I Am Sherlocked


Before leaving to London, Claire couldn't help but feel like she owed it to Olivia to clear her name of any drug convictions. Claire still felt like she needed to close the case, not just for the justice system but for her own peace of mind.

She had been following a lead on a woman named Ashleigh Oviu who was referred to as the 'Masu' in the drug world.
From a source she had aggressively pressed for, this Ashleigh Oviu was the only lead she had.

It was difficult for Claire to investigate anything after suddenly quitting her job. She had no access or badge to give her jurisdiction at any time or place. But she was so determined to finish what she had started. If Olivia's memory were to exist beyond time, it wouldn't be like this, and Claire wouldn't have it.

Claire had been trying to locate this woman, but it was almost as if she were a ghost. Every time she thought she had this woman in a corner, she'd disappear out of no where. She was virtually impossible to contact, which was understandable considering her street status.

People around had referred to Masu as the shadow of the night. That she could find you when she needed you, but you could never find her. Even though she was a delicate looking woman, she was destructive in her power. She rarely dealt with detrimental clients, but when she did she was brutal in her attacks. And so it was not surprising that the attack on Olivia was so messy and brutal. It was her signature. Her signature to instill fear.

But Claire could never find the link between Ashleigh and Olivia. Time was running out and she had nothing but an empty apartment to show for it. It was time to move on. It was time for a change of scene. It was time to go home.


The next morning Claire woke up to an empty room. The sun gleaming along the hills of the bed. Her honey blonde hair tossed to the side of her head as it run a waterfall down her bare chest.
"Sherlock?" She called out, but nobody answered. Wrapping his top sheet around her revealing skin. The silk of his sheet smoothed her reminding her of his gentle hands, and his gentle touch.
Walking into the kitchen her stomach turned. She felt the dark warning as it crept up her spine. Her body reacting immediately to it.
"Sherlock" She called again. But no one answered her. She crept into the lounging area and assessed the room. Everything seemed to be in order. Nothing had really been disturbed. Until she heard a creak come from up stairs.

Her attention turning straight from the source of the noise. Her heart fluttered as she tried to calm her breathing. Strategically she went back to Sherlocks room and dressed herself in her bra and undies.
She used one of his button up shirts to fully cover herself.

She stood at the end of the hall way to listen for more noises, but she couldn't tell the difference between reality and the fabrication of her mind. She tip toed to the bottom of the staircase to her bedroom and looked through the crack of her door. She couldn't see in movement. Gliding herself along the wall, she slid up the stairs.

"You don't have to hide" A voice from her bedroom said. Claires heart coming to a complete stop. She knew the voice, but she just couldn't trust it.
"Whose there?" Claire asked,
"An old friend" The woman said, as she swung open the door.
Claire swallowed up in surprise gasped for air to breathe.

"Wow he HAS done a good job" She said, as she started down the stairs and evaluating Claire from head to toe.
"I didn't think he had it in him, but then again, he is Sherlock, the clever detective"

Claire felt rage evolve in the pit of her stomach. The hostility she could feel as it burned a hole between them.

"Well Claire, we have some business to sort out"