I Am Sherlocked


"You requested me?" Claire asked again, only more confused with the additional information of her current partner.
"When we heard that there was to be a transfer from America we were hesitant" Greg said sitting on the corner of his desk,
"We read your file. We read about your last case, your friend..."
"Yes" Claire said to cut off that specific topic,
"Well, Sherlock here, needs someone like you to work with. You're experienced in this field, but not only that you're sensitive to the victims."
"You knew about this?" Claire asked Sherlock. Making sense of their earlier conversation at home when he had accurately guessed her occupation.
"Not until I made the deduction" Sherlock insisted,
"Forgive me for asking, but why would you need someone who is sensitive to the cases? The last time I checked this was a compromising trait for someone of my caliber and almost cost me my initial job"
"You quit" Sherlock added,
"I quit" Claire correct.ed herself
"Sherlock lacks moral awareness, he's good at what he does because of it. He's able to identify the facts without letting emotion override his judgments"
"So he's a physcopath. He enjoys it"" Claire questioned, Sherlock smirked,
"I'm a high functioning Sociopath. I have to remind people on a daily basis that there is a difference"
Claire's eyes fell upon Sherlock, who had a dead eye stare at an object on Greg's desk. It was a white origami box with the initials SH written on it in red lipstick.
"It's a woman's writing" Claire slipped out. "Old habits die hard" She thought to herself as she closed her eyes and wished she had said nothing.
Greg looked at her confusingly not quite grasping onto what she was on about. However Sherlock, with his hands clasped together beneath his chin, peered in her general direction without moving his head. It was at this point that Greg had turned around and noticed the box,
"Oh god, not again" Greg said, "London can't afford another one of your crazed fans"
"Fans?" Claire interrupted,
"Woman's writing. Origami" Sherlock continued,
"Suggests she's of Asian ethnicity"
"It's possible" He said simple.

Greg quietly sat in his chair, his mouth slightly parted.
"My god. Like two peas in a pod you two are. It's brilliant"
Claire smiled a little. She tried hard to contain the excitement from being on a case again. Her withdrawals had come to cease. She was in the game again.

Suddenly Sherlock jumped up and with a click of a finger was on his way out of the door,
"Should I have forensics have a look at the writing?"
Greg shouted,
"Nope!" Sherlock answered back from the elevator.
"Should I follow?" Claire asked Greg, who just nodded as he stared at Sherlock.

Claire filled with thrill sprinted to the elevator door before it could close. Jamming her tiny hands into the minor gap of closing doors.
The doors parted for her and she pulled the front of her jacket down with a deep inhale and stepped onto the elevator.
Claire subtly smiled with excitement.

"Stop smiling" Sherlock snarled.
"Sorry" Claire said straightening her face.
"How well do you know London?" He asked as the elevator doors opened but before she could answer Sergeant Donovan interrupted.
"Hello freak. On another one of your cases," she said with a snarly smile, "He gets off on this you know" She then proceeded to say to Claire. Claire could feel the immediate tension.
"How's Anderson?" Sherlock asked,
"Bugger off" She said, screwing her face to him. "I knew it!" Claire gleamed to herself and then glanced at Sherlock for a reaction. As Donovan turned he smiled.
"Stop smiling" Claire teased. To which Sherlock heard with surprise.

She followed Sherlock out onto the street as he called for the taxi. Claire struggling to keep up, realizing just how unfit she had become since being sober of work. Slumping herself into the taxi she could see Sherlock from the corner of her eye.

"What did he mean by 'crazed fans'? You've had this type of thing before?"
"People like to test me"
"And you take the test"
"I conquer it" He said so sternly.
"The origami box then"
"Suggest that this person pays attention to detail. It's not just some sloppy piece of paper hopelessly folded together. Each fold, each crease was made with precision. So we're dealing with someone who is careful. This person is also a woman. But not a woman who wears make up often."
"But it was written in red lipstick"
"She pays attention to detail. She wouldn't be that careless to put her own lipstick on the box. And definitely not the type of lipstick she would wear, that would be too obvious"
"So she buys a lipstick specifically to draw you're attention"
"Not my attention, Claire,"
"They want you're attention"