I Am Sherlocked


Claire swallowed. Her mind going blank once more. Closing her eyes to try get a better sense of what was going on.

"He was married? But that can't be. He never wore a wedding ring"
"Oh I should have mentioned, unhappily married"
"That doesn't make it any clearer.." She shrugged,
"You really should do your research" Sherlock insisted as he stood both feet next to her place on the couch. Claire turned to look at the wall behind her, which was now covered in bits of paper. One piece titled, "The Girl in the Blue Jacket".
"The Girl in the Blue Jacket?" She questioned, standing up with her Chinese in her hand and half in her mouth.
She scanned the scattered pieces of paper. Some had pictures, others had writing.
"It's the title"
"It's this thing that John did" He said, trying to ignore the conversation.
"Ah yes, this John you speak off, was he your boyfriend?"

"Why does everyone assume we were in a relationship just because we lived together?" A voice interrupted.

"John!" Sherlock exclaimed,
"That's why" Claire mumbled.
"Meet our new client" Sherlock said to John,
"Client?" Claire protested,
"Hi I'm Dr. John Watson of the fifth Northumberland Fusiliers" He said introducing himself to Claire. He was quite short with a pixie looking hair cut. A tidy hair cut to say the least. Especially compared to the mop that Sherlock wore. She mentally examined him, as she shook his hand. First impression was strong. At first glance she could tell that this man was a greatly loyal man.
"Claire Hudson"
"So this is her?" John asked Sherlock, as he sat down in the other seat across from Sherlock. A dinning chair positioned strategically in front of them.
"This is Mrs. Hudson's daughter?"
"Niece" Claire corrected, "My parents were killed in a car accident when I was 8, my uncle was the only family member alive to take care of me, so Mrs. Hudson as you call her, may as well have been my mother."
"Claire, what do you know of John so far?" Sherlock interrupted.
"I've just met him"
"And what do you know of him"
John looked at Sherlock baffled, "Sherlock, we just..."
"He's an army doctor." Claire interrupted,
"Obviously" Sherlock sighed,
"He's loyal"
Sherlock slightly impressed looked at her,
"Good, keep going"
"I seriously don't know" Claire persisted,
"Think Claire" He said, quietly and closing his eyes,

She examined John further, and quietly sat for a moment.
"Ok. He's a man of habit."
"Why?" Sherlock pushed,
"When he introduced himself, he introduced himself as the fifth Northumberland Fusiliers, as if it was a present occupation"
"But he's not currently in the army"
"And how do you know?"
"Because he's sitting right here."
Sherlock looked at her disappointed,
Claire sighed, "Because his hands are soft, which suggest that he works inside otherwise he would have dirt under his nails or calluses in his palms which would otherwise suggest he works outdoors in manual labor. Which he doesn't. He's a creature of habit so we can assume that he would work in the closest field to a military doctor in a civilian life. He's a doctor. He's genuine. When we shook hands, he never broke eye contact. Also implies he has nothing to hide. Or nothing to fear. And considering I'm not a threat, I'm assuming the first. He's a middle aged man presumable. His skin has aged, but his motor functions still suggest he keeps active. His wedding ring is explicitly shiny meaning he was recently married. Two-Three months ago tops. Happily. As you've already exampled, because he is still wearing his ring. Although it's still early days I suppose." Claire said rambling on further than she had intended too. Her sight fell upon the two men in front of her, who admittedly both stared back at her.
"This is her first day as your partner and she is already better than I am, how does that work?" John said in amusement.
"Because you're an idiot John" Sherlock said back,
John opened his mouth as if to say something back, but closed it quickly after.
"Practically everyone is an idiot John, you should know that by now" Sherlock said before turning back to Claire,
"What's going on?" Claire asked,
"Yes Sherlock, what is going on?"
"You said he's loyal"
"Loyal yes, any one from the army would possess a level of loyalty to serve their country in times of need. Don't ask me anything else, because I seriously don't know anything more.
"Claire, so far you've made a great impression of an amateur making deductions. You subconsciously make judgments all the time, but you just leave it at that. Your friend was not an addict. I know because you know. You know because you trust your senses as I do."

Claire threw her head in her hands, as John stared between the two of them.
"This actually hurts my brain" Claire muttered into her palms,
"What is it, exactly, that we are doing? Because I am so confused" Claire admitted.
"Likewise" John agreed.
"I thought we were talking about John, and somehow you manage to take that and relate it to my last case in New York..."
"It's important that I understand your judgment in people. This would give a clear indication of the type of company you keep. At this stage it seems to be a selected few. It is much like John. John is an army doctor, who was told he was traumatized by the war, when in fact he missed it. You have told yourself that quit your job, but you never quit the case. Moving to London was your only escape. You can take the girl out of the case, but you can't take the case out of the girl" Sherlock said.

"Ok, so what does this have to do with anything?"
"Claire, earlier I told you, you had made an enemy. Who knew that you had left New York?"
"Victor, Frankie, and Garret, Olivia's fiance, a couple of friends, Jennifer, Brody, and Hannah"
"Out of those people who knew where you were going?"

A sudden realization had dawned on Claire. Sherlock smiled, with a cruel excitement. He paced himself between the wall with the paper on it and Claire's chair. John just sat with his hand clasped over his knee. Her past she had run away from, was finally catching up to her. She had finally been found in this dark world of torment. Someone was out to get her. But who? "Who could possible have a death wish against me?" She thought. "What have I done"