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A Drunken Mistake

I had to admit the more I spent time around Phoenix the more I liked her. There was some sort of connection between us, and I couldn't understand what exactly I was feeling. I was having a hard time keeping the thoughts of sex involving her or the dreams for that matter.

I sat at table in the back of a bar with a few of my friends. Phoenix was at the bar getting us all drinks with the help from one of the roadies. I couldn't remember his name, but he was nice enough to offer before I could even push the chair back to go with her.

"Is she as good as they say?" a stranger asks appearing next to the table.

"With the mike, hell yeah," I answer looking over at her lazily.

The girl had long strawberry blonde hair with green eyes that seemed to beg for attention. She had full pink lips. She sat down next to me taking Phoenix's seat. This girl obviously didn't ask before doing something.

"Oh, I figured you would be on that," the girl commented looking at Phoenix trying to get the bartender's attention.

"Well, I'm not. Wait, why am I telling you this?" I looked at her more closely trying to comprehend her.

"I'm Alicia Carter. I'm starting to think that I can give you a good time," she said with a seductive smile. "Something that you're missing from that."

Seeing how I wasn't all that drunk yet, I could still turn her down, but who knows when I've drunk some alcohol? Speaking of which, Phoenix walked back with the drinks in hand. She glared at the blonde girl at my side but didn't say anything about it. She introduced herself and sat on the other side of me. We all distributed the drinks among us excluding the new girl.

By the third drink, I was getting a little buzzed, and Alicia was still hanging around. I continued to get more drinks. She stole drinks from my cup every now and then making me at first study her, but then just ignoring it. At some point, I was left alone with her, and I'm not sure how that happened. I know that Phoenix was dancing with her friend to some pop song, but the others were nowhere in sight.

"I should go back to the hotel," I grumbled standing up.

"Well, let me help you get there," she offered.

I was drunk and wasn't about to argue with some help walking down the street to room. We made it outside the bar when she pushed me to the wall and connected her lips to mine. I kissed her back stupidly not thinking about who this is. Our lips moved in a drunken fashion. Everything about it was sloppy including her hands trying to grasp onto my shirt.

I pulled away when I heard a gasp of shock. I turned to see Phoenix as her eyes tear up a bit. I pushed Alicia away from me and took a step towards Phoenix, but she was already shaking her head and running to the hotel. I followed her all the way to her room door which was slammed in my face.

"I'm sorry," I pleaded through the door. "Please, I can explain."

"Did she fall and your lips broke her fall?" she asked rhetorically. I could here the anger and hurt lacing thickly in her voice.

"No, it's not that. Open the door," I begged wanting to explain this.

"Go away," she screamed.

She didn't say anything else no matter how much I begged her to talk to me. I eventually gave up and stumbled to my room knowing I'm going to have a killer headache in the morning.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, here's this.