Status: Posted Fragile!!!!


Chapter Four; Mind Meld, Am I A Vulcan

I jerked away from Alex, a wild look upon my face. I saw flashes, horrible, macabre things. I gave him a horrified look.

"What... The.... Fuck?" I shrieked.

"I-I'm sorry..." He looked down, kicking the ground nervously, "I have that effect on people"

"You're like me..." I whispered, almost a gasp.

"I don't remember my life before I came here... But I know I'm... special" He shook his head.

"I'm 'special' too... But you saved my life!" I yelled.

"Shh... I had a vision... So much blood..." He whimpered.

"A vision?" My voice was high-pitched and terrified.

"Yep... With all the horrors, too..." He went quiet.

"Horrors?" I was brutally confuddled.

Unsure of his proclamations, I attempted to stare him out. That was before I noticed the shining crystals forming over his ultramarine coloured eyes. Tears. All though some people would think it petty and childish of a guy his age to tear up.

"Well, Fuckin' A" I swore lightheartedly, a desperate attempt to cheer him up.

Ever since I was a little girl, I had hated the sight of someone crying. It tore me to pieces, slashed me up inside.

"I'm okay" He muttered under his breath, his shoulders trembling, showing his lying.

"Are you?" I asked him.

"Yes! Look, I'm not the person who sliced themselves and ended up in a coma for three weeks, am I?" He was angry at me for some reason.

After he said that, I looked at my bandage, tightly holding my stitches together, keeping me alive. My vision blurred with tears. I immediately saw the look of horror and regret play his boyish features.

"Oh, God, I'm so sorry" He choked, his voice strained.

"I know - Miss Gives-Up-A-Lot!" I yelled at him, my breath coming in short, terrible rasps.

"Alice..." He said, his voice almost a warning.

"I fucking gave up for a reason! My life's crap - you couldn't survive a minute of it!" Screaming at him, I gave him a vicious slap.

His head jerked to the side and for one short, tortuous moment, with the way he flopped onto my bed, I thought that I had snapped his neck. He clambered back up, his eyes almost burning with unadulterated fury.

"Do you know what, Alice? Fuck you! You don't know me - I don't know me!" He yelled, his tone actually frightening me thoroughly.

The way his voice rose made shivers go down my spine. I felt a strong shiver take me.

"I just wanna help you" My voice dropped childishly low, like an infant being scolded.

"I don't fucking need your help!" For a second, I was scared he would slap me, his anger like a flashing red light on my radar.

"Yes. You do need my help, just don't realize it" I responded, shakily.

"Alice..." He said, sharply, "I don't need your help"

"Y-yes you do" I stammered.

"I don't fucking need your help!!" He pushed me, making me grunt in surprise.

"I'm a fucking psychic, Sherlock! I could unlock whatever you've got buried in that thick skull of yours! But, now you've blew it, dumbass!" I got up and pushed past him, "Well? The window's right there, asshat"

"Alice.. I'm sorry" He looked down.

"Oh, so now you're sorry? When I say I have something you want - I'm sorry, but that sucks. Typical guy; only nice when you want something!" I spat at him, furious.

All of a sudden, he grabbed my arms and buried his head in between my slender neck and shoulder.

"Please... I need to figure this out!" He was sobbing, I realized.

My heart started to ache for him, my own eyes burning. When he released my vice-like grip on my throbbing shoulders, I pulled him in for a hug. We cried together for at least ten minutes, then sat in a deafening silence. We occasionally glimpsed at each other, a smile behind our frowns.

"Why did you do it?" He asked, breaking the blessed silence.

"I-I can't... You would never understand, Alex" I flinched, unable to meet his eyes.

He clambered over to me and tilted my head up, "You can tell me"

"It's a whole load of things, really.." I said absently, "My Dad.. He hits me"

"Wh-What?" he looked down, frowning.

"I know... how horrible! Don't BS me, I've heard it all before! I don't want your pity" I turned from him, my eyes burning.

He reached for my shoulder, but a poisonous anger burst through me, making me turn before he could do so and thrust him against a wall.

"Leave me the fuck alone, you obnoxious son of a bitch!" was the inhuman snarl that escaped me.

"Alice... You're outta control!" He pushed at my power with all his might, sending us both toppling to the floor, on top of each other.

I was gonna hit him, but I couldn't help myself from bursting out into a fit of giggles. I mean, he looked so damn goofy, his blonde locks falling in front of his eyes. He began to laugh with me, his mouth giving a lopsided grin. Then, I remembered the awful thing I had just done. My eyes filled with tears, my mouth agape.

"Oh, my God... I'm so sorry!" I felt my hand tremble.

He tried to touch my shoulder, but I jerked away, clapping my hand over my mouth.

"I hurt someone..." my eyes burned.

"No, you didn't hurt me, Alice" he shook his head.

I sorted myself out immediately, wiping my eyes, feeling the running mascara.

"So. My treehouse, huh?" I shrugged.

He nodded, "Agreed"