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The Studio

To say things were going smoothly would be an understatement. Things were wonderful with Phoenix. My daughter adored her which made everything better. I was happy.

I was in the studio listening to an edit on the newest album when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out, and read the text from Phoenix.

Hey, can you think of anything that we need from the store?

I typed a reply telling her that the only thing I could think of was some candy. I was craving something sweet, and I had decided it was time for some candy anyways.

"Living together now?" Derek asked, looking over at me.

"Basically. It's rare to see her not in the house. If she isn't, it's when I'm not there," I answered with a cheesy smile planted on my face.

"Well, I can't say I'm surprised," he said. He didn't seem to be disappointed. I just think that he didn't expect me to start dating her. "Have you learned Spanish?"

"You know I've thought about it, and not tell her. I would love just to surprise her one day and speak it to her," I confessed.

Derek laughed, but yet he encouraged me to take some classes on it. He also told me that it wouldn't be too hard to learn Spanish. Something told me that he was lying. He had only learned how to speak English that I know of.

"Are we going to get this show on the road?" one of the guys asked. He didn't want to be kept waiting.

I glared at him for a second before nodding. I needed to get this album done sooner or later. Of course, the sooner I get it done, the sooner I'll be on the road again.