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Best Friend

My mind wondered back to the girl. A part of me wished that she talked to me in English just because I wanted to know to what she whispered in my ear. I lean back in the couch rubbing my head. "This is going to drive me crazy," I muttered to myself.

Her tan skin was mouth-watering. She had all the right curves, and I couldn't bring myself to admit that I shouldn't be already thinking about her like this. We just met one day. Hell, I only talked to her for ten minutes if that. She couldn’t be already stuck in my thoughts like this, but she was there jammed in my head.

"Seems like you have something on your head," Cameron pointed out sitting down next to me. He has a cocky smile planted carefully on his face. He just came over from his girlfriend’s house. It wasn’t hard to guess that he was having sex with her.

"Aren't you a genius?" I asked him sarcastically.

He looked at me curiously. He didn't open his mouth to make a comment back. I could tell that he wanted to ask about my attitude, but how could I tell him that I was trying to learn Spanish purely just to understand what the girl was saying. How could I tell him that if I just thought of the name ‘Phoenix’, I would be consumed with my thoughts?

Cameron is a tall blond with brown eyes. I met him at a cafe when he tripped spilling his drink all over me and my white shirt. I was mad, but he immediately apologized a dozen times. We got to talking and have been friends ever since then. He was always a voice of reason when it comes to certain things making it a good reason for him to go on tour with me. He made sure that I woke up and got to the sound check on time.

"I heard that your co-headliner was a chick from Mexico," he said trying to change the subject. "Have you met her?"

"Of course, I have. My manager makes a point of me knowing who I go on tour with. Her name is Phoenix, by the way." I stood up and headed to the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water.

"The name sounds sexy. Is she hot?" he asked pushing for more information. I don’t know if he was just trying to keep me talking or if he was really wanting to know the truth.

"Why? You want to fuck some girl you never met?" I came back into the room looking at him. I lean against the doorframe of the kitchen.

"You could introduce us, and then I can’t say I never met her," he joked. "No, I just figured it's about time that you got back into the dating scene. You don’t need to get rusty with your skills."

I rolled my eyes. Cameron had always wanted me to get back into dating for some reason. He claimed it was because he didn't want to be the one to make sure I woke up on time for anything. Of course, I was sure that he had a deeper reason behind it, and he was never going to tell me what it was. It would remain a mystery unless I forced it out of him.

"So when are you going on tour?" he asked.

"At the moment, I have no idea. I haven't talked to my manager yet," I replied bored already.

We stayed at my apartment for the most part of the day. We just talked. He didn’t bring up Phoenix again thankfully, but every now and then her face would pop up in my head making me focus more on Cameron. I had to admit that I wanted to fuck her, but it’s really pointless. We hadn’t known long enough to have sex with her yet.