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I was at our house that we brought and Casie was with me. We were bonding and she called me mommy. Kells was currently on tour for two months and casie was staying me for a few days then Kells was getting her.

“mommy you are really pretty” Casie said.

“You are the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen” I said smiling at her.

She ran into the piano room and I followed her. I started playing the piano and heard my phone go off.

hey, I’m at the venue and bring my baby girl – Kells

I texted back I was on my way and picked up Casie. I got her strapped in the car and I got in the drivers seat. I started heading to the venue and Casie was wide awake and alert.

“Where are we going?” She asked.

“To see daddy” I said.

I saw her little eyes light up and she was happy. I pulled around to where the buses were and turned off the car. I got Casie out of the car and she wanted down. She took off running towards her daddy and He picked her up. He started kissing her all over and then he planted a kiss on my lips.

Next day
I was gearing up for tour and Casie was with her father. I was in final rehearsals and the first stop was Mexico. I was not thrilled about my parents coming because my aunt called them. I was going over outfits and Kells was on facetime with me while I was trying them on.

I was going to the airport and when I arrived the paparazzi was everywhere. I got out of the car and there was flashes of cameras and it seemed like thousands of them. I got on a plane and was heading to Vegas airport then was getting on my bus with Kells and them then heading Mexico.

I got on the plane and was flying private. I was so sleepy and was nervous about my parents coming to the show. Kells told me not to worry about it and just enjoy tour. When I arrived in Vegas and cameras were flashing. Security was with me and I was so famous. It kind of surprised me when I saw fans at the airport and I got in the car. I headed to my bus and saw my crew outside.

“Look who it is!” said Carter while my stuff was getting loaded onto the bus.

“You ready for a good fucking time” I said.

Everyone started cheering and I hope my parents don’t make a big scene back stage.


“Do I look okay?” I asked everyone in the dressing room hallway.

“You look fine” said Kells.

“You’re parents are seeing you after the show” said Carter.

I nodded and looked at my outfit. I headed to the stage grabbing my mic and fixing my earpieces.