The Half Life Bet

Chapter 2: The search (Part 3)

- Yes I have, here is where the fun begins – The plan was all set, the three of us will try to get hired in the BBC company, specifically in the filming of Sherlock, me as a photographer, Brittany as a make-up artists and Larissa as a fashion counsellor, as we had predicted only one of us got the job, Brittany, she also wasn’t assigned for the filming of Sherlock but she had the possibility to get in their files. She got the exact place where Benedict’s information was and Greg our official driver will be around the studios in case we had to run like real thieves.

- Ok girls there’s a gap between 7 and 7.30 where the studio for Sherlock is completely empty, after that the cleaner will come and then the security guard so you have to get out before 7.30. The studio is in the third building and the papers in a little office behind the director’s chair, good luck love you girls

- Thanks’ Britt I love you so much for doing these for me

- Come on I’m working with celebrities, it’s a total pleasure, now go! - We followed Britt’s indication with no trouble, like she said, the studio was empty, it was 7.15.

- Okay we better hurry up it’s 7.15

- I know Riss I just need to find the office

- How hard is to find an office?

- Shut up and watch the door! – Finally I founded the damn office, now I had to find the damn paper, C…Ca…Cr…Cu…Cumber…bingo! Cumberbatch, Benedict. I started taking pictures of his whole file.

- Hurry up it’s 7.28!!

- Almost ready… just a couple more…

- Oh boy… someone is coming

- What?!

- Someone is coming run!! – I put the file right where it was and run to the door, but in my way Larissa grabbed me and hid with the clothes, it was too late and the cleaner was here- Damn it! What are we going to do? - said all in whispers.

- Wait

- Wait?

- There must be also a gap between the cleaner leaves and the security guard comes

- This studio is huge! It’s going to take him years! And what if the security guard comes before he leaves?

- We have no choice – After a couple minutes the cleaner approaches to the clothes – quickly! Hide in these clothes!

- What?! – I just grabbed her and covered her mouth, the cleaner took our clothes hanger and moved outside, then he got back to the studio and we got out of the place as fast as we could, in the car was Britt and Greg waiting very worried.

- Thank God you girls are save!

- We thought you had been catch is already 8!

- I know Britt we hid in the clothes and so we got out – me and Larissa start laughing like crazy – It was like in the movies! But I got the information! All of it!

We all started screaming and laughing inside the car, Greg started and drove fast to our apartment, we were all frenetic with this operation “stalking Cumberbatch”, once we got to my home we read the whole information, I had everything, even his schedule for the next month.

- So, what are you going to do? – asked Greg, the girls looked me with intrigue.

- Well… I think I’ll meet him party of next week, I was offered to be the photographer of the event so I have access to it I’ll bring a helper with me so I can focus in him

- Sounds like a good plan - Greg smiled at me.

The next days were incredibly long, I couldn´t stop thinking about him, how was going to be our reunion? Would he be happy to see me? So many questions and answer, so many things I had to do and so little time, but for me days were still timeless.

The day of the party finally came, I went with my best red sexy dress, a blonde wig, so he couldn’t recognize me and also because he likes blonde hair, and of course a stunning make up, I was ready for the party.

- Okay James just stick to the plan, take the best pictures, you’ll have total credit and don’t look for me, I don’t want any of these people to know my name

- Are you sure you are not murdering someone tonight?

- Relax, there would be no murder tonight – we arrived the fancy hotel, where nobody was yet, so I hid between the photographer while slowly the stars were arriving, once the saloon looked full I mixed in the crowd, I didn’t see Benedict arrive. Was he even coming? He had to come, it was in is schedule.

Time passed and I started to worry, I was about to give up when suddenly I saw him with a nice suit and his hair all straight and arranged with gel, he looked so manly, so mature… even more attractive than the first time. I took all the courage I had and I started walking towards him, when I was just a couple people away from him he saw me, we made eye contact and I went blank, I didn’t know what to do so I run away.

- Hey! Come back! – Okay now I was in trouble, he was following me, I run as fast as I could until I got to the lonely halls peripherals to the saloon but I didn’t lost him, I quickly took my high heels off and kept running, going from hall to hall until I finally lost him. I silently sat on the floor and cried, he was so close to me, why did I get so stupid? I was prepared for it, I made an entire new life for it, I risked so much and I didn’t have the courage to confront him? It couldn’t be that way it just…

- Why are you crying madam? – I hear a deep voice in the dark, my heart stopped for a while, it was him and now I had no way to scape.

- I rather be alone if you don’t mind

- I do mind, you were approaching me and then you run away and now you are crying. Do we know each other?

- Sorry I have to go – I stood up quickly but he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me to him and whispered.

- I’m afraid I can’t let you go dear, you are hiding me something, I know that smell, I’ve met you before, tell me who you are and why are you looking for me and I’ll let you go - Hearing his voice so close to my ear made me shiver, he was dangerous and sexy, I wanted to kiss him so badly and even more, I wanted him naked so badly.

- I’m not looking for you anymore

- But haven’t answered my first question yet

- Guess, you have one opportunity

- I like games – said with his usual wicked smile – I know this particular smell I felt it once, once in my life and I love it – He took me hands with quick move and touched them softly – I also recognize this small and soft hands, long nails, without high heels you are about 5” 1’ ft. I have one possibly girl for this characteristic – he suddenly stood quiet, then he looked straight at me and leaned to get close to my face, I could fell his breath and hear his heart pumping as fast as mine, he got closer and closer until he kissed me and at the same time took my wig off, God I missed those kisses so much, I missed his touch, his voice, his eyes, his hair, everything – I could never mistake those lips, Maria.
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Excuse my spelling, constructive coments are always welcome and thanks for reading!