The Half Life Bet

Chapter 2: The search (Part 2)

- It’s your first time in London?

- Yes, I look too much as a tourist?

- Sort of, you definitely don’t look British and you seemed very impressed with London

- I am indeed – The taxi driver laughed.

- So are you here to visit the city?

- No, I came here to stay

- Oh really? What brought you here?

- A very special man – I didn’t know why I said that a total stranger, I just felt I had to do it.

- Wow it must be a very special man then, your boyfriend?

- Not really, we met in a convention in Chile, my grandmother said it was love at first sight but I refuse to believe that even when I’m doing this craziness, I went to say goodbye to him to the airport and he told he wanted to see me again and here I am

- Lovely story, I’m sure both of you will be happy together.

- Yes I hope so

- You don’t seem very convinced

- Yeah, I was told a couple weeks before living that he was famous and 12 years older than me.

- Famous?! Ha! Well that’s a story to tell. May I know the name of the lucky guy?

- Are you capable of keeping a secret even if you are offered money?

- I don’t like winning dirty money and trust me, yours wouldn’t be the first secret I keep

- His name is Benedict Cumberbatch

- Oh dear! So Mr. Cumberbatch did have a bird, a very beautiful with all the respect madam
- Thank you, why a bird?

- Well after his broke up his family even himself have concerned about his age and plans of having family, you know it’s weird to see a good looking man like him single even when he actually wants a family

- Ooh yeah, in that case I don’t think I’m the right bird

- I don’t blame you, time is not against you, but if he loses you he’ll be losing a very special bird

- Why do you think that?

- Well not everybody leaves a life to come far away looking for a person uncertainly of the future, I’ll also say it was love at first sight

- Hmmm… should I worry about Olivia Poulet?

- There have been no rumours about them in this last year and half after the break up, but there have been about other women

- Yes I’ve heard about that, they don’t really concerned me

- You don’t seemed mad about his “infidelity”

- I haven’t been a saint either, we ended up in nothing, actually we never where something, just attracted

- Very attracted, well here’s your new home

- Wow, it’s a beautiful place

- It is indeed, it’s close to downtown, a very good location but far away from where celebrities live

- That’s not a main problem now

- Have a lovely day, here’s my number in case you need a taxi… or not – I thanked him with a sincere smile, my first friend in London, I have to admit things were going pretty well by now which relieved me, the apartment was lovely, it had two rooms two bathroom, a little kitchen but a big living room and a balcony with an incredible view of London.

I arrived at the beginning of summer of 2012 so I had plenty of time to settle down, it took me like month to have my house all organised, I took two weeks to visit the city and places near it, I visited every corner of London, I started learning the streets and meeting new amazing people, here is where I met a group of amazing dancers and we made a crew of five, Larissa Russin and Brittany White where the girls of the crew and also became my best friends in London, the guys where Rayden Shand and Tom Anderson also incredible people, probably the most energetic and cheerful guys I ever met, I definitely could stay in London more than a month without them but my actual best friend was Greg Douglass the taxi driver. In September I started work, I was always very busy, they didn’t pay me much but I enjoyed most of the time, I was doing what I liked the most, things were going so well that time flew by and I forgot about my only target, my reason of being here, now I felt strong enough to look for him regardless of the result.

- Hey girls I have very important to tell you, it’s my biggest secret – If I was going to look for Benedict I will need the help of my best friends, so I told then one day when we were on a girls night a Larissa’s place.

- Wow wow it’s seems that someone got another British victim. You rock girl!

- Shush Brittany! She looks too serious for that

- Sorry, go ahead

- Well yes it’s a bit more serious, the thing is that I never told you the real reason for why I’m here

- What? So you have been lying to us the whole time?

- Shush! Now you’re interrupting

- Yeah and I’m really sorry, but Greg was the only one that knew and I’m telling you know because I need your help

- Oh my God! They are going to deport you! – She hugged me - No! I won’t let anybody take my friend away!

- I’m not being deported! Jesus! Okay, the thing is that I felt in love with a British back in Chile, I promised him I was going to see him again and that’s why I came to live here, yes very crazy thing considering met him just one afternoon

- Oh – My – God – said both of my friends at the same time

- So you are a passionate lover huh? I knew it, you couldn’t be so ice cold, I knew it!

- Shut up Brittany! You’re screwing up the story!

- Ok the thing is that I need your help to find him, he gave no number, no facebook, no twitter, no e-mail, no anything… just his name

- Well that’s going to be a little bit of hard don’t you think?

- It’s going to be hard and not hard at the same time Larissa

- Huh? What’s his name?

- Benedict

- Benedict?

- Benedict Cumberbatch

- Benedict Cumber…

- Wait you said what?! – said both them one more time, Brittany grabbed my face.

- You better don’t be messing around with us young girl! You had an affair with Benedict Cumberbatch?!

- No! I never had sex with him

- Oh same sh** you kissed him, you touched him, HE touched you! Oh my God I really can’t believe this my best friend made up with a celebrity, whoaaaa you are a Godess!

- I can’t believe it Mary we watched every single chapter of Sherlock like fans when he was actually your lover – Larissa was in huge shock while Britt was freaking out, hyperactive as always.

- Well it’s a very delicate thing I had to wait for the right moment to tell you, I have collected as many information as I could but I don’t think it’s enough so…

- So you want us to help you find him

- Oh boy… she’s talking seriously; she actually kissed Benedict Hot Cumberbatch!

- Britt calm down! Yes I kissed him end of story now please sit

- How am I supposed to calm down when you kissed that sex bomb?

- Please stop talking that way about Benedict, it makes me sick

- Oh you’ll see after both of you do it, you won’t feel sick at all

- Brittany!

- Okay pair of angry pants, I shut up

- Thank God! Now Mary, do you have a plan?
♠ ♠ ♠
Excuse my spelling, constructive coments are always welcome and thanks for reading!