Breaking News


It was around two in the morning and I heard my phone go off. I answered it and heard people screaming in the background.

“Phoenix…” Dave said.

“Put pressure on that he’s going to bleed out!” Someone screamed in the background.

“What’s going?” I asked concerned.

“It’s a long story meet us at the hospital” He said then hanging up.

I took off out of my room and was thinking about Kells. I was running down the hallway and heard Storm’s room door open.

“Phoenix, where are you going?” She asked.

“Hospital, I’ll explain everything later” I yelled.

I was catching my breath when I got to the car and sped off to the hospital. I quickly parked my car and saw an ambulance pull in. I got out of the car and locked it up. I saw Kells strapped in the stretcher and the boys were with him.

“What the hell happened?” I asked the guys.

“I’m sorry but who is she?” one of the emts asked.

“His wife” said Dave.

“Yes I am” I said lying.

After I did paper work with the help of the boys I sat back in the waiting room.

“If someone doesn’t tell me what happened I will kill someone in this room” I said sternly.

“Someone started running their mouth and he got stabbed several times” Dave said.

I started shaking my head and wanted to see Kells.

One week later

I was helping Kells with his wounds and medication. He was on high doses of pain meds and I was his nurse. We were officially dating and were happy together. I was so happy with life right now and was so in love with it.

We were off tour and label wants me to write another album. So, I agreed and was starting tomorrow to work on it. I was so frustrated with people judging me and kells relationship because I’m black and Mexican. I mean I’m prettier than most of them anyways.

I walked outside to the car I brought like a few days ago and went to the house I was renting. I was so happy with life but wondered if it would ever fall apart.