Teijo Shimazu

Teijo Shimazu Chapter II

Chapter II

Teijo was at the end of the first week of walking the deserts of Hueco Mundo. Teijo had no idea how far Las Noches was, but he had questions and Las Noches held the answers. So far Teijo didn't encounter any Hollows and he wondered,
'If this is Hueco Mundo, the world of the Hollows. Then why haven't I seen any, but the very little ones.'
Teijo spent the next week the same. On the fifth day on the third week he ran into a little colony of standard Hollow. About 13 to 20 Hollows were there. Each Hollow were different in size and appearance, but all of them attacked Teijo once they saw him. Teijo drew his scythe and begun to fight the Hollows, but as he fought he felt something inside him stir and Teijo noticed that his attacks became a bit more vicious then normal. Teijo had no idea what he felt, but he couldn't think about at the moment. When Teijo finished the last of the Hollows Teijo said,
“Well that wasn't bad... What was the feeling I felt? I am sure it was nothing. Now I must continue towards Las Noches.”
Teijo put his scythe on his back and continued walking. At the end of the third week Teijo was walking when stumbled upon a group of huge Hollows.
“These Hollows aren't the same as the ones I encountered the other day. Their Spiritual Pressure is instance even at this distance. I must be careful.” Teijo said to himself.
Just then Teijo saw the ground around him get darker. Teijo looked up and saw another huge Hollow. This Hollow had a spider like body that was black with white lines, crab claws, and a elongated head with two blue eyes and no mouth and a hole in the middle of his chest.
“What's this? A Soul Reaper, here in Hueco Mundo. What a surprise.” The Hollow said.
“I had no idea that Hollows were able to talk.” Teijo said.
“You know nothing of Hollows. I bet you have on idea what kind of Hollow I am.” The Hollow said annoyed.
“The ugly kind of Hollow... No wait scratch that because all Hollows are the ugly kind, but no I don't know what kind of Hollow you are.” Teijo responded.
“That wasn't funny Soul Reaper. Anyway, I am Kumogani. I am a Adjuchas class Menos.” Kumogani said.
“A Adjucha!? Are the ones over there Adjuchas too?” Teijo asked.
“Yes they are and they have driven me out of my home. I am stronger then they are, but the numbers were against me and a piece of my right legs was devoured.” Kumogani said.
“What does that have to do with anything?” Teijo asked.
“When a Gillian becomes a Adjucha, they must continue to devour other Hollows or fear turning back into a Gillian. When that happens the Gillian won't be able to become a Adjucha again. But if a piece of a Adjucha gets devoured they can't become a Vasto Lorde, but also they don't become a Gillian again.” Kumogani said.
“I never knew that. I take it you wanted to become a Vasto Lorde?” Teijo questioned.
“I did at first, but its been soon long since I became a Adjucha and all my attempts to become a Vasto Lorde failed, I don't care anymore. I don't know what I want now.” Kumogani said. “Why are you here anyway Soul Reaper?” Kumogani asked.
“I didn't come here be choice.” Teijo said.
“I don't think anyone would ever freely choose to come here.” Kumogani said.
“I was in the Soul Society when something strange happened to Captain Muguruma and Lieutenant Kuna. They had strange masks on and their Spiritual Pressure felt like a Hollow's. I was kicked by Lieutenant Kuna and passed out. When I woke up I was here with a note saying for me to head to Las Noches.” Teijo finished.
“Las Noches. Why would you go there?” Kumogani asked.
“I don't know other then if I want to live and have my questions answered.” Teijo answered.
“You will never make it there all by yourself. I could help you.” Kumogani suggested.
“Why do you want to help me? I am a Soul Reaper and your a Hollow. We are supposed to be enemies” Teijo said confused of Kumogani's offer.
“I have nothing better to do and I feel that there is something about you that just tells me to join up with you, but I will only help you if you help me kill those Adjuchas over there.” Kumogani said.
“How can I trust you?” Teijo asked.
“If you didn't trust me then why are we talking to each other?” Kumogani said.
“That makes a lot of sense. Kumogani you've got a deal. I'll help you kill those Hollows over there and you can tag along with me to Las Noches.” Teijo said.
“That's the deal. Now let's go Soul Reaper.” Kumogani said.
“My name is Teijo Shimazu.” Teijo informed Kumogani.
Teijo and Kumogani ran towards the Adjuchas. On their way Teijo placed his scythe on his right middle finger and said,
“Now bring me their soul... Seishin abareru hito.”
Teijo had his hook and little scythe to fight the Adjuchas with. Kumogani fired a Cero at the Adjuchas and killed one instantly. The Adjuchas were caught of guard and went down easily. Teijo killed the last Adjucha by using his hook to take the Adjucha's Spirit Energy and absorbed it into himself. Kumogani saw what Teijo did and asked,
“What was that you just did?”
“It is the power of my Seishin abareru hito. I can absorb the Spirit Energy of any Soul Reaper and Hollow to heal me or I can discharge it into a attack causing massive damage.” Teijo answered then fell on one knee in pain and felt that stirring feeling again,but the stirring was worst than the last time Teijo felt it.
“Teijo! Are you going to be alright?” Kumogani asked.
“I think so.” Teijo said 'There is that feeling again, but this time it was more intense.' Teijo thought to himself.
“Thanks for helping me kill those Adjuchas Teijo. I couldn't have done it without you.” Kumogani thanked Teijo.
“It was nothing. Now shall we head to Las Noches?” Teijo asked.
“Then let's go Teijo. I know the way to Las Noches.” Kumogani said.
“Its to the West right?” Teijo questioned.
“No Las Noches is to the North. You've must haven gotten lost.” Kumogani said.
'What!? The note told me to head West to reach Las Noches. If what Kumogani says is true, then did the note tell me to head West instead of North?' Teijo wondered.
Teijo, now with Kumogani, headed North towards Las Noches. They fought Hollows along there way and won every battle. After each fight Teijo could feel the stirring inside him get worst. While resting for a bit Teijo and Kumogani talked.
“Teijo what was your life back in the Soul Society?” Kumogani asked.
“Why do you want to know Kumogani?” Teijo asked.
“Its only polite for people who are traveling together to get to know more about each other.” Kumogani answered.
“Well that is true. I'll start when I graduated from the Shin o Academy and was assigned to Squad Four of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads.” Teijo said.
“Did you become a high ranking officer when you graduated from the Shin o Academy?” Kumogani asked.
“No I didn't. I barely made it to the advance class and graduated near the bottom of my class. I was lucky to even become a Soul Reaper.” Teijo said.
“But from what I saw, I find that hard to believe.” Kumogani said.
“That was because of years of hard work Kumogani. I started near the bottom of Squad Four. I didn't even have a Zanpakuto when I joined. I was average with hoho and hakuda. I was good at kido, but my strongest skill was healing kido. It was said that I could have been better the best healer in the Thirteen Court Guard Squads like Captain of Squad Four, Retsu Unohana. I was really bad at Zanjutsu. I couldn't wield a sword to save my life. As I said, I never got a Zanpakuto until one day I was sent to heal wounded Soul Reapers and went up against a Hollow.” Teijo said.
“I see. Did you become a high ranking officer after that?” Kumogani asked.
“I did, but after hard work and winning fight with other Soul Reaper. I became the Third Seat of Squad Four. When that happen Lieutenant Hanako Utada of Squad Three wanted to see if what she heard about me was true. She asked me if I wanted to duel her and I said yes. The first duel we had was interrupted by our Captains who were impressed of both of us. After that we would train together and have lunch together. We became real
close friends and I wanted to tell that I loved her, but I never got the chance.” Teijo said sadly.
“Why didn't you Teijo?” Kumogani asked.
“Because when I finally worked up the courage to tell her that I loved her, Lieutenant Aizen from Squad Five informed me that she died defending her squad members from a group of Gillians and that I was assigned her spot. I never felt sadder before I did then. When she died I never felt the same way I did to her to any other girl in the Soul Society. I would often visit her grave and just stand there and talk to the grave.” Teijo said.
“I am sorry Teijo.” Kumogani said.
“Don't be. That was a long time ago. So I became the Lieutenant of Squad Three. I unlock my Seishin abareru hito during my time as the Third Seat of Squad Four. Seven years after becoming the Lieutenant of Squad Three, I unlocked my Bankai. Tsuinsupirittogadeningusaisu. I was happy unlocked it, but after sometime I learn that my Bankai limits my movements. I don't really care for Tsuinsupirittogadeningusaisu. So I don't use unless I have no other choice. Then some time after that, the strange thing I told you about Captain Muguruma and Lieutenant Kuna happen and then I was here in Hueco Mundo and meet up with you.” Teijo finished his story.
“I see that you went through a lot Teijo.”Kumogani said.
“I did, but I just want to get stronger. I think this journey to Las Noches will help with that one way or a another.” Teijo said. “What's your story Kumogani?” Teijo asked.
“My story is nothing like yours Teijo. I was a human in the World of the Living, I died and became a Hollow. Ate other Hollows and became a Gillian. Ate Gillians and became a Adjucha and moved to the surface got a piece of one of my legs devoured and after a while I found you.” Kumogani said.
“What do you mean 'moved to the surface'?” Teijo asked.
“I used to live in the Forest of Menos before a came to the surface.” Kumogani said.
“What is the Forest of Menos?” Teijo asked.
“The Forest of Menos is where most of the Hollows, Gillians, and Adjuchas live. There are Hollows every where down there. We have to avoid that placed at all cast.” Kumogani warned.
“Then we'll just have to avoid the Forest of Menos.” Teijo suggested.
Kumogani nodded.
“Well I say we continue the journey to Las Noches.” Teijo said standing up and facing towards the North.
“I agree. Let's go.” Kumogani agreed.
Teijo and Kumogani continued headed North towards Las Noches. After years of wandering and fighting Hollows they finally could see Las Noches in the distance.
“Kumogani look. Its Las Noches. We've found it.” Teijo said
“We have Teijo. After years of wandering in this desert. We finally made it.” Kumogani said.
“ Soon all my questions will be answered.” Teijo said.
Teijo and Kumogani held their heads in pride and headed towards Las Noches. Just then Runuganga appeared before them.
“Your dare try to intruded into Las Noches. I will not allow it.” Runuganga roared.
“Who is this Kumogani?” Teijo asked
“Its Runuganga. He is called The Guardian of the White Sands. He guards Las Noches from intruders.” Kumogani answered.
“But we're not intruding Las Noches. I was told to come to Las Noches.” Teijo informed.
“I was never told that you were allowed into Las Noches. Now begone to the Forest of Menos.” Runuganga said then opened a sinkhole that Teijo and Kumogani were sucked into.
Teijo and Kumogani then found themselves surrounded by Hollows and Gillians.
“Kumogani is this the Forest of Menos?” Teijo asked.
“You would be correct Teijo. This is the Forest of Menos.” Kumogani answered
The Hollows and Gillians came closer to Teijo and Kumogani. Teijo then felt that stirring feeling inside him again.
“Kumogani. Get back now Get away from me.” Teijo warned and grunted in pain.
“Teijo wants happening?” Kumogani asked.
“Just get away from me!” Teijo yelled.
Teijo started to scream and white paste came out of his mouth then started to form a mask.
'A mask? What's happening to you Teijo?' Kumogani wondered as he ran from Teijo.
Teijo's mask took shape. It was in the form of a hood that covered his face so you couldn't see the face and went to the base of his neck. Teijo drew his scythe and laughed.
“I am going to have fun slaughtering each an every one of you. Whose first?” Teijo laughed.
The Hollows and Gillians roared. The Gillians fried Ceros at Teijo, but Teijo spun his scythe around and deflected the Ceros. Then Teijo jumped high into the air and stabbed a Gillian in the head and stood in the handle and rode the scythe down the Gillian. As Teijo did that, he laughed. When Teijo hit the ground he just continued to slaughter the rest of the Hollows and Gillians. Kumogani watch Teijo slaughter the Hollow and Gillians without mercy. Teijo saw the last Hollow run away and he went to go after him, but Teijo stopped and grabbed the mask then started to rip the mask off his face while he screamed,
“No. You will only be weaker without me. Nooooooooooooo.”
Teijo tore off his mask then Teijo fell to the ground. The mask broke into pieces upon hitting the ground. Kumogani came to see if Teijo ok.
“Teijo are you all right?” Kumogani asked.
“What happen to me?” Teijo asked while he was out breath.
“I don't know. That mask did something to you.” Kumogani said and pointed to the pieces of the mask on the ground.
Teijo looked at the pieces of the mask and Kumogani said,
“Your Spiritual Pressure felt like a Hollow's Teijo.”
“I felt it too. It was the same thing when I fought against Lieutenant Kuna that night. Her Spiritual Pressure felt like a Hollow's and she had a mask like a Hollow's... Before I passed out and woke up here I remember someone walking up to me and said that I was undergoing something. What was called... OH! I remember they called Hollowfication.” Teijo said.
“Hollowfication?” Kumogani questioned.
“I have no idea what this, but I think I am going to end up like Captain Muguruma and Lieutenant Kuna. I must find way to either to undo this or learn to control it.” Teijo said.
“And how do you do that Teijo?” Kumogani asked.
“We have to get to Las Noches.” Teijo said.
“I have no idea where to begin to look for a way back to the surface.” Kumogani informed.
“How hard could that be?” Teijo asked.
“You would be surprised Teijo.” Kumogani said.
“Well we better get started. You've been here before Kumogani. What is your best guess?” Teijo asked.
“Its been a while since I was here so I don't exactly remember where the exit to the surface is. My best guess is that its this way.” Kumogani said and started to walking East.
Teijo followed Kumogani. He looked back at the pieces of the mask and felt a cold chill go down his spine.
'I must find out why and how I got that mask. I have to find a way to solve this problem.' Teijo thought to himself.
Kumogani led Teijo to where he thought the exit was. They fought many stranded Hollows, Gillians, and a few Adjucha. After every fight Teijo felt the Hollow inside himself get stronger. One day during their rest Teijo went to his Zanpakuto's inner world to get some answers.
“Seishin abareru hito! Where are you!? I have some questions!” Teijo yelled.
“Its been a while Teijo. I missed you.” The White Teijo said.
“You! What are you doing to my body!?” Teijo demanded to know.
“I am just showing you that I am stronger then you.” The White Teijo said.
“Who are you and why are you doing this?” Teijo asked.
“I am your inner Hollow and we have a bond. If you die, I die. I don't want that, but your not strong enough to survive here.” Hollow Teijo said.
“I am not strong enough to survive here? Why is that?” Teijo asked.
“You too soft Teijo. You have to become cold and heartless to survive.” Hollow Teijo said.
“Where is Seishin abareru hito?” Teijo questioned.
“Seishin abareru hito and I are one in the same. Its just that I am stronger then he is because you absorbed more Hollow Spirit Energy then Soul Reaper Spirit Energy. When you absorb a Hollow's Spirit Energy I get stronger and when you absorb a Soul Reaper's Spirit Energy Seishin abareru hito gets stronger. You may have not notice, but its the truth. I was born when you first absorbed a Hollow's Spirit Energy, but I only came to light that night when you fought Lieutenant Kuna.” Hollow Teijo informed Teijo.
“How get this be?” Teijo asked.
“Because that is how your powers work.” Hollow Teijo said.
“I don't believe you!” Teijo yelled.
“Then you can leave this place. Don't come back until you prove to me that your strong.” Hollow Teijo said the threw Teijo out.
Teijo woke up out of breath.
“What's wrong Teijo?” Kumogani asked.
“I meet my Hollow self and he told me that he is trying to take over my body because I am too weak to survive here.” Teijo answered.
“What do you mean by too weak?” Kumogani asked.
“I don't know. He also told some more things about himself.” Teijo said.
“Like what?” Kumogani asked.
“That since I first absorbed a Hollow's Spirit Energy, he has been living in my Zanpakuto and he only came out is the night before I woke up here. When I absorb a Hollow's Spirit Energy he gets stronger. I didn't believe him then he said that until I am ready to prove to him that I am strong, I am not allowed in my Zanpakuto's inner world.” Teijo said.
“How does he want you to prove that your strong?” Kumogani asked in confusion.
“I don't know either.” Teijo said.
Teijo was worried and so was Kumogani. They decided to get some rest before they continued to their journey towards the surface.
While he slept, Teijo dreamed his days when he was back with the Thirteen Court Guard Squads and he was the Third Seat of Squad Four.
“Hey Teijo. How are you doing today?” Hanako asked while she scared Teijo.
“Hanako. Don't do that! You know I don't like it when you do that.” Teijo yelled at Hanako for scaring him.
“But its fun to see you jump Teijo.” Hanako laughed.
“Its not funny Hanako.” Teijo said annoyed.
“Whatever Teijo. Anyways how are you doing?” Hanako asked.
“I am doing fine. I am just reading this book I got in the World of the Living. After I read a few chapters I was going to water my peach trees.” Teijo said showing Hanako the book he was reading.
“You've never told me that you liked books and peaches.” Hanako said.
“You never asked.” Teijo responded.
“That's a cheap answer Teijo.” Hanako said.
“I know, but its true. Anyways what brings you today Hanako?” Teijo asked.
“I just came by because Captain Otoribashi has nothing for me and I finished my paper work so I decided to come pay you a visit.” Hanako said.
“Well that was nice of you Hanako.” Teijo said.
“It was nothing.” Hanako blushed.
“Well I have nothing important to do at the moment. So what do you want to do Hanako?” Teijo asked.
“I don't know. We normally train, but I don't feel like training today. Let's do something different today Teijo” Hanako suggested.
“Alright Hanako. Do you have a idea?” Teijo asked.
“Let's... that me think of something... How about we.... we should just sit in the sun and enjoy the day.” Hanako said.
“That sounds nice. How about we go outside so I can water my peach trees and then I can read some more.” Teijo said.
“We can do that, but only if you let me read some of your books too.” Hanako said.
“I don't mind, just don't ruin the books.” Teijo said.
“I won't damage your books Teijo. You got to relax in it comes to your books Teijo.” Hanako laughed.
Teijo laughed in embarrassment. Then he and Hanako went outside. Teijo watered his peach trees while Hanako read one of Teijo's book. Hanako sighed and asked,
“Teijo? Where did you get some of these books?”
“I picked them up when I was in the World of the Living one day. Why, what's the matter?” Teijo asked.
“Nothing, but its just that these books are weird.” Hanako said.
“What do you mean?” Teijo asked.
“These are self help books Teijo. And did you even read them” Hanako said showing Teijo the books.
“I have read them Hanako and I thought it that they were a great and informative.” Teijo said trying to convince Hanako to read them.”
“I think your crazy for having a book like these Teijo.” Hanako said.
“Hey!” Teijo exclaimed and Hanako started to laugh.
Teijo woke up to find Kumogani waiting for him.
“Kumogani how long have you been waiting?” Teijo asked getting up and getting himself ready to head out.
“Just for a few minutes. You talk in you sleep. Did you know that Teijo?” Kumogani asked.
“I talk in my sleep?” Teijo asked surprised.
“You do and you were talking about Hanako.” Kumogani said.
“I was just remember a day from my past.” Teijo said.
“You ready to head out Teijo?” Kumogani asked.
“Yeah I am ready Kumogani.” Teijo answered.
Kumogani and Teijo headed out once again. After years of being in the Forest of Menos, Teijo and Kumogani were walking they encountered a large Hollow. He had shell-like appendage on his back, which his tails stems from. His Hollow hole was left side of his chest and he had a body warp around his wrist.
“Who are you?” Teijo asked.
“I am the Guardian of the Forest of Menos. I am a Adjucha who leads to Hollows here. I hear you two are killing Hollows, Gillians, and Adjuchas.” The Guardian of the Forest of Menos said.
“We are. We just trying to get to Las Noches.” Kumogani said.
“Why are you two heading to Las Noches?” The Guardian of the Forest of Menos.
“Because I have questions I need answered.” Teijo said.
“A Soul Reaper. What is a Soul Reaper doing here in Hueco Mundo?” The Guardian of the Forest of Menos asked.
“I passed out in the Soul Society and woke up here with a note telling me to head to Las Noches.” Teijo told the Guardian of the Forest of Menos.
“So your Teijo Shimazu. I was told all about you. I was told to show you the way back to the surface if you can defeat me in a fight.” The Guardian of the Forest of Menos said.
“Who told about me and to show us the way back to the surface?” Teijo asked.
“That's not important. Now lets get down to business.” The Guardian of the Forest of Menos said and he swung his tail at Teijo and Kumogani, but they dodged the tail.
“Kumogani. I will do this alone.” Teijo said.
“But Teijo, your inner Hollow might surface.” Kumogani warned Teijo.
“I have to do this Kumogani.” Teijo said.
Kumogani saw determination in his eyes and he said,
“Alright Teijo. Just be careful. The Guardian of the Forest of Menos is the most powerful Adjucha here.” Kumogani warned again.
“Thanks for the warning Kumogani. I'll be careful.” Teijo said and drew his scythe and put the blade on his right middle finger and said, “Now bring me their soul... Seishin abareru hito.”
The Guardian of the Forest of Menos saw Teijo with his hook on his right middle finger with arm guard and a small scythe in his left hand.
“You really think you can hurt me with those little things?” The Guardian of the Forest of Menos laughed then stabbed his tail at Teijo.
Teijo sidestepped out of the way of the tail and took his hook and ripped some Spirit Energy out of the Guardian of the Forest of Menos then cut the line with his small scythe. The Guardian of the Forest of Menos yelled in pain and said,
“What is that!? My tail feels heavy.”
“This is my Seishin abareru hito. I rip Spirit Energy from any Hollow or Soul Reaper and absorb it.” Teijo informed and struggled to suppress his inner Hollow from taking control of his body.”
“Looks like I am going to get serious now. Here I come Teijo.” The Guardian of the Forest of Menos said and charged towards Teijo.
The Guardian of the Forest of Menos used his tail to stab at Teijo. Teijo dodged the tail, but was hit with the Guardian of the Forest of Menos' kick. Teijo was sent flying backwards into a tree. Before Teijo was able to stand, the Guardian of the Forest of Menos appeared before him and started to rapidly punch Teijo.
“Teijo!” Kumogani yelled worried for Teijo.
The Guardian of the Forest of Menos laughed as he continued to punch Teijo. After a few punches, the Guardian of the Forest of Menos stop and saw Teijo struggling to move. The Guardian of the Forest of Menos used his tail to lift Teijo up said,
“I thought you were going to be a challenge, but I guess I was wrong.”
The Guardian of the Forest of Menos then threw Teijo into another tree and laughed. The Guardian of Forest of Menos stopped laughing when he said Teijo weakly say,
“Bankai... Tsuinsupirittogadeningusaisu.”
Then the Guardian of the Forest of Menos saw Teijo with two scythes for arms.
“What!?” The Guardian of the Forest of Menos exclaimed.
“I wished I wouldn't have to use my Bankai because I don't care for it. It limits my movements of my arms, but you left me no choice.” Teijo said then disappeared.
The Guardian of the Forest of Menos gasped to see Teijo vanished and found him right behind him.
“How!?” The Guardian of the Forest of Menos exclaimed.
“Too slow.” Teijo taunted.
Teijo then slash both scythes down the Guardian of the Forest of Menos' back. Kumogani watched in awe of Teijo's power. Kumogani also saw two blue lines coming from the Guardian of the Forest of Menos' to the scythes.
“Your finished.” Teijo said then cut both lines and saw the Guardian of the Forest of Menos fall to his knees.
“Where did you get this power?” The Guardian of the Forest of Menos asked.
“I spent many years training to gain this power.” Teijo said while he released his Bankai and put his scythe on his back.
“He was right about you Teijo.” The Guardian of the Forest of Menos said.
“He who?” Kumogani said walking over.
“The ruler of Las Noches. The one who wants you to get to Las Noches after I show you the way to the surface.” The Guardian of the Forest Menos said.
“I'll heal you and then you can show use us the way to surface.” Teijo said then started to heal the Guardian of the Forest of Menos. The Guardian of the Forest of Menos was surprised to see how fast Teijo was able to heal him. When the Guardian of the Forest of Menos was healed, he showed Teijo and Kumogani the way back to the Surface.
When Teijo and Kumogani reached the surface they could see Las Noches in the distance.
“Kumogani look its Las Noches. We'll be there shortly.” Teijo exclaimed in joy.
“Your right Teijo. We're almost there. It would be at least a four day journey to get there.” Kumogani said.
'I am almost here, Las Noches. After all this time my questions will be answered.' Teijo thought.
'You felt it back there during your little fight with the Guardian of the Forest of Menos. I got stronger because you absorbed his Spirit Energy. You have been trying so hard to keep me at bay, but its only a matter of time before I gain control of your body and you know it Teijo.' Hollow Teijo said inside Teijo's head.
“Teijo. Are you alright? You dazed out for a moment. Is something wrong?” Kumogani asked.
“What's that. Did you say something Kumogani? I am fine. No need to worry.” Teijo said trying to hid that he was disturbed by his inner Hollow.
“Anyways. We should rest here for a while before he continue on.” Kumogani said.
“That sounds great. All of sudden I feel lightheaded.” Teijo said and quickly sat down.
Teijo wondered if someone at Las Noches could help him with his inner Hollow before its too late. When Teijo and Kumogani were ready to continue towards Las Noches Kumogani said,
“Ready to finally reach Las Noches Teijo?”
“I am ready if you are Kumogani.” Teijo asked.
“I am ready Teijo. Shall we finish this long journey?” Kumogani asked.
“Let's do this. Here we come Las Noches.” Teijo said.
Then Teijo and Kumogani started having their goal with eye sight.