Status: Posted Fragile!!!!


Prologue; The Beginning

Andrew Faramino arrived at the hospital as the moon reached it's apex. His wife was having a child - his child - hopefully a boy. He needed someone strong to take on the family name. Someone like him, with dark hair, eyes like blue icicles. He walked through the gloomy reception, his eyes hopeful. He was a slender looking man, but would fight anybody. He saw the receptionist look sadly at him.

'What?' He asked, looking for any other emotion but sadness.

'I'm very sorry, Sir' The woman said.

'For what?' He was dreading the next part, especially with the woman's tone.

She gestured for him to come along. They walked through the creepily dark corridors, worry lacing his blood. He was perplexed about the whole thing. Then, the woman took him into the recovery room. There was another woman, lying there, still - it was his wife.

'Joanne?' His voice became husky, tears clogging up his throat.

He touched her hand, it was usually so warm, but now it was freezing.

'Jo! Don't do this to me!' He cried, making the doctor flinch.

'Sir, we do have some good news, though. You have a beautiful baby girl!' One of the nurses carried a tiny baby in her arms.

'I don't care! Kill her!! Filthy thing killed it's mother!' He growled.

The baby began to bawl, it's chocolate eyes welling up.

'Shut up!!' He yelled.

The baby screamed, and some needles fell to the ground. Everybody froze.

'What...?' The doctor was perplexed and confuddled.

'Anyways. I don't want her. I never will' Andrew hissed.

'You have to take her!' The doctor said.

'Or what?' Andrew scoffed, 'I've already lost everything'

'This girl is what survives of your wife-'

'My wife is dead!!' He yelled, his eyes blazing with immanent fury.

'Sir... Calm down' the doctor pleaded.

'I don't want this... thing!' Andrew growled, defiance in his voice.

'But.. this child.. Sir, this is your child' The doctor's voice grew smaller.

'I don't care!! This murderous... thing.. is evil!!' He yelled, making the doctor jump.

The baby started to cry again, and the weather outside turned rainy. The room went dark and cold, as if the girl was in control of the elements. The baby continued to sob, frantically struggling against the doctor's grip. Andrew groaned, then took the baby into his arms.

'Fine!!!' He snarled, deeply seething that he would have to protect the murderer.

He turned the baby into his chest, cradling and cooing her. The baby looked up at him, her face blank, to young to even smile.

'Alice... Alice Faramino is your name baby' But deep inside him, a fire raged.

He hated her. She had murdered her own mother in spite. Just to survive. It wasn't just hate he felt, it was a deeply felt sorrow. The baby should've died. But no, Alice Faramino survived. At the expense of her mother. He would punish her, one way or another. Oh, yes, he would.
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So, this is the first chapter; hope you enjoy!
Nicky xxx