Just a Game

Part 7

“Thank you, Alick, for your help. He wouldn’t pick my call up for sure. I tried it couple times but to no purpose.” Pierre sat as he came in house of Alex. “It’s a matter of course, Pie. Here it is.” Alex handed him his phone with David’s number. “I’m afraid.” “Hey, you didn’t come for nothing, did you? He’ll pick it up for sure. There was no time he didn’t, um? Go for it.” Alex encouraged him with those words and a pat on his shoulder. Pierre took a breath and dialed him.

“Hey, what’s up, Lex?” David asked immediately he picked it up. Pierre got nervous. He didn’t say a single word for a moment so it was time for David to ask. “What’s going on, buddy?” Alex was exhorting him to talk. His mouth was moving in words ‘Do it!’. “Alex, what’s the matter?” David asked once again and finally got an answer. “Hello, Davie. It’s me, Pierre.” He introduced himself first and Alex rolled his eyes and was going away with words: “Gonna leave you here alone.” Pierre only nodded. David didn’t answer for a long time so, Pierre spoke again: “You know, you didn’t pick it up so I was afraid what’s up with you, you know? Are you… alright?” He asked and sat down. “Yes, I am. No need to worry.” “You’re not happy for hearing me, right?” “I am, yes but… I didn’t expect you calling me.” “I just need to talk to you, Davie. Something bad happened between me and Matt and-“ “Did he hurt you? Um? What? Did he try to get you somehow?!” David was freaking out a bit.

As they talk this topic out, Pierre got an idea to ask: “David, I… just wanna know why you didn’t pick my calls up. Did I do anything wrong or something?” David was biting his lip nervously, not knowing what to say. “You know, it’d be hard for me to hear your voice and not be able to see you at all.” He said the truth he felt. “But why?” “Because I like you. But in contrast with others, I’m the one who’s serious about that.” He finished the sentence. Beep-beep-beep. He hung up. “David? Wait! Where-“ It was done. Pierre heard just a few finishing beeps.

This interview was really infinitely long. Pierre talked it out and David was just about to come back. And why? He just didn’t want something to happen to his… um… friend. And what about the last sentence David said? It made Pierre completely confused.

Pierre was dealing with that Matt’s incident by hiding at grandma’s. He was calling him all the time with wanting to say sorry. But Pierre, flooded with school papers, didn’t pick a single call up.
A doorbell rang. Pierre’s going to open the door without inkling who could be there. He was really surprised as Matt appeared in the doorway. “Hello, sweetie.” “Hey.” Pierre didn’t want to look into his eyes at all. “I’m here because of saying sorry for what happened. I tried to call you but unsuccessfully, without an answer. Now I got where you could hide away from me. Truth be told, I miss you.” Matthew said seriously and made a sad face. “You think it’s enough to say sorry?” Pierre asked with no belief. “I know it was a mess to do something so repulsive. I don’t know what has come over me. I’m really really sorry, sweetie.” He said, almost crying. Pierre was thinking about it for a little while. He didn’t just know what to say, how to react. “You know I love you, Matty and this broke my heart. I told you I want to experience the ‘for the first time’ in a nice and romantic way and you started like a sick bastard, Matty. And I feel so sorry about that.” He said seriously with a sad and convincing expression in his face. Matt took both of his hands and said: “It’s never gonna happen again. I promise, Pierre. It was so reckless and… I’m really sorry. Please, forgive me, sweetie. I miss you so damn much.” He was imploring and looking into his boyfriend’s eyes, that was thinking of still. “Fine, let’s throw it all away back, okay? Nothing happened and… we can go on.” Pierre said and smiled weakly, making Matthew entirely happy. “Oh, thanks god, I won’t have to fall asleep alone!” Matt wrapped Pierre the tightest he could and kissed him all out.

There were a lot of things going on while David was out of the city. He was tormenting himself with thoughts of Pierre while Pierre was totally busy with Matthew. But, there’s one thing: David still thinks about the night he saw Matt going out of the nightclub. It’s always in his mind and he just wants to do something about it.

…. “Alick, I need you to go in there and check out what he does, you know? If he boozes, or just does common stuffs around the girls and… you know what I mean?” David said into a phone to Alexander. “Well… I understand you but don’t know why I should do that. Are you sure he’s gonna be there at Friday’s night?” “He is. I’m sure he’s gonna be there ‘cause Pierre told me about his school’s duty. Pierre can’t be with him on Friday and Matt’s gonna use it, um?” David said with a lust to solve this mystery. “Well, if you think so. I’m gonna be there but I don’t promise it’s gonna come out well, okay? There’s an option I won’t make it. Please, count on this possibility.” Alex told him, thinking about how’s it gonna come out. “Okay, thank you, Lex. Let me know the result, yes?” “Sure, see ya.” “Bye.” David just devised a possibility how to recognize Matthew’s aim.