Teijo Shimazu

Teijo Shimazu Chapter IV

Chapter 4

Teijo was reading his books in the dark by candle light when he came across a book that Hanako got him for his birthday.
“I remember this book. Hanako gave me this book for my birthday. I never got around to read it because shortly after she... I just couldn't read it because it would remind me of her.” Teijo said then walked over to his bead a placed the book on the stand next to his body. Teijo then walked back to his books.
“Hanako always thought that I liked my books too much. “ Teijo said then continued to read his books.
Teijo read his books then fell asleep at his desk.

Teijo woke in his bedroom in the Squad Four barracks and Hanako just walked in.
“Did you just wake up? Hanako asked.
“I stayed up late last night.” Teijo yawned.
“Let me guess reading books.” Hanako said.
“You guessed right Hanako. What is today?” Teijo asked.
“You don't know that its your own birthday.” Hanako said surprised and shocked at Teijo.
“Its my birthday?...” Teijo said then looked at the calendar. “It is my birthday! How could I forgot my own birthday.” Teijo finished.
“Teijo, you can be such an idiot sometimes.” Hanako laughed.
Teijo blushed then said,
“Can you wait outside while I get ready for the day.”
“Don't take too long Teijo.” Hanako said then exited Teijo's room.
When Teijo got ready he left his room and said,
“What brings you here today Hanako?”
“Its your birthday Teijo. Captain Otoribashi gave me the day off.” Hanako said.
Captain Unohana came walking by.
“Captain Unohana. Good morning.” Teijo said.
“Good Afternoon to you Teijo.” Captain Unohana.
“Its afternoon!” Teijo exclaimed.
“Spend another night reading books Teijo?” Captain Unohana asked with a smile.
“I can't help it.” Teijo laughed and rubbed the back of his head with his right hand.
“He even forgot his own birthday.” Hanako informed Captain Unohana.
Captain Unohana laughed and Teijo blushed in embarrassment.
“I came by to say happy birthday Teijo.” Captain Unohana said.
“Thank you Captain Unohana... Can I have the day off?” Teijo asked.
“Why of course Teijo.” Captain Unohana said.
“Thank you again Captain Unohana.” Teijo said.
“Just be on time tomorrow.” Captain Unohana said.
“I will Captain Unohana.” Teijo said.
Captain Unohana smiled and said her good byes then walked away.
“We both have the day off. What should we do?” Teijo asked.
“Its your birthday Teijo. You pick, but no books.” Hanako said.
“I always wanted to go visit the World of the Living again.”Teijo said.
“Then let's go to the World of the Living for the day.” Hanako said.
“You think that they will let us?” Teijo asked.
“I am sure they will.” Hanako said.
Teijo and Hanako went to the Senkaimon and two guards stop them.
“What is your business?” One of the guards asked.
“Let them through. They have my permission to travel to the World of the Living.” Captain Unohana said.
Teijo and Hanako turned to see Captain Otoribashi and Captain Unohana behind them.
“Captain Otoribashi. Captain Unohana.” Teijo and Hanako said.
“I heard that Teijo wanted to go to the World of the Living and I told Captain Otoribashi.” Captain Unohana said.
“You didn't tell me anything about going to the World of the Living Hanako.” Captain Otoribashi said.
“Sorry about that Captain Otoribashi.” Hanako said.
“Its ok, but next time give me a heads up.” Captain Otoribashi said.
“I will. Thank you Captain Otoribashi.” Hanako said.
“You two have fun.” Captain Unohana said.
“We will and we will back tomorrow.” Teijo said.
“Captain Unohana talked it over. You get two days in the World of the Living.” Captain Otoribashi said.
“Thank you Captain Otoribashi and Captain Unohana.” Teijo and Hanako bowed.
Captain Otoribashi and Captain Unohana smiled and waved good bye to Teijo and Hanako. When Teijo and Hanako entered the World of the Living, they were Karakura Town.
“Well Teijo what do you want to do first?” Hanako asked
“How about we go sight seeing.” Teijo said.
Teijo and Hanako spent their whole day walking all over Karakura Town. Along the way Hanako bought a gift for Teijo that she would give him later. On the night of the second day Teijo and Hanako were watching fireworks when Hanako said,
“So how did you like your birthday Teijo?”
“I enjoyed because I got to spend it with you and I spent it in the World of the Living.” Teijo said.
Hanako blushed and handed Teijo a box.
“What's this?” Teijo asked.
“Your birthday gift from me. Open it.” Hanako said.
Teijo opened the box and found a book called 'A Field of Flowers'.
“You got me a book.” Teijo said.
“I know how much you like books and I looked through all your books and you didn't own that one.” Hanako said.
“I don't know what to say other than thank you Hanako, this means a lot to me.” Teijo said.
“What are friends for? Happy birthday Teijo.” Hanako said then she cuddled up to Teijo and they continued to watch to fireworks.

Teijo woke up the next morning with a plate of peaches next time him.
“Now did you guys come from?” Teijo asked the peaches.
“I picked them for you.” Kumogani said picking out a book to read.
“Thanks Kumogani.” Teijo said.
“It was nothing. I noticed that you have book over by your bed called 'A Field of Flowers' is that your favorite book?” Kumogani asked.
“It was the book that Hanako gave me for my birthday.” Teijo said.
“What's it about?” Kumogani asked.
“I never read it. Shortly after she gave that book, she died. I could bring myself to read it because I would be reminded of Hanako.” Teijo explained.
“I didn't know Teijo. I am sorry.” Kumogani.
“Don't be... Does Aizen have anything for me today?” Teijo asked.
“He wants you to check on the Espada on their Fraccion.” Kumogani said.
“Any thing else?” Teijo asked.
“That is all for now.” Kumogani said.
“Alright. Let's get to it. Kumogani your coming with me.” Teijo said.
“I am coming too?” Kumogani asked.
“Yes you are. Do you have a problem with that?” Teijo asked.
“No. I just thought you would do it alone.” Kumogani said.
Teijo and Kumogani then left to check on the Espada and their Fraccion. Starrk was the first that Teijo went to check on. Teijo knocked on the door and Lilynette answered.
“Hi. Aizen asked me to check on the Espada and their Fraccion. Where is Starrk?” Teijo asked.
“You must be the new guy. Teijo is it? Starrk is asleep, but I'll wake him.” Lilynette said.
Before Teijo could say anything Lilynette jumped on to Starrk, waking him immediately
“Lilynette! What was that for!?” Starrk yelled at Lilynette.
“Teijo is here Starrk. He says that Lord Aizen has sent him to check on the Espada and their Fraccion.” Lilynette said.
“Well what does he want?” Starrk asked.
“I am not really sure. Aizen told Kumogani to tell me to check on the Espada and their Fraccion. That was all.” Teijo said.
“Kumogani?” Lilynette question.
“Kumogani is that man.” Teijo said then pointed at Kumogani “He is my friend.” Teijo finished.
“Teijo. I just remembered that Aizen wanted you to get to know the Espada and Fraccion.” Kumogani said.
“This coming to you now? It doesn't matter. Well then, tell me about yourself.” Teijo said.
Starrk just yawned and rolled over then said,
“Lilynette, you tell them.”
Then Starrk fell asleep.
“I hate when he does that.” Lilynette said angrily the begun to tell Teijo and Kumogani about them.
“Thanks Lilynette. Kumogani and I will be going.” Teijo said.
Teijo and Kumogani left to meet up with Baraggan and his Fraccion. Teijo and Kumogani ran into Ggio Vega just outside Baraggan's palace.
“What are you doing here?” Ggio asked annoyed.
“I came to walk to Baraggan.” Teijo said.
“He has no time for you.” Ggio said threateningly.
“I am the Overseer of the Espada and I came to talk to Baraggan.” Teijo demanded.
“Ggio let them in.” Baraggan yelled from inside.
“Yes your majesty. Follow me.” Ggio said.
Teijo and Kumogani followed Ggio and saw Baraggan sitting in a throne with five other Arrancars behind him.
“What do you want Teijo?” Baraggan asked.
“Aizen wants me to get to know the Espada and their Fraccion.” Teijo said.
“The Boss wants you to get to know us. Every well, but I want to see your Hollow powers.” Baraggan said.
“Why do you want to see my Hollow powers?” Teijo asked.
“I never got to see them first hand. Now show me your Hollow powers.” Baraggan said.
Teijo sighed then a black ring of Spirit Energy circled Teijo's feet. The ring became a veil then Baraggan and his Fraccion saw Teijo in his Hollow form. Baraggan's Fraccion were in awe of Teijo's Spiritual Pressure. Baraggan laughed in amusement and when Teijo fired a Cero to show Baraggan the power he had. Baraggan laughed more. Teijo then went back to his normal form Baraggan said,
“Good Teijo. Your Hollow powers are impressive.”Baraggan said.
“Why thank you Baraggan. Now I would like to know more about you and your Fraccion.” Teijo said.
Baraggan then went on the tell Teijo about himself and his Fraccion. Teijo and Kumogani then went on to see the rest of the Espada and their Fraccion. Teijo would often have to show the Espada prof of his worth as the Overseer of the Espada that Aizen gave him. Harribel wanted Teijo to tell her about him and why he follows Aizen. Ulquiorra told Teijo about him without anything in return because Teijo told him that Aizen wanted him to know about the Espada. Nnoitra wanted to fight Teijo again. When Teijo beat Nnoitra, Nnoitra's hate for Teijo grew more and more from that point on. Grimmjow wanted a rematch with Teijo and Teijo won, once again instating that Teijo would always beat Grimmjow. Zommari wouldn't talk and wanted to be left alone, but pointed out a notebook that had some facts about himself. When Teijo went to see Szayelaporro, Szayelaporro wanted Teijo for some experiments. Teijo wasn't looking forward, but it was the only way. Teijo came walking out of the room with the most disgusted face.
“What happen in their Teijo?” Kumogani asked.
“I... I don't want to talk about.” Teijo said.
Szayelaporro came walking out.
“Don't tell anyone about what you did in there!” Teijo demanded.
“As you wish Teijo. Its the lest I can do after you agreed to be a experiment.” Szayelaporro said.
“I have to finish what Aizen wanted me to do...” Teijo said then whispered to Kumogani, “Let's get out of here.”
Teijo pushed Kumogani and they went to see Aaroniero. Aaroniero was still upset at Teijo for nearly killing him, but Aaroniero followed Aizen's orders. The last one was Yammy. Teijo and Kumogani found sleeping then a little dog started braking. Yammy rolled over saying,
“Shut up you stupid dog.”
When Yammy saw Teijo he jumped to his feet and said.
“I remember you. You almost killed me. I've been waiting for a chance to fight you again.”
“That will have to wait. Aizen wants me to get to know the Espada and your the last one.” Teijo said.
“Why I am the last one?” Yammy asked.
“I started at one and worked my up to ten.” Teijo answered.
“So you to know some things about me?...” Yammy started to say, but he stop and attacked Teijo.
Teijo appeared behind Yammy and said,
“I knew you were going to do that.”
Yammy groaned in anger and tried to attack Teijo again. Once again Teijo vanished and appeared to the right of Yammy.
“You are strong, but you are slow.” Teijo truanted.
Yammy grew angrier then started to fire Balas at Teijo. Teijo tried to dodge and deflect the Balas. Yammy then fired a Cero at Teijo. Yammy thought he had hit Teijo, but Teijo was standing there with his Shikai.
“What happen to the Cero I fired?” Yammy asked in a angry yet confused tone.
“Seishin abareru hito. I can absorb Spirit Energy from any Hollow and Soul Reaper that includes Spirit Energy based attacks. I absorb your Cero.” Teijo said showing off his Shikai.
“Suerte. Suerte. Suerte for me.” Yammy said.
“Suerte?” Teijo said confused.
“I am lucky. I found a opponent who amuse me. You amuse me Teijo.” Yammy said.
“Thank...you?...” Teijo said hesitantly.
Yammy continued to attack Teijo with punches. Teijo would just dodge the punches and then stole some Spirit Energy from Yammy. Teijo would repeat this and slowly Teijo brought Yammy down. Yammy was on the ground breathing heavy then said,
“Your trash Teijo.”
“Your just angry because you lost.” Teijo said.
Yammy then fell asleep.
“Teijo don't you need to talk to Yammy about him.” Kumogani said.
“I don't need to anymore because I got what I needed to know from the little fight. Now let's get back to the palace Kumogani.” Teijo said putting his scythe on his back.
“Alright.” Kumogani said then he and Teijo headed back to the palace.
When Teijo and Kumogani got back to the palace Teijo turned to Kumogani and asked,
“Kumogani. Care to a little training?”
“Training?” Kumogani asked.
“Yeah. I would like see your Arrancar powers.” Teijo said.
“Ok. Let's train Teijo.” Kumogani said then drew his sword.
Teijo smiled then drew his scythe and said,
“Let's begin Kumogani.”
Kumogani charged towards Teijo then slashed his sword, but Teijo blocked the attack.
“Good Kumogani, but not good enough.” Teijo said then threw Kumogani back.
Kumogani charged towards Teijo again and stated a barrage of slashes and stabs. Teijo dodged and blocked Kumogani's attacks, but Kumogani managed to cut Teijo's right arm sleeve. Teijo looked at his sleeve and saw some blood.
“Nice. Very nice Kumogani. You managed to land a hit on me. Now show me your Cero.”Teijo said.
Kumogani pointed his claw hand at Teijo and prepared to fire his Cero. Teijo saw a red Cero in Kumogani's claw. Kumogani fired his Cero at Teijo. Teijo used his Shikai to absorb Kumogani's Cero. Teijo then fired a Spirit Energy attack off away from Kumogani.
“What was that for?” Kumogani asked.
“I said I can absorb any and all kinds of Spirit Energy, but if I absorb too much Spirit Energy in one day it would cause more harm then good. I still had the Spirit Energy from all the fights I had today and your Cero would have cause harm to my body if I hadn't fried off that attack just now.” Teijo explained to Kumogani.
Kumogani then came in close and tried to slash Teijo. Teijo blocked Kumogani with his small scythe, but Kumogani put his claw hand to Teijo's chest and fired another Cero.
“Got you Teijo.” Kumogani said before he fired.
Teijo was enveloped in Kumogani's Cero. Kumogani saw Teijo some distance away, but still in front of him. Teijo's clothes were torn and dirty from the Cero.
“I didn't see that coming. Good job Kumogani. Now use your Resurreccion.” Teijo said.
Kumogani put his sword in his claw and use his free and place it on the blade then said,
“Snip... Tarabagani.”
Kumogani appearance then changed. His claw enveloped his arm. His right arm became a spear. Kumogani's lower half became like his original Adjucha self. Kumogani's face grew a mouth and two mandibles. Kumogani's head became like his original Adjucha self too. Finally was the same size as Yammy.
“Now show some of your Resurreccion's power.” Teijo said.
“With pleasure.” Kumogani said.
Then Kumogani ran towards Teijo and stab his right arm in the ground at Teijo's feet. Teijo jumped out of the way before Kumogani's attack hit him. Kumogani then swung his claw at Teijo while he was in the air. Teijo saw Kumogani's claw coming towards him and he knew he couldn't dodge it so he guarded with his scythe. When Kumogani's claw hit Teijo's scythe and Teijo was sent flying backwards into a wall. Before Teijo had time to do anything, Kumogani fired a Cero from his claw at Teijo
, but Kumogani saw his Cero absorbed.
“Thanks for that Kumogani. I was able to heal myself with that Cero you fired. That is enough for today.” Teijo said.
Kumogani dissipated then he said,
“Alright Teijo. What did you think of my abilities?”
“You abilities are more then I expected Kumogani. You are a worthy opponent.” Teijo smiled.
“Thanks for that Teijo.” Kumogani said.
Teijo then went to tend to his peach trees. Teijo went to full his watering can when he looked out at Las Noches and said,
“I miss the Soul Society. There was more then sand and buildings. I miss the cherry blossoms in the early spring. I had friends there. Here only Kumogani is my friend. Aizen, Gin, and Kaname are too busy to spend time. The Espada, I get the feeling that they want me gone. I don't feel like I belong here.”
That night Teijo was once again reading his books when he picked up the book 'A Field of Flowers' and begun to read it. After a few pages, Teijo put the book done then went outside of Las Noches. Teijo just looked at the night sky and sighed.
“What you doing out here at this hour?” Kumogani said walking up to Teijo.
“I started to read 'A Field of Flowers' when I was reminded of Hanako and I wanted to get some air. What are you doing here Kumogani?” Teijo asked.
“I saw you walk out. After some time I decided to looked for you. What is the problem Teijo?” Kumogani asked.
“ I just miss the life I had in the Soul Society. I wish I could go back there, but Aizen says that the Soul Society has turned evil.” Teijo said.
Kumogani remembered the day when he was turned into a Arrancar and he had a talk with Aizen.
“So this was your plan Aizen?” Kumogani questioned.
“Yes. I had Teijo go through Hollowfiaction then I brought him to Hueco Mundo and had him run into you. I know of his ability to absorb all forms of Spirit Energy. I plan to use that ability against the Soul Society, but most importantly against the Head Captain. You are not to say word of this to Teijo. Understand Kumogani?” Aizen said.
“You have my word Aizen. I will not say a word about this to Teijo.” Kumogani said.
“Good. I want you to continue to be by Teijo's side as his Fraccion and report to me every time he fights. I'll have Szayelaporro do some his experiments on Teijo so I can get more information about him.” Aizen said.
Kumogani and Teijo just sat on looked at the night sky when Teijo asked,
“Do you really think that the Soul Society is evil?”
“I believe what Aizen said. The Soul Society has turned evil.” Kumogani said without a moment of pass when Teijo asked the question.
“That was a quick answer Kumogani.” Teijo said.
“Well I had a feeling that you would ask that question and I had my answer already.” Kumogani said sweating.
Teijo looked at Kumogani with a confused look and then said,
“I think that the Soul Society is evil, but I believe I can save them.”
“You really think you can save the Soul Society?” Kumogani asked.
“I do even if I die in the process.” Teijo said.
Kumogani looked into Teijo's eye and saw that Teijo truly believed he could save the Soul Society. Kumogani then felt sorrow because he knew that Aizen was just using him and planing to get rid of him.
Teijo and Kumogani spent the next few months training, overseeing the Espada and their missions, and following Aizen orders. Everyday Teijo would spend time with Espada who would talk, training himself or with Kumogani or the Espada, or he would read and tend to his peach trees. Teijo would often go off on his own and think of the Soul Society and Hanako, also get into fights with Grimmjow and Nnoitra and Kumogani would report Teijo's fights to Aizen so Aizen could collect some of Teijo's Reishi. Then the day when Aizen sent Ulquiorra and Yammy to scout the World of the Living. Aizen, Teijo,Gin, Kaname, and the Espada were in a meet. Aizen and the Espada were sitting at the meeting table while Teijo, Gin, and Kaname were standing behind Aizen.
“Ulquiorra. Yammy. I want you two to go to the World of the Living. I want you two to see Ichigo Kurosaki.” Aizen said.
“As you wish Lord Aizen.” Ulquiorra said.
“Whatever.” Yammy said
“Aizen, Can I ask a favor?” Teijo asked stepping forward a bit.
“What is it Teijo?” Aizen asked.
“I would like to accompany Ulquiorra and Yammy to the World of the Living.” Teijo said.
Silence fall the room, Aizen thought about Teijo request for a moment then said,
“Every well Teijo. You may accompany Ulquiorra and Yammy to the World of the Living.”
“Thank you Aizen.” Teijo said.
“So Ulquiorra, Yammy, and Teijo will go to the World of the Living to see how Ichigo Kurosaki improved.” Aizen said.
“We will leave immediately Lord Aizen.” Ulquiorra said then he, Yammy and Teijo left for the World of the Living.
When the three arrived in the World of the Living they were surrounded by humans.
“Stop looking at me!” Yammy yelled at the humans that were looking at the big crater that they made upon their arrival.
Since the human could not see or hear Yammy they continued to look at the crater and try to figure out what made it, cause of this Yammy grew more and more angry with the humans who he thought were staring at him. Yammy used his Gonzui and absorb the souls of the humans. When Yammy was done he wiped his mouth and said,
“People with low Spirit Energy have such a horrible taste.”
Teijo was looking around and not paying attention to Yammy and Ulquiorra until some arrived. Teijo looked to see a man with a black and red left arm. The man went to attack Yammy, but Yammy defeated the man with one attack. There was also a orange hair woman and had a weird thing that Teijo never saw before around the man that Yammy defeated.
'What power does these people have? I never saw powers like what these people possess.' Teijo thought then a orange hair man blocked Yammy.
“Hey Ulquiorra. Is this one trash?” Yammy asked.
“He is the one we were sent here for.” Ulquiorra said.
“That one is Ichigo Kurosaki?” Teijo asked Ulquiorra.
“Yes Teijo. That is Ichigo Kurosaki.” Ulquiorra said.
'There is something about Ichigo? I feel that there is something wrong with his Spiritual Pressure. Does he have a inner Hollow like me?' Teijo thought as Yammy pummeled Ichigo.
Just as Yammy was about to finish Ichigo someone jump in and saved Ichigo. Teijo saw a tall lean-built man with gray eyes with messy light blonde hair man wearing a dark coat with white diamond pattern at the bottom half, dark green shirt and pants under the coat, a white and dark green stripped hat and wooden sandals. There was also a dark-skinned woman with golden-colored eyes and long purple hair that was in a ponytail. She wore a black backless, sleeveless undershirt and an orange over-shirt with two white straps on each shoulder, a large beige sash around her waist, and black stretch pants with a pair of lightweight brown shoes. When Teijo saw the man's and woman's face, he was shocked.
“What is Teijo?” Ulquiorra asked.
“I know those two.” Teijo said.
“You know who those two are?” Ulquiorra asked.
“Yes I do. Captain Shihoin and Captain Urahara... Let's hurry up and get out of here.” Teijo ordered.
“I have all I had to give my report anyway.” Ulquiorra said.
Then Yammy fired a Cero, but Kisuke nullified it and attacked him, but Ulquiorra deflects Kisuke's attack and then he, Yammy, and Teijo retreated. Before the Garganta closed Kisuke saw a little bit of Teijo's face and he gasped.
“What is it Kisuke?” Yoruichi asked.
“I thought saw someone that we knew long ago, but I didn't get a good look.” Kisuke said.
Teijo, Ulquiorra, and Yammy, with one arm because Ichigo cut it off, arrived back to Las Noches so that Ulquiorra could give Aizen his report.
“Ulquiorra. What do you to report in front of your 20 brothers and sisters.” Aizen said.
“Take a look for yourself.” Ulquiorra said then took out one of his eyes and crushed it, turning into dust.
“You decided not to kill him?” Aizen said.
“Yes Lord Aizen. He wasn't worth killing.” Ulquiorra said.
“Your too soft Ulquiorra!” Grimmjow shouted.
While Ulquiorra and Grimmjow argued Teijo thought about Captain Shihoin and Captain Urahara.
'Why were Captain Shihoin and Captain Urahara were there today?Aren't they suppose to be in the Soul Society? There are something that Aizen isn't telling me?'
“There something wrong Teijo?” Aizen asked.
“No Aizen just thinking. I will take my leave then.” Teijo said.
Teijo then left to his palace.
“Teijo has been acting weird lately. What do you think about that Captain Aizen?” Gin asked.
“I think to he slowly caching on to me, but he has almost outlived his usefulness.” Aizen said.
“What are you going to do?” Gin asked.
“I don't know yet. Maybe send him to Soul Society or the World of the Living.” Aizen said.
“Captain Aizen that is terrible of you.” Gin said.
Aizen smiled and thought of what he would do to Teijo because he didn't need him anymore. Teijo was reading his book late at night when Aizen came walking in.
“Reading again Teijo?” Aizen asked walking from the darkness.
“Aizen. Yeah I like this books. Now what brings you here?” Teijo asked putting the book he was reading down.
“I have a mission in the World of the Living for you and you alone.” Aizen said.
“You have a mission for me in the World of the Living? What is it?” Teijo asked.
“I want you to find any Soul Reaper and wipe them out.” Aizen said.
“Does that included Ichigo?” Teijo asked.
“No. I want him alive, but any other Soul Reaper is fine.” Aizen said.
“Alright. I will be off now.” Teijo said getting up.
“I wish you luck Teijo.” Aizen said then left and Kumogani came walking in shortly after.
“Where you going Teijo?” Kumogani asked.
“Aizen is sending me to the World of the Living to wipe any Soul Reaper I encounter.” Teijo answered getting ready to leave.
Kumogani felt cold throughout his body. Teijo could see Kumogani shacking.
“Something wrong Kumogani?” Teijo asked.
“Why do you say that Teijo? I am fine?” Kumogani lied.
“Are you sure because you are shacking.” Teijo said.
“I am just excited for you. There is a big mission for you.” Kumogani lied again.
“Well... Thanks Kumogani...” Teijo said.
“See you when you get back Teijo.” Kumogani said then ran off.
Kumogani didn't want Teijo to go because he knew that Aizen was sending Teijo to his death, but he also knew if he warned Teijo Aizen would kill him.
“Well that was weird. Anyway I have to get going.” Teijo said finished getting ready to leave.
Before Teijo left his room he looked back at his bed and saw the book 'A Field of Flowers' on the night stand with light from the window on it. Teijo walked over to the book and picked it up and stared at it for a while.
'It might be awhile before I return. I might as well take this with me. For good luck.' Teijo thought.
Teijo then head off to the World of the Living to carry out the mission Aizen gave him. Kumogani watched Teijo leave and he could feel nothing, but sorrow to his friend go off to his death.
“I vow Teijo, I will do something about this.” Kumogani vowed.