dear

- Well, I’m afraid you won. I’m photographer an a dancer

- I’ll consider it as a half won – At that point we were touching noses, a couple seconds later we were touching lips. I could talk an entire day of how that British boy kissed me, but I’ll just say it was the perfect mixture between gentle and passion, after that first kiss we couldn’t stop anymore, we declared all our feelings with that kiss and we were totally absorbed by them, like a couple of birds in spring, flying around flirting and cuddling. We run through all the paths playing like little kids and kissing like young lovers, when the sun was going down we finally stayed, in the highest part of the castle and watched the most beautiful sunset I ever saw in my life.

- I know for me it’s also the most beautiful I have ever seen

- Oh God… how long I’ve been talking out loud?

- Long enough to know that I fell exactly like you about us

- It’s funny, are we actually something?

- Shh… don’t question it now, you take away the magic – He kissed right away so I had no time to refute him, it was like he knew me forever, but he was right, it was better to leave things alone, just let it happen, like we did all afternoon where we lost all notion of time and we forgot that we couldn’t stay in the castle of love for ever.

- Oh there you are honey – The voice of my granny brought me and Benedict back to earth – Me and Wanda have been looking for both of you for a while, time to go home lovers – We both stayed quite for a while, it was supposed to be our secret – You thought I didn’t know? Ooh Darling everybody was talking about both of you – Great everybody saw how irrational we are. On our way back to the cars we were silent and distance, we were back in reality thinking what just happened this afternoon, even it was crazy I didn’t regret a thing and if I had the opportunity to do it again I would do without hesitating, I never felt so good in my life, so free to show all my feelings, so safe. It was just the two of us so blinded with each other that we lost the notion of everything, we were back in the 15th century loving each other since our first sight, like Romeo and Juliet, except that our love was possible, but… Was it actually possible? Was this actually love? He’s from London, he will go back home some day and we just met that day and we were already acting like we were a couple, could all of this make any sense?

- Ben aren’t you going to introduce me to this young lady?

- Yeah… Of course, Maria she’s Wanda my mother, mother she’s Maria my… Friend

- I didn’t know you were so romantic with your friends. A pleasure to meet you darling

- The pleasure is mine – I said with the best smile I could, both of us were uncomfortable by the fact that everybody saw our silly way of act.

- Maria, be a good girl a drive this handsome man back to hir home, me and Wanda are going to get some tea with the other ladies.

- But… - Said me and Ben objecting that order, but Wanda and granny didn’t let us claim, so we had no other choice that get in the car and drive away. Our way back to the city was silent, we were both thinking in our worlds so it wasn’t an awkward silence, when we arrived to the city Benedict open his mouth for the first time to tell me the name of his hotel and that was it until we finally arrive, once he got out of that car it would be all over, but this couldn’t end this way, I had to say something.

- Okay here we are – Damn it that’s the best thing you can say? – Thanks for that lovely afternoon – His eyes shined with that last sentence, that sentence that let him know that everything that afternoon was real, he remained quiet for a moment and suddenly in a fast move he took my face making me look straight at his eyes.

- I really can’t explain what happened today, I just know that it was amazing and I don’t want this to be the last time I see you, I don’t care how far I live or for how much we met, what happened today was unusual and it would be a crime to just let you go when I know you are meant to be someone important in my life – Benedict said no more and kissed me like there was no tomorrow.

- Will I see you again before you leave?

- I’m leaving tomorrow at 11.45 , please come to see me to the airport at 9.30.

- I definitely will – We kissed one more time and he left my car. I really thank God I didn’t have an accident on my way home because my body was driving but my mind was in another world, thinking what did just happen. I got into my house and sat on the couch trying to process the situation but I couldn’t get over it, I was about to leave it but my granny came to my house asking me about that “British candy”.

- A nice guy you met? Come on Maria don’t make me fool, I was also young, long ago but I still remember how passionate I was.

- Aaah Granny please don’t said that, it was not passion it was… nonsense I still don’t figure out why did I act that way

- Because he crushed you

- No. Absolutely no way, granny we met for a couple hours I am NOT in love with that guy I barely know him!

- Honey that’s what people called love at first sight, everybody that saw you two thought the same, oooh honey you should have seen the way you looked at each other it was pure love

- I’m pretty sure it was just flirting I founded him attractive and he founded me attractive that’s it

- Don’t lie to yourself you know you felt something stronger and you don’t understand it because you don’t want to think is love

- Okay enough with the subject. Did you have fun in the palace?

- You are definitely not interested so don’t even bother, I won’t ask more about handsome Benedict, what a shame he’s leaving tomorrow, you made a lovely couple

- Oh for God’s sake – I covered my face with a pillow and that was the end of the conversation, I drove my granny back to her house and then went to my apartment straight to my bed, I really needed some sleep, I needed to wake up in a new day were all this craziness was over and so it was, my next day was totally normal, I did the usual stuff and barely thought about Benedict until late afternoon when I remembered that I promised him to see him at the airport. What time he said? Aah right 9.30 and it is… sh** is 8.45 I’m so late! I didn’t even thought about get ready I just took my back and run into the car, I needed to get to airport as soon as possible, I was lucky that no cop pulled me over because I never went so fast in my life, I arrived to the airport at 9.40 hopefully it wasn’t so late, now the problem was specifically where is Benedict, I started searching by logic in the stands for the check- in to London, no luck, the I thought about tourist, they must go to the shops, no luck at all, damn it Maria your time is running he will go in any minute…bingo! I run straight to the door for international police and there he was, looking everywhere with a face of disappointment and about to enter to international police.

- No! Ben…Benedict! I’m here! – He finally turned around, his sad face suddenly was illuminated again, I didn’t even thought I just hugged so he couldn’t leave… ever – I’m so sorry Benedict I totally forgot about the hour, I drove as fast I could, I run all over the airport looking for you…

- It’s okay, it’s okay shh… - Benedict hugged me tighter and stroked my head so I could calm down – I’m not mad I’m actually so happy that you made it here – He separated from me, put his hands around my face and made me look straight at him – I only have a couple minutes so I’m just going to say it all, I’ve been thinking the whole day about what the heck happened yesterday, I have no other answer that I feel something really strong for you and I’m going to miss you a lot, I want to see you again so please let me know if you are in London, England or any part of Europe, I want to see you again – This time he kissed passionately, we didn’t know when were we going to meet again and if we were still going to be singles, he just made it unforgettable and left me speechless, he looked intensely in the eyes and turned around, it took me a couple seconds to realize I have no way to contact him.

- Wait! How am I supposed to get in touch with you?

- I can’t give you any information, but you’ll figure out, remember you have half of my life– He didn’t say more and left, he disappeared in the crowd and left me full of questions. What did he mean with no information? He’s supposed to be an artist not a secret agent. How am I supposed to look for one person in a gigantic city like London? But he promised me I would find him. I thought about that all my way home, by the time I arrived there I just got one thing cleared. Without thinking it one more time I opened my computer and started working, I was going the send my curriculum to London.
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Excuse my spelling, constructive coments are always welcome and thanks for reading!