I Am Sherlocked

Time To Play The Game

It had now been months since Claire moved into 221B Baker street. Had she foreseen then, what she knew now, she still wouldn't be any where else in the world. In fact she had found comfort in being in Sherlocks presence. He gave her a sense of security she had been missing since her parents died. A sense of purpose since walking away from Olivia's case. Most of all he gave Claire a sense of reason. A reason to want to be loved, and a reason to love. It was a reason she had convinced herself she would never find. No matter where her life ended in this world, she was glad she had met Sherlock.

Claire sat in the tub of the shower allowing the warm trickle of water rinse her body. Her back hard against the wall she rested her arms on her brought up knee's. She closed her eyes and let her spiritual mind flow from her physical body. Never straying too far. Never getting to lost.

The thud of the front door brought her back to reality and she stood up to turn the shower off. Standing in her towel she looked in the mirror at herself. Her blue eyes soft but sad. Had she really been blinded in the face of everything? Had she let the one person she trusted fool her? Trick her into thinking she was someone, just so she could be someone else? What role did she play in Olivia's little scheme? She had so many questions she needed to be answered. The fact that they were unanswered said so much about Claire. It said so much about how unfounded she has been for so long.

Getting changed she left to the lounge to where Sherlock sat in his chair with his violin once again resting beneath his chin. Claire sat in the chair opposite him and watched his graceful face as he pondered.

"Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Superman, and Batman, what do they all have in common?" Sherlock asked Claire as he re-awoke from his train of thoughts,
"Literature?" Claire asked,
"No, alter ego's." Sherlock answered,
"Ok, I can see that"
"Jekyll and Hyde, a remarkable story of a doctor named Jekyll with an alter ego named Hyde. Occurrences had taken place around London where the alter ego of the doctor had killed a man, trampled a girl, so on and so forth"
"You think Olivia is the alter ego of Ashleigh?"
"What do you think?"
"Plausible" Claire simply stated,
"Plausible?" Sherlock peered,
"When we first met, she had a pure aurora around her. She was just this beautiful dancer who was barely excited by the idea of obstructive behavior. But by the end of our relationship I had seen her under the influence of alcohol more times than I think I had ever seen any one. I assumed that she had just come out of her shell more, and was more comfortable showing her true self in front me. I guess not"
"Jekyll would encounter unintentional metamorphosis to Hyde during his sleep, but eventually they became frequent and occurring during his waking moments. In his last letter to his friend Utterson he wrote how his metamorphosis' had frequently been happening and he feared that even writing the letter the death of Jekyll would happen, he also feared that Hyde would either kill himself or face persecution. The book ends with "I bring the life of that unhappy Henry Jekyll to an end". It's a testament to the duality of human nature, that evil and good exist in every one of us."
"Olivia is the real life testament to duality of human nature"
"Hyde killed Jekyll, Ashleigh killed Olivia. The more they tried to restrain their sins, the more their sin grew." Sherlocks voice muttered.
"That's why Ashleigh is so familiar in her physical attributes to Olivia but the tone of her voice, and her eyes are different. She's a complete different person" Claires eyes enlightened, "Except when Hyde killed Jekyll as himself they both died. When Ashleigh killed Olivia, she just killed Olivia? Why?"
"Her death was a fake."
"How? I seen it myself."
"You seen it, you just didn't look hard enough"
"Ok, tell me"
"The woman murdered that night was someone who looked like Olivia. To Ashleigh she represented the good side- Olivia, and therefore Ashleigh killed her as a symbolic metamorphosis. The two morgue papers who have are signed off by two different people, one of them signed by an Ashleigh Oviu, and the other signed by someone else. When you found the body, the face was unrecognizable, her neck and head greenish-blue in color. Signs of death only after 24 hours. Now, you stated you had seen Olivia the previous night before she was murdered, and she was found at 6' o'clock the next morning. Barely being 6 to 8 hours of death. Olivia's skin would have only been turning to a purple state in color then. But her head and neck were greenish-blue. Strange don't you think?"
"There were no signs of struggle"
"That's because the woman in the crime scene that you attended to was actually strangled, and then stabbed, just like the one we found this at. The signs of struggle were there, you were just not looking in the right places" Sherlock added, holding the masu box out to Claire between his fingers.

Suddenly Claire's phone alerted and she reached into her jean pockets to retrieve it.
"I need to go to the station and pick up Aunt Martha, will you still be here when I get back?" Claire asked, peering up from her phone.

Sherlock once again peered off into nothing putting his mind back to work. He smiled to her before doing so.

Collecting her purse and her blue jacket she skipped down the stairs to outside the apartment where she waited for a taxi. She jumped into the taxi that pulled up beside her.

"Tube Station please"
"Why certainly mam" A chilling voice answered.
"Olivia" Claire stuttered, as a gun pointed to her head.