Teijo Shimazu

Teijo Shimazu Chapter I

Teijo Shimazu
Chapter I

Teijo Shimazu was a resident of district 8 of the South Rukon District. He had hazel eyes, black hair, he looked to be a 21 year old male, and 6 feet tall. He was soft spoken, quiet, friendly and determined. His dream was to become a powerful Soul Reaper so he could protect the people he cared for. He entered the Shin o Academy and worked really hard to graduate. Teijo graduated near the bottom of his class of the advance class. He was amazing at healing kido, some say that he could be just as good if not better than Captain Retsu Unohana, he was good at other kinds of kido. He was average with hoho and hakuda, but he was terrible at Zanjutsu. Teijo would lose in ever fight with swords. Teijo would keep trying to get better, but all his efforts failed.
When Teijo graduated he was assigned to Squad Four of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads. He was one of the lowest ranking Soul Reaper in Squad Four, but his healing skills were greatly appreciated. Teijo didn't make that many friends in Squad Four, but almost everyone in Squad Four were friendly towards Teijo. Since he graduated from the Shin o Academy Teijo was unable to acquire a Zanpakuto of his own until one day during a mission in the World of the Living, Teijo and a few others from Squad Four were sent to take care of wounded Soul Reapers. Teijo heard a Soul Reaper's cry off in the distance so he want to see if he/she was all right. When Teijo arrived to the source of the cry he found a big Hollow. This was Teijo's first time seeing a Hollow up close and he was scared. The Hollow was twice the size of Teijo, the Hollow had red and black scales covering it body with a tail that had ball with spikes on it. The Hollow's mask had one yellow eye and razor sharp teeth and its claws were also razor sharp. The Hollow attacked Teijo with its tail. Teijo dodged the attack and fried hado number thirty-one, Shakkaho, at the Hollow. Only to find that the Hollow was able to absorb the kido and gotten stronger from it. Teijo believed that he was going to die, so he fell to his knees and looked at the Hollow in fear. The Hollow swung its right claw at Teijo.
'This is it, isn't it? I am going to die here. I am not ready to die. I haven't done many things as a Soul Reaper... I am not able to protect anyone if this is the strongest I am. I... have failed...' Teijo thought as the claw came closer. When the Hollow's claw hit Teijo there was a big cloud of dust. Three Soul Reapers, from the same squad Teijo was from, came just as the Hollow's claw hit Teijo. The Soul Reaper were felt fear to Teijo die and got ready to draw their swords.
But when the cloud of dust dissipated the three Soul Reapers and Hollow saw Teijo still standing with a scythe holding back the Hollow's claw. Teijo's scythe was five feet long with a sliver handle and black blade. The three Soul Reapers were in awe to see Teijo with a strange Zanpakuto. The Hollow roared and tried to attack again by swinging its tail. Teijo cut off the Hollow's tail and then he jump and sucked the scythe into the Hollow's head, killing the Hollow. The three Soul Reapers that saw Teijo kill the Hollow ran to him.
“Teijo. Since when did you have a Zanpakuto?” The first Soul Reaper asked.
“I never had a Zanpakuto till now.” Teijo answered.
“I have never seen a Zanpakuto like that before.” The third Soul Reaper said.
“Same here.” The second Soul Reaper agreed.
“Yeah. I never seen a Zanpakuto like this before.” Teijo responded.
“Let's get back to the Seireitei and give our report to Captain Unohana.” The first Soul Reaper suggested.
Teijo and other three Soul Reapers went back to the Seireitei. When people heard that Teijo got a strange Zanpakuto and that he killed a Hollow, no one could believe it. So there were some Soul Reapers that wanted to see if Teijo was that good. Teijo would get challenged to duels, some were with wood swords and other with their Zanpakutos. Teijo would lose most of the wood sword duels, but win every Zanpakuto fight. All the fights that Teijo won were with those Soul Reapers that were not seated officers. After two years Teijo became the Third Seat of Squad Four by working hard, winning fights with other Soul Reapers, and most importantly by unlocking his Shikai, Seishin abareru hito by defeating a Gillian that entered the World of the Living. Seishin abareru hito was a small hook on Teijo's right middle finger that could rip the Spirit Energy from any Soul Reapers and Hollows and there was a guard from the hook that went up his whole arm, along with the hook Teijo had a small one handed scythe that he used to cut the Spirit Energy.
Some time after Teijo became Third Seat of Squad Four, the lieutenant of Squad Three, Hanako Utada, came to Teijo one day and said,
“Teijo. I heard that you are good with that scythe of yours and I wanted to see for myself. Would you like to duel me?” Hanako was a woman who was 5 feet 5 inches with brown eyes and brown hair. Hanako was kind, but not so warm. She wore glasses because her eye sight was damaged when she was young.
“You want to duel me Hanako?” Teijo questioned.
“What do you say?” Hanako asked with a smile on her face.
“Alright. I accept your duel Lieutenant Utada.” Teijo said.
Hanako led Teijo to Squad Three's training grounds. Hanako turned to face Teijo and she asked,
“Ready to begin?”
“Ready. Is this a duel to the death Lieutenant Utada?”Teijo asked.
“This is duel to test each of our abilities. The duel will end until one is unable to continue.” Hanako said.
“Alright Lieutenant Utada.” Teijo said.
Hanako and Teijo drew their Zanpakutos. Hanako's Zanpakuto was a average katana with a orange handle. Hanako and Teijo ran towards each other. Teijo spun his scythe around him then slash from the right at Hanako. Hanako blocked Teijo's attack then pushed the scythe away. Hanako noticed that there was a crack in her blade.
'Teijo's scythe cracked my blade with one attack? Is his Spirit Energy that strong?' Hanako thought to herself while she looked at her Zanpakuto surprisingly. Hanako stabbed her Zanpakuto into the ground and she said,
“Spring forth...Stern Pain.”
Then Hanako was enveloped with a bright orange light then Teijo saw Hanako with a dagger with a orange handle and black blade.
“This is Stern Pain. Any part of the body that she touches explodes.” Hanako said.
“If your going to use your Shikai. Then I will use mine.” Teijo placed the blade of his scythe on his right middle finger then said, “Now bring me their soul... Seishin abareru hito.”
Teijo was enveloped with a black aura then Teijo cut the aura with his small scythe in his left hand.
“This is Seishin abareru hito. With the hook on my right middle finger I can rip out the Spirit Energy of any Soul Reaper and Hollow and with the small scythe in my left hand I can cut off the Spirit Energy that I grabbed and use it to restore my Spirit Energy.” Teijo finished.
“So it looks like both of our Shikais are deadly at close range and are able to cause the enemy to stop fighting after a few hits.” Hanako said.
“It would appear that way. Now let's continue.” Teijo said.
“I agree.” Hanako responded, then she and Teijo ran towards each other again.
Hanako went for Teijo's chest, but Teijo blocked Hanako with his small scythe and then went to slash his hook at Hanako's right shoulder. Teijo's hook hit Hanako and she jumped back. Hanako noticed at there was a blue line coming from her shoulder and it ended at Teijo's hook.
“How!?' Hanako exclaimed.
“As I said. When I have Spirit Energy on this hook I use my scythe to cut it off. The longer the Spirit Energy line is the more Spirit Energy I can absorb once I cut it off from the target. Now watch as you lose all feeling in your right arm.” Teijo said then ran towards Hanako's right shoulder where he first hit with his hook and cut the line. Hanako saw her Spirit Energy get absorbed by Teijo and she felt her entire right arm go cold, but she used this chance to slash Teijo's left leg. Teijo notice Hanako too late to block or dodge. When Hanako slashed Teijo's left leg there was a small explosion. Teijo saw his left leg brunt and bloody. Both Teijo and Hanako were in pain, holding the part of their body that was damaged and breathing heavily.
“Your good.” Teijo said.
“Your not bad yourself. Where did you learn to fight like that?” Hanako asked.
“I learned it from watching other Soul Reapers fight. I would try to copy the moves I saw and try to come up with my own moves in my room during any free time I had. It took a long time to get this far, but I can still go farther if I try hard enough.” Teijo answered.
“I can see that you've come far and I congratulate you Teijo Shimazu, Third Seat of Squad Four.” Hanako bowed in respect of Teijo.
“Thank you Lieutenant Hanako Utada from Squad Three.” Teijo bowed back in the same respect.
Suddenly Teijo and Hanako heard clapping. When they turned to see who it was clapping they saw the Captains of Squads Three and Four. Captain Rojuro Otoribashi, captain of Squad of Three, and Captain Retsu Unohana.
“Captain Otoribashi. Captain Unohana. What are you doing here?” Teijo and Hanako asked at the same time while bowing down.
“We heard that my lieutenant and Captain Unohana's third seat were dueling so we came to see it. When we got here you two unleashed your Shikais.” Captain Otoribashi said.
“I am pleased to see how far you've came since you were assigned to my squad Teijo. Your fight with lieutenant Hanako has shown that progress.” Captain Unohana smiled.
“Thank you Captain Unohana. That means a lot to me.” Teijo said.
“I am pleased with you Hanako to let Teijo shown how much he has improved.” Captain Otoribashi said.
“Thank you Captain Otoribashi.” Hanako said.
“Now come Teijo we have work to do.” Captain Unohana said.
“Yes Captain.” Teijo said while he resealed his Zanpakuto then followed Captain Unohana.
Teijo's life after that was easy going. Captain Unohana allowed Teijo to train anyone from Squad Four who asked for it. Teijo was happy with his life as a Third Seat. Teijo and Hanako would often train with each other and they became really close friends. Five months went by when Teijo meet with Lieutenant Sosuke Aizen from Squad Five.
“Lieutenant Aizen, its a good to see you again. What brings you here today?” Teijo asked.
“Teijo Third Seat of Squad Four you are hereby assign as the Lieutenant of Squad Three.” Aizen said.
“Lieutenant of Squad Three? What happen to Lieutenant Utada? Did she get transferred to a different squad” Teijo questioned.
“Lieutenant Utada was killed on a mission. She was protecting her fellow squad members from a couple of Gillians. Captain Otoribashi has requested you to be his new lieutenant and Captain Unohana approved.” Aizen said.
“I don't now what to say... Thank you... I guess.” Teijo said,but he felt his heart sink deep within him and lied to Aizen.
“Its no big deal. Let me be the first to say “Welcome Teijo Shimazu, Lieutenant of Squad Three.” Aizen said.
“I am a lieutenant now.” Teijo said with false joy in his voice. ' I am truly sorry about you, Hanako. I wish that I became a lieutenant a different way then your death. I will miss you greatly.' Teijo thought sadly.
“No. Your not a lieutenant just yet. You will be next month. Now I have to go, Captain Hirako has a few things for me to do. Congratulations Teijo Shimazu.” Aizen said then walked away.
Teijo just stood where he was and thought to himself,
'I can't believe that I am going to be a lieutenant. I can't believe that Hanako died. She was a great friend and its because of her I got stronger. I am going to miss her.'
A month passed and Teijo became the new Lieutenant of Squad Three under Captain Otoribashi. Teijo felt sad that he had to leave Squad Four, but he would visit any time he had free. Also in his free time Teijo would train some Squad Three members or read books and eat peaches. One of the things Teijo didn't like about being a lieutenant was the paper he had to do and the lieutenant meets. Since becoming a lieutenant, Teijo became friends with Lieutenant Aizen from Squad Five. Aizen and Teijo would often talk about anything that came to their minds.. Teijo also became friends with Captain Otoribashi.
After seven years of being the Lieutenant of Squad Three Teijo meet up with Captain Otoribashi.
“Captain Otoribashi.” Teijo said bowing down.
“Teijo. Having a good day?” Captain Otoribashi asked.
“I am. I wanted to ask you something.” Teijo said nervously.
“What is it Teijo? If your having a problem yo can tell me.” Captain Otoribashi reassured Teijo.
“I wanted to ask you if you could help me unlock Bankai?” Teijo asked holding his breath.
Captain Otoribashi didn't answer Teijo right away, he stood there looking at Teijo.
“I am sorry for asking. Its just that I want to get even stronger so I can protect my friends for harm.” Teijo said feeling sorry because it wasn't his place to have a Bankai, he thought.
“Well that is a worthy cause to get stronger, but are you ready for a Bankai?” Captain Otoribashi asked.
“I have been training for the past ten years. I think am ready to unlock Bankai.” Teijo answered.
“You've been training already? When did you start? You've only been my lieutenant for seven years.” Captain Otoribashi said surprisingly.
“I have been training ever since I was the Third Seat of Squad Four, Captain Otoribashi. I have increased my Spirit Energy, me and Seishin abareru hito have fought many times, but I unable to materialize Seishin abareru hito into this world. I thought it through and I decided that if I want to unlock my Bankai, I need some help. Can you help me Captain Otoribashi?” Teijo asked.
Captain Otoribashi could see the determination in Teijo's eyes and he could see that Teijo had some power to back his words. Captain Otoribashi closed his eyes, smiled, and put his hand on Teijo's head then said,
“Teijo. You've worked so hard to get where you are today and you want to go farther. I will help you unlock Bankai Teijo.”
Teijo was overjoyed that Captain Otoribashi would help him unlock Bankai. When Teijo was jumping for joy Captain Otoribashi said,
“I will give you advice to achieve Bankai, but you can only use Bankai under two conditions. One the lives of you and your fellow Soul Reapers are on the line. Two I give you permission to use Bankai.”
“You've got a deal captain.” Teijo shook his head in joy.
“Then we begin tomorrow at my house at noon.” Captain Otoribashi said.
“I'll be there. See you tomorrow captain.” Teijo waved good bye to Captain Otoribashi and went to train for tomorrow. When Teijo left Captain Hirako and Lieutenant Aizen came walking by.
“So Rose, your going to help Teijo to unlock his Bankai.” Captain Hirako said.
“You heard all that Shinji?” Captain Otoribashi asked.
“Me and lieutenant Aizen heard. Do you really think think he can pull this off Rose?” Captain Hirako asked.
“I do. I can sense something about Teijo.” Captain Otoribashi said.
“I feel that Teijo could become a great captain if you can teach him to control his Bankai.” Captain Hirako said with a censored look.
“You feel that Teijo's Bankai would prove uncontrollable?” Captain Otoribashi asked.
“All Bankais are dangerous if the Soul Reaper can't control it.” Captain Hirako said.
“What does Lieutenant Aizen think. Do you think that Teijo could pull off Bankai?” Captain Otoribashi turned to Aizen.”
“I think that Lieutenant Shimazu could unlock Bankai.” Lieutenant Aizen said.
“You have a lot of confidence in Teijo, Aizen.” Captain Hirako said surprised.
“Lieutenant Shimazu is a friend and I will support him.” Lieutenant Aizen said with a smile.
'Something doesn't feel right in Sosuke's smile' Captain Hirako thought to himself.
The next day Teijo meet up with Captain Otoribashi to unlock Bankai.
“To unlock Bankai you must materialize and subjugate your Zanpakuto Spirit.” Captain Otoribashi told Teijo.
“I know that, but how do I that?” Teijo asked.
“You must pull you Zanpakuto Spirit into this world.” Captain Otoribashi said.
“How do I do that?” Teijo asked again.
“I unlock my Bankai by going into my Zanpakuto's inner world and pulled him out.” Captain Otoribashi explained.
“I can go into my Zanpakuto's inner world, but he refuses to come out. I tried to materialize Seishin abareru hito, but all attempts failed.” Teijo said.
“You must force them out. I had to fight my Zanpakuto in both his inner world and again out here. It was hard, but I managed to succeed. Now place your Zanpakuto on your lap and go into his world.” Captain Otoribashi instructed.
Teijo placed his scythe on his lap, closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When Teijo opened his eyes, Teijo found himself in Seishin abareru hito's world. Seishin abareru hito's world was a huge grassy field with a big lake and trees. Teijo was in awe of the beauty of what he saw. Then a man in black pants and tailcoat. He had hazel eyes with sliver hair. The man was the same size as Teijo.
“Seishin abareru hito. You ready to come with me to the real world?” Teijo asked with determination in his voice.
“You've been trying for ten years and you've been unsuccessful ever time.” Seishin abareru hito said.
“I know, but today is the day that I unlock Bankai.” Teijo exclaimed.
“You are determine. Then draw you scythe and prove that to me.” Seishin abareru hito said then held his right hand out in front of him and Teijo's scythe formed in his hands.
Teijo drew his scythe and prepared to fight Seishin abareru hito. Teijo and Seishin abareru hito clashed scythes, but Seishin abareru hito managed to cut Teijo across his face from his upper right eye to his nose.
Captain Otoribashi could see Teijo's face start to bleed where Seishin abareru hito cut in his inner world.
“Careful Teijo. Your Zanpakuto can kill you before you unlock Bankai.” Captain Otoribashi said being censored from his lieutenant.
Teijo and Seishin abareru hito were in the mist of their fight when Seishin abareru hito said,
“Teijo. Tell me why do you want to unlock Bankai?”
“I want to unlock Bankai to protect my friends.” Teijo answered.
“I don't want to protect your friends Teijo. What you want to protect is different from what I want to protect!” Seishin abareru hito shouted.
When Seishin abareru hito said that Teijo grew angry and ran as fast as he could towards Seishin abareru hito. Teijo grabbed Seishin abareru hito's face and threw him so hard that he vanished.
Captain Otoribashi was waiting for some sign from Teijo when he saw Seishin abareru hito came out from Teijo's scythe. Teijo woke up and readied himself to fight again.
“Teijo what happen!?” Captain Otoribashi asked shocked.
“Captain Otoribashi this is my Zanpakuto Spirit, Seishin abareru hito. I threw him into this world.” Teijo said.
“You threw him?” Captain Otoribashi questioned.
“He did and I am pleased that he was. Now Teijo lets finish this.” Seishin abareru hito said.
“I agree Seishin abareru hito.” Teijo agreed.
Teijo and Seishin abareru hito continued their fight.
Teijo and Seishin abareru hito's fight continued till the next day and both of them were bleeding and dirty, but both still can fight. Captain Otoribashi was still watching when Captain Hirako and Lieutenant Aizen came walking by.
“Rose. What you doing?” Captain Hirako asked.
“Hi Shinji and Lieutenant Aizen. What are you doing here?” Captain Otoribashi asked.
“We came by because we came to how Teijo doing.” Captain Hirako said.
“Teijo and I have been here since noon yesterday. He has been fighting against Seishin abareru hito.” Captain Otoribashi said.
“Seishin abareru hito?” Aizen asked.
“That is his Zanpakuto. Teijo has been fighting him since noon yesterday without taking a single break.” Captain Otoribashi said.
“Since noon yesterday without a break? How can he do that?” Aizen asked.
“Teijo is just that determine to unlock Bankai.”Captain Otoribashi said.
“Why is Teijo pushing himself so hard. He could get himself killed.” Captain Hirako said.
“He could, but Teijo is determine to prove himself to everyone. He told me that before he entered the Shin o Academy when he lived in district 8 of South Rukon. He had no friends and family. He had to live by himself since he could talk. He originally came from district 73 of South Rukon, but he made his way to district 8 robing and savaging whatever he could. He would get into fights and lose every time. Teijo wanted to prove to everyone that he could more than just some kid. When he found out that he could use healing kido so he used it to heal people in exchange for food and water. When he came of age to entered the Shin o Academy he was well known as a healer, but he lacked fighting skills. He barely made into the advance class and graduated near the bottom of his class. Then he was assigned to Squad Four. While he was there he didn't make any friends there and the members of Squad Eleven who pick on him and beat him up. His whole life Teijo was picked on, beaten up, he had no friends, but he wouldn't let all that keep him down. He trained and trained very hard to get here today and he just wants to get stronger.” Captain Otoribashi said with pride in Teijo.
Sosuke Aizen looked at Teijo fighting Seishin abareru hito and just smiled. Shinji saw Aizen smile and thought,
'There is that smile again. What is Aizen planing?'
Teijo and Seishin abareru hito were breathing very heavy and Seishin abareru hito said,
“Teijo. Why don't we just finish this?”
“Let's.” Teijo nodded.
Teijo and Seishin abareru hito charged towards each other for the finishing blow. Teijo and Seishin abareru hito swung their scythes and clashed. The clashed caused a black aura to form. Captains Otoribashi and Hirako and Lieutenant Aizen covered their eyes. When the aura faded Captains Otoribashi and Hirako and Lieutenant Aizen saw Teijo standing with two scythes in place of his arms that were five feet long.
“Bankai...Tsuinsupirittogadeninguaisu.” Teijo said with a calm voice. Captains Otoribashi and Hirako and were amazed to see Teijo's Bankai. Aizen smiled again. Captain Otoribashi walked over to Teijo and said,
“Teijo... You did it. You have a Bankai. Whats your Bankai's name?”
“Its Tsuinsupirittogadeninguaisu. Just like my Shikai, I can rip out Spirit Energy from anyone, but my Bankai doubles to amount I take and it doubles the pain that my Shikai causes when I rip Spirit Energy out.” Teijo answered.
“When your in Bankai how can you grab stuff?” Captain Hirako asked.
“I use these six digits that hid in the scythes. Also the scythes can shorten to two feet and back to five feet.” Teijo explained and showed the Captains then fell to the ground. The Captains were worried, but when they hear Teijo snore the just laughed and Captain Otoribashi brought Teijo to his room.
For the next two years Teijo continued to be the Lieutenant of Squad Three. Teijo only used his Bankai a few times since he unlocked it and that was to train with Captain Otoribashi. Teijo was on the roof of Squad Three barracks looking at the night sky and stars when he heard,
“Emergency Captains' meeting. All Captains report to the Squad One barracks at once for a emergency meeting!”
“Emergency Captain's meeting this late... I wonder why. If I ask Captain Otoribashi what's wrong, he'll tell me not to worry. I am going listen to the meeting. Maybe I can help.” Teijo said to himself and went off the the Squad One barracks.
When Teijo arrived at the Squad One barracks he hid below a window and made sure that he didn't make a sound. Teijo got there when Head Captain Yamamoto said,
“Captain Rojuro Otoribashi of Squad Three, Captain Shinji Hirako of Squad Five, Captain Love Aikawa of Squad Seven, Lieutenant Hachigan Ushoda, and Lieutenant Lisa Yadomaru are hereby assigned to investigate the Vanishing Souls Case.”
'Vanishing Souls Case? What is that? I guess I am going to have to follow Captain Otoribashi and the other four. Damn if only I got here sooner.' Teijo thought and then followed Captain Otoribashi.
Teijo was following his captain from a distance hiding among the trees. Teijo didn't see a tree because he was watching the group of Captains and Lieutenants. When he did noticed the tree he sidestepped and tripped on tree root and fall. Teijo landed in front of the group and Captain Otoribashi said,
“Teijo!? What are you doing here? You should be back at the barracks.”
“I am sorry Captain Otoribashi, but when I heard about the emergency Captains' meeting I had to hear what it was. I got there when you were sent out so I followed you and a tripped on a tree root and fell on my face.” Teijo said getting up and dusting himself off.
“Teijo. You shouldn't be here. Go back to the barracks.” Captain Otoribashi ordered.
“I am sorry Captain Otoribashi, but I am not going back. I am going to help you.” Teijo said crossing his arms and looked away.
“Fine Teijo you can come, but your going to be in trouble when we get to the barracks.” Captain Otoribashi said.
“Sounds good to me. Now let's go.” Teijo said then he, Captain Otoribashi, Captain Hirako, Captain Aikawa, Lieutenant Yadomaru, and Lieutenant Ushoda ran off to the place where Squad Nine Captain Kensei Muguruma and Lieutenant Mashiro Kuna of Squad Nine were last heard from. Teijo was faster then rest so he arrived before everyone else, but only to encounter Lieutenant Kuna. She was wearing a strange mask.
“Lieutenant Kuna. What is that strange mask your wearing.” Teijo said.
Lieutenant Kuna didn't answer and attacked Teijo with a series of kicks. Teijo drew his scythe and blocked Lieutenant Kuna.
“Lieutenant Kuna! What are you doing!? Why are you attacking me!?” Teijo yelled at Lieutenant Kuna, but Lieutenant Kuna just continued to attack Teijo. Teijo defended himself as best he could.
'What is this power? It feels like Lieutenant Kuna has become more like a Hollow then a Soul Reaper.' Teijo thought to himself while he fought off Lieutenant Kuna.
Lieutenant Kuna then roared loudly and flew at Teijo and prepared a massive kick.. Teijo used his scythe to block Lieutenant Kuna's kick, but Lieutenant Kuna managed to break through the scythe and kick Teijo in the middle of his chest with a massive amount of force. Teijo was sent flying backwards. Teijo saw Captain Hirako, Captain Otoribashi, Captain Aikawa, and Lieutenant Yadomaru fighting Captain Muguruma and he was wearing a strange mask too.
“Teijo!” Captain Otoribashi shouted.
“Forget about him for the moment Rose. Teijo will be fine.” Captain Hirako said while he held off Captain Muguruma and holding Lieutenant Sarugaki under his left arm.
Teijo continued to fly backwards and he finally stopped when he hit trees. Teijo didn't get knocked out, but he was barely able to stand up. Teijo fell to his knees and he could barely see someone walking towards him. When the person came closer Teijo felt a massive amount of pain hit him and white paste started to come from his mouth.
“How unexpected. I didn't believe that I would find you here... and your undergoing Hollowfiaction. I still have use for you. I'll come back when I am done with Captain Hirako and the others. Don't move now.” The person said. Teijo saw the person walk away before he passed out.
Teijo woke up in his Zanpakuto's inner world and it was night for the first time he was there.
“Seishin abareru hito! Where are you!? Why is it night here? It was never night when I came here before.” Teijo said out loud.
Teijo looked around and called out to Seishin abareru hito, but with no luck. Then Teijo saw someone standing, waiting for him.
“Who are you? Where is Seishin abareru hito? What have you done with Seishin abareru hito?” Teijo questioned the man.
“Your such a fool Teijo.” The man laugh.
“How do you know my name?” Teijo gasped.
“I know everything about you Teijo. Because I am Seishin abareru hito!” The man said.
The clouds parted and Teijo saw himself. But he was wearing white clothes and he had white skin and hair. He also had black eyes with yellow iris and black fingernails.
“Your Seishin abareru hito? How?” Teijo asked.
“You have much to learn. You fool.” The White Teijo laughed.
Teijo woke up and looked around to see where he was. Teijo wasn't where he was when he passed out.
“Where am I?” Teijo asked.
Teijo saw just white sands, died trees and a few rocks. Teijo found his scythe next to him and it wasn't broken.
“When did my scythe get repaired?” Teijo asked himself then he noticed a rock by his feet with a note. Teijo picked up the note and read it.
“If you want to live head to Las Noches to the west. P.S. Welcome to Hueco Mundo Teijo Shimazu.”
Teijo gasped when he read the note.
'Las Noches? Hueco Mundo? The person who wrote this note knows my name.?' Teijo thought and looked around.
“Head to Las Noches in the west. How did I came to Hueco Mundo? It looks like I would find the answers at Las Noches.” Teijo sighed sadly and started to head west towards Las Noches.
“Captain Otoribashi... What happen to you and the others. Maybe I'll find that out too if I get to Las Noches.” Teijo said as he walked the desert of Hueco Mundo.
Teijo had begun his long and lonely journey for Las Noches.