Status: Complete

I Walk a Fine Line

Prologue/ Chapter I: The Only One


In a world where people know of things that can happen by the unexplainable there are a few people in this world that are gifted. These gifts make a total of three people. These people are the strongest of the entire world. Other people have gifts but not as strong as the three. It is said that two out of three of these people will fall in love.

This is the story of the Way brothers and a friend that is added on that faithful day.

This is the story of how romance blooms in the weirdest places and hardest of times.

This is the story of a rare occurrence and how fear must be overcame in more than one form.

This is the story of how a family becomes closer than before and how this happens even when already close.

This is the story of when genetics are in favor of a child though unknown.

This is the story of a world where a man can get pregnant on the correct date of the month. But how it can’t be seen, the only time you know is when it is too late.

I know this because this is the story of how my two gifted parents met and fell in love. Not when I came into the picture.

My parent’s names are Gerard Way and Frank Way. The couple name is Frerard. Frankie and Gee have been together for fifteen years.

My father is the only oracle in the world and my dad is the strongest for-seer. Tell this story to your kids and have your kids tell it to their kids.

This is a love story that will be unforgettable. This is how my father’s met.
Chapter 1: The Only One

“Gee! It’ll be fun! We can find out our deep dark secrets that we don’t even know!” Mikey, my younger brother of three years who was sixteen was jumping up and down like a two year old.

“Fine but then we go home it’s getting late” I told my younger brother, for a sixteen year old he was a hyper little shit. I knew I shouldn’t have let him have that elephant ear.

I was dragged to the physics’ tent and the door was flung open by Mikey. A guy turned around and met my eye. I felt like I knew this guy and I started to feel sick. “Have fun I’ll be out side by the water fountain” I leaned over and whispered in my brother’s ear.

I walked out and felt worse than before I walked over to the fountain and set down on a bench. I was trying to breath. My chest was really tight it was like having cinderblocks pushing down. My head hurt so bad I felt like I was going to pass out. Mikey and the man from earlier came rushing out.

The guy was talking but it was muffled, my head got more painful and my ears started to ring. My vision got clouded. I barely felt myself being picked up. My head started to spin. I fell into a black hole.

“Gerard” Someone was calling my name but it was still just a bit out of my hearing. “Gerard” the voice was getting clearer now “Gerard” The voice didn’t really seem like I knew it. “Gerard, come on if I’ve done it you can do it. Just open your eyes”

I slowly opened my eyes to see the guy that Mikey wanted to see.

“See I told you it would work!” Mikey said, I was confused until I smelt coffee.

Pictures started to flash through my head of things that were indescribable. The pictures flashed so quickly that I only got a quick look before one slowed down. I was lying on the floor with a rope around my neck and a dagger through my chest.

“Gerard what you see isn’t going to happen unless you make it happen. We all get the same vision and I know that is a hell of a vision. But you need to stay awake after a vision like that.” The guy from before was looking at me like I was some kind of special person. I was still in shock from seeing myself die.

A voice started in my head and I felt my mouth moving but I sounded like three of me were talking in perfect sync. It was like when Mikey, Mom and I would all say the same thing. But I was talking and it was the same time and the exact moment.

“Time and time again, the clock ticks, a face, a hand, and mouth must open. A wheel inside a wheel, turning to and fro. Many a moon will wish. One will die, one will live, and the third will be found. No one will know. Rome will fall and the moon will rise in blood. The elapsed time will return on the date of the year that was lost. Find the lost gift and its host will be complete. Tick-tock reads the clock time and time again” I finished and blinked Frank was looking at his phone and pushed the button to stopped recording. I had no idea what was just said. It all pasted by in a blur.

“Well that’s rare the last person that had that gift was in Greece over a few hundred years ago. The only person that had it was a woman so for a man to have that gift is rare. I wonder what else you have stashed away that you don’t even know what you have. I would read you but I can’t you have this barrier up that I can’t get through. Maybe later but you should rest if you just had a vision that was hard on you and a prophecy that just slipped out” Frank was excited for no reason.