Teijo Shimazu

Teijo SHimazu Cahpter V

Chapter 5

Teijo was traveling through the Garganta, he pulled out 'A Field of Flowers' from under his coat and looked at it.
'Hanako...' Teijo thought.
Teijo finally arrived in the World of the Living. It was late afternoon, the sun was in the early stages of sunset, and Teijo could sense that there were multiple Soul Reaper in Karakura Town.”
“Now who should I go after first?” Teijo asked himself.
Teijo put 'A Field of Flowers' back under his coat and sat down and decided to wait for Soul Reapers to come to him. Teijo exerted Spiritual Pressure so he could be found. After some time Ichigo and a black haired woman found Teijo. The woman was four feet and eight and half inches tall with light skin and violet-colored hairs. She had several strands of hair hanging between her eyes.
“So your back?” Ichigo said.
“Who know him Ichigo?” The woman asked.
“Not really Rukia, but he was with the two that came here earlier and injured Chad. What is your name?” Ichigo asked Teijo who was still sitting.
“My name is Teijo Shimazu and I am...” Teijo started to say.
“You a Espada?” Ichigo interrupted.
“I am the Overseer of the Espada.” Teijo answered.
“I thought the Espada are the most powerful Hollows?” Rukia asked.
“I am not a Hollow. I am a Soul Reaper. I was the Lieutenant of Squad Three hundred years ago.” Teijo said.
“Why are you working for Aizen?” Rukia asked.
“Because Aizen has explained to me that the Soul Society has turned evil.” Teijo said standing up.
“The Soul Society hasn't turned evil. Aizen is just using you!” Ichigo exclaimed.
“I don't believe you. Aizen has tasked me to wipe out any Soul Reaper I encounter, but I must leave Ichigo Kurosaki alive. However you two aren't the ones I want to fight first.” Teijo said.
“Why leave alive and who do you want to fight?” Ichigo asked.
“Aizen has plans for you Ichigo. Bring me Captain Shihoin and Captain Urahara. I want to fight them first.” Teijo explained.
Ichigo and Rukia looked at each other. Teijo then said sinisterly,
“If you don't bring me Captain Shihoin and Captain Urahara. I'll go find them and kill everyone along the way.”
Ichigo and Rukia gasped, but only Ichigo could see that something was different about Teijo from now and a few seconds ago.
“Rukia. Go get Kisuke and Yoruichi. I will keep this guy busy.” Ichigo said drawing his sword.
Rukia nodded then left. Teijo drew his scythe and said sinisterly,
“So Ichigo. You want to fight me. I'll show you why I am the Overseer of the Espada.”
Without a moment after he finished talking, Teijo appeared behind Ichigo and kicked him in the back. Ichigo had no time to react so he took the full force of Teijo's kick. As Ichigo was getting back up Teijo, not acting like his inner Hollow, said,
“I sense something about you Ichigo. You have a inner Hollow and it is unstable.”
“How do you know that?” Ichigo asked.
“Because I have a inner Hollow.” Teijo informed
Ichigo gasped when Teijo told him that he had a inner Hollow.
“The difference is that I have full control of my inner Hollow. I would show, but you aren't in any condition to stand against it. It would be best if you just step down from fighting me” Teijo said.
“Shut up!” Ichigo said then held his sword in front then said, “Bankai!”
Ichigo's Spirit Energy turned into a black-red color, that Teijo was shocked because it was similar to his, Ichigo's big sword shrunk into a daito with a black blade. The guard had four prongs bent counter-clock wise. The sword had a short length of chain with a broken link at then end of the hilt. Ichigo was now wearing a long-sleeved, ankle-length black coat with red lining. It was closed at his chest and left to flare out into ragged ends.
“Tensa Zangestu... Getsuga Tensho!” Ichigo finished and fired a black with a red lining crescent moon shape wave of Spirit Energy at Teijo.
Teijo dodged Ichigo's attack and once again appeared behind Ichigo and hit with the handle of his scythe.
“So your using your Bankai. I am not going to use my Shikai, Bankai, and I will not use my Hollow Powers.” Teijo said.
Ichigo felt his inner Hollow try to take over.
'You will lose this fight if I don't take over.' Ichigo's inner Hollow said.
“I refuse any of your help.” Ichigo said to his inner Hollow.
Teijo saw Ichigo struggle against his inner Hollow and he put his Scythe back on his back then sat down.
“What are you doing? We're not done yet.” Ichigo yelled at Teijo.
“You are struggling with you inner Hollow. I can see you refuse his help even if it meant that you could win. I was like you long ago, but the day came when I face inner Hollow. During that fight I stabbed him and he stabbed me. I have full control of my inner Hollow, but from time to time my personality will be like his. You could see the difference.” Teijo said while Ichigo struggled to get back on his feet.
Ichigo didn't say a word then fell to the ground. Teijo got up had walked over to Ichigo and knelt beside him.
“What are you doing?” Ichigo asked.
“I going to help you subdue your inner Hollow for the moment.” Teijo said then place his hands over Ichigo and begone to subdue Ichigo's inner Hollow.
“Why are you helping me?” Ichigo asked.
“Because I still feel compassion for fellow Soul Reapers who are injured. It comes from my time as a member of Squad Four. I don't like to see people die even if they are my enemy, but I am not afraid to fight because there is someone I need to find and protect.” Teijo said looking up at the night sky.
Then Rukia arrived with Kisuke and Yoruichi.
“Ichigo!” Rukia yelled.
“He is going to be fine. His inner Hollow tried to take control of his body, but I managed to subdue it for the time being.” Teijo said.
“Rukia tells us that you wanted to see us.” Kisuke said.
“I did. Aizen has tasked me to get rid of any Soul Reaper in the World of the Living and I wanted to fight you first, Captain Shihoin and Captain Urahara.” Teijo said standing up then turned to see Kisuke and Yoruichi.
When Kisuke and Yoruichi saw Teijo's face, Yoruichi gasped and Kisuke said,
“I thought it was you Teijo.”
“Everyone thought that you were dead. Where have you been Teijo?” Yoruichi asked.
“I am not. I have be living in Hueco Mundo for the past hundred years.” Teijo answered.
“Why are you working for Aizen?” Yoruichi asked.
“Because Aizen told all about the Soul Society's descent
into evil and madness.” Teijo said.
“The Soul Society didn't descent into evil and madness Teijo. Aizen lied to you.” Kisuke tried to explain Teijo the truth.
“Your the one who is lying Captain Urahara!” Teijo shouted, his inner Hollow personality in control.
Teijo then started to draw his scythe, but disappeared.
“Where did he go?” Rukia asked looking around to find Teijo.
Kisuke drew his Benihime, a sleek, medium-sized sword. The hilt's grip, which has a gentle black-decorative wrapping, bends forward at the end, with a pommel shaped overlap three times, and a crimson tassel dangling from the base. There is U-shaped guard covering three inches of the blade, with a flower petal design. At the base of the guard is a red string wrapped three time
around the hilt, with a three-loop bow on the back side and a folded paper decoration on the front side. The blade is black with a sliver edge. Kisuke turned and blocked Teijo's attack.
“Your just as fast as you were hundred years ago Teijo.” Kisuke said.
“I am holding back Captain Urahara.” Teijo said then disappeared again and reappeared next to Ichigo who was still laying on the ground.
“Rukia. Take Ichigo and get away from here.” Yoruichi said.
“Alright.” Rukia said then ran to grab Ichigo.
Teijo allowed Rukia to reached Ichigo. When Rukia and Ichigo were away Teijo place his scythe blade on his right middle finger and said,
“Bring me their soul... Seishin abareru hito.”
Kisuke and Yoruichi saw Teijo with a hook as a middle finger on his right hand and a small scythe in his left hand. Teijo then charged towards Kisuke and Yoruichi. Yoruichi jump out of the way while Kisuke used his Chikasumi no Tate to create a hexagon-shaped crimson barrier in front of the blade. Teijo tried to get through Kisuke's barrier when Yoruichi appeared behind Teijo going to kick him. Teijo noticed Yoruichi and blocked her kick with his arm guard.
'This is not a good place to be. If I try to attack Captain Shihoin, I'll leave my back free for Captain Urahara to attack. If I try to absorb the barrier Captain Shihoin will attack me.' Teijo thought as he while off Yoruichi with one arm and try to break through Kisuke's barrier.
Teijo then jumped into the air then disappeared. Teijo reappeared some distance behind Kisuke and Yoruichi.
“I know you two aren't trying. Captain Urahara fire some of your Kido. How about your Senju Koten Taiho.” Teijo taunted.
“You want me to fire Senju Koten Taiho?” Kisuke asked confused.
“Yeah. Use incantation too.” Teijo taunted more.
Kisuke pointed his sword at Teijo then said,
“Limit of the thousands hands, respectful hands, unable to touch the darkness. Shooting hands unable to reflect the blue sky. The road that basks in light, the wind that ignited the embers, time that gathers when both are together, there is no need hesitant, obey my orders. Lights bullets, eights bodies, nine items, book of heaven, diseased treasure, great wheel grey fortress tower. Aim far away, scatter brightly and cleanly when fired.”
As Kisuke was saying his incantation Teijo saw ten pink energy points around Kisuke. Kisuke then fired and said,
“Senju Koten Taiho!”
Teijo saw the ten pink energy points coming for him. He just smiled and held his hook in front of him. Kisuke and Yoruichi saw the Senju Koten Taiho exploded and they thought Teijo was defeated, but then they saw the explosion go into Teijo's hook.
“How!?” Yoruichi exclaimed.
“That can't be!” Kisuke exclaimed.
Teijo then put his small scythe under his rope around his waist then used his left hand to grip his right arm that was forwards and outstretched and the palm was facing flat towards Kisuke Yoruichi. Teijo then shouted,
“Hado number eighty-eight, Hiryu Gekizoku Shinten Raiho!”
Then a gigantic beam of electrical and spiritual energy came flying towards Kisuke and Yoruichi.
“Bakudo number eighty-one, Danku!” Kisuke shouted.
When Teijo's Hiryu Gekizoku Shinten Raiho hit Kisuke's Danku, the Hiryu Gekizoku Shinten Raiho created a enormous explosion. When the dust settled Teijo saw Kisuke's Danku servilely cracked.
“Where did you learn Hiryu Gekizoku Shinten Raiho Teijo?” Kisuke asked.
“I learned it while in Las Noches. While I was in Hueco Mundo and Las Noches I improved all abilities. I am not the same Teijo a hundred years ago.” Teijo informed.
“Before that, what did you do to Kisuke's Senju Koten Taiho?” Yoruichi asked.
“I have the ability to absorb any form of Spirit Energy. I absorbed Captain Urahara's Kido to strengthen mine.” Teijo explained.
“Shunko!” Yoruichi exclaimed.
Teijo saw Yoruichi's orange over-shirt rip apart and there was white lighting around her.
“What is this?” Teijo questioned.
Yoruichi then appeared behind Teijo then kick him on the side of the face.
'I don't remember Captain Yoruichi being that fast. What is she using?' Teijo thought as he flew.
As Teijo flew Yoruichi appeared next to him and started a series of punches and kicks. Yoruichi finished with a punch to Teijo's gut which sent Teijo slamming into the ground. Yoruichi then landed next to Kisuke.
“That was a little overboard. Don't you think?” Kisuke asked.
“Maybe, but there is no way to get through to Teijo. Unless...” Yoruichi started to say when Teijo was standing breathing heavy and holding his Zanpakuto in its sealed form and his inner Hollow personality in control.
“It looks like I have to use it.” Teijo said.
“Your Bankai will not work Teijo.” Yoruichi said.
“I am not using my Bankai. I know it won't work, plus I don't care for my Bankai. I am talking about my Hollowfiaction.” Teijo said then was enveloped in a black veil of Spirit Energy.
Kisuke and Yoruichi saw a bone hand reach of the veil then black Spirit Energy took the form of a scythe. Teijo grabbed the scythe then Kisuke and Yoruichi saw Teijo in his Hollow form.
“What!?” Yoruichi said surprised and shocked at what she saw.
“What happen to you Teijo?” Kisuke asked.
“The night when Captain Otoribashi, the others, and I went to find Captain Muguruma and Lieutenant Kuna, Aizen told me that it was you Captain Urahara. You did this to me! You also were the one who sent me to Hueco Mundo. You took my life away and you will die by my hand!” Teijo roared.
“I wasn't the one who did any of that to you Teijo. It was Aizen, he is the one who did it.” Kisuke tried to explain.
“You lie!” Teijo yelled in anger.
Teijo then appeared right in front of Kisuke then placed his hand on Kisuke's right shoulder. Kisuke felt cold throughout his body and saw his Spirit Energy going from his shoulder to Teijo's hand.
“In this form I can steal every ounce of Spirit Energy from anyone with a simple touch.” Teijo said.
Yoruichi tried to use her Shunko and kick Teijo, but Teijo's wing blocked her kick.
“Nothing can get through these wings. Your attacks are useless. ” Teijo said turning his head to look at Yoruichi.
Kisuke then jumped away while Teijo was distracted. He held his right shoulder. Kisuke had lost all feeling in his right arm and his skin had wrinkled. Yoruichi then disappeared and reappeared next to Kisuke.
“Do you have a plan Yoruichi?” Kisuke asked.
“I do. I am going to get Rose and the others. Maybe then Teijo can see the truth.” Yoruichi said.
“So I am going to have to stay here and keep Teijo busy?” Kisuke said.
“I will not be long.” Yoruichi said then left to go get Rose and the others.
“Captain Shihoin left you to die Captain Urahara.” Teijo taunted.
“No. Yoruichi is going to the truth.” Kisuke said.
“I already know the truth. You and the Soul Society are evil.” Teijo yelled then charged towards Kisuke.

Yoruichi was almost to Rose and the others when she ran into Shinji.
“Yoruichi. Where are you off two in a hurry?” Shinji asked.
“I need you and the other Vizards to come with me now.” Yoruichi said.
“Where is the fire Yoruichi?” Shinji asked.
“No time explain now, but I will later. Kisuke is in trouble.” Yoruichi said.
“Alright. I'll get the Vizards. Where is Kisuke?” Shinji asked.
“He is in the park. I'll go back and help him. Hurry.” Yoruichi said then left to go back to help Kisuke while Shinji went to go get the Vizards.
Kisuke was dodging Teijo's scythe. When Kisuke got a distance away from Teijo, he used his Nake technique. Teijo used his wings to block the attack and behind the wings Teijo absorbed the attack through his hands.
“How many time do I have to tell you Captain Urahara? I can absorb any form of Spirit Energy.” Teijo said was he flung his wings back.
Just then Yoruichi tried the kick Teijo in the back, but Teijo knew that Yoruichi was there and he turned and grabbed her leg. Teijo then threw Yoruichi into Kisuke.
“So Captain Shihoin, your back. Where is the truth that Captain Urahara told me that you getting?” Teijo asked.
“Yeah Yoruichi? Where is it?” Kisuke asked pushing Yoruichi off him.
“It is on its way. We need to keep Teijo busy for a few minutes.” Yoruichi said.
“You don't have that long.” Teijo said then pointed his left index and middle finger at Kisuke and Yoruichi.
Kisuke and Yoruichi saw a black Cero forming then Teijo fired his Cero. Teijo's Cero came flying towards Kisuke and Yoruichi.
“Bakudo number eighty-one, Danku!” Kisuke said.
Teijo's Cero hit Kisuke's Danku then Teijo appeared behind Kisuke and Yoruichi and slashed his scythe. Yoruichi pushed Kisuke out of the way and she got slashed across the back. When Kisuke and Yoruichi hit the ground Kisuke saw the slash across her back and asked,
“Yoruichi? Are you alright?”
“I am alright. It just a little cut. I'll be fine.” Yoruichi grunted.
Kisuke then turned to Teijo used his Shibari technique to bind Teijo in a blood red net. Once Teijo was caught in the net, Kisuke stab the net with the tip of Benihime creating orbs of fire along the outside length of the net. When the orbs came came into direct contact with Teijo, they created a tremendously large and devastating explosion. While Teijo was caught up in the attack, Kisuke took Yoruichi to a nearby tree. Teijo walked out of the dust and he was in a rage.
“That is it! I am done messing around with you two. I am going to end this now with this attack.” Teijo yelled.
Kisuke turned to see Teijo cut his left hand with his scythe then held his left hand out. Kisuke then saw a black Cero with three prongs bent clock wise.
“This is normally only for the Espada, but I managed to learn how to use it. Now take this Captain Urahara. My Gran Ray Cero.” Teijo said then fired his Gran Ray Cero.
Teijo's Gran Ray Cero spun like a razor as it compress and decompress while it traveled towards Kisuke. Teijo saw his Gran Ray Cero hit and thought that Captain Urahara and Captain Shihoin were dead, but he saw a gigantic shield.
“What's this!?” Teijo exclaimed in shocked.
“Gate of the Dragon Tail...Just in time.” someone said.
“Whose there? Show yourself.” Teijo demanded.
Then two people turned to attack Teijo from behind. Teijo noticed and blocked them. Teijo saw Captain Hirako and Lieutenant Sarugaki. He gasped and took a few steps back. When Teijo saw Captain Otoribashi he dropped his scythe and fell to his knees. Everyone could Teijo start to cry.
“What kind of Hollow is this?” Shinji asked.
“I don't know, but its dead!” Hiyori said the charged towards Teijo to finish him off.
Kisuke stopped Hiyori.
“What are you doing Kisuke!? Why are you defending this Hollow!?” Hiyori asked.
Kisuke turned his head and looked at Teijo and said,
“Now do you the truth? Aizen has been feeding you lies.”
“Kisuke. You know this Hollow?” Shinji asked.
“We all do.” Kisuke said.
Teijo stood up and turned back into his normal self. Shinji, Hiyori and everyone was shocked to see Teijo standing in front of them. Rose stepped forward and asked,
“Teijo? Is that you?”
“It is Captain Otoribashi.” Teijo answered wiping tears from his eyes.
“You disappeared after the night hundred years ago. Everyone thought you were dead.” Rose said.
“I was in Hueco Mundo after that night.” Teijo said.
“What were you doing in Hueco Mundo Teijo?” Shinji asked.
“I tell you everything that happen to me in the past hundred years.” Teijo said then begun to explain what has happen to him. As Teijo told his story everyone went back to Urahara Shop. Tessai, Jinta, and Ururu were there and they joined in.
When Teijo was done with his story Shinji asked him,
“So Aizen made you the Overseer of the Espada then after a few months he sent you to the World of the Living to wipe out any Soul Reaper you meet?”
“Except for Ichigo Kurosaki.” Teijo informed.
“And all this time telling you lies about the Soul Society so you would work for him.” Shinji continued.
“That's right. I know now that he was just using me...” Teijo turned to Kisuke then continued, “Captain Urahara I am sorry for everything I did to you and Captain Shihoin.”
“Its ok Teijo. You had no idea what has happen. Oh just call everyone here by their first name.” Kisuke said.
“Why?” Teijo asked.
“Because we are no longer in the Soul Society.” Kisuke said.
“Why is that?” Teijo asked.
Kisuke begun to explain everything that has happen while he was lost in Hueco Mundo. Kisuke told about Ichigo, about Aizen, and about the whats happen in the Soul Society.
“So a lot has happen while I was gone.” Teijo said.
“Its been a hundred years. Of course a lot of things happen in a hundred years. Dumb ass.” Hiyori said annoyed with Teijo.
“It is always good to see you, Hiyori. After a hundred years you still the same.” Teijo said.
Hiyori then tried to kick Teijo in the face, but Teijo dodged it by moving a few inches to the left. As she hit the ground behind him Teijo laughed at Hiyori, who took one of her sandals and smacked Teijo in the back of the head.
“OW! Why you little...” Teijo yelled rubbing the back of his head.
“You want to fight!” Hiyori yelled.
“You used to beat me up back in the Soul Society, but I can take you down now.” Teijo protested.
“I like to see you try Teijo!” Hiyori yelled.
“Fine right here, right now.” Teijo said angrily.
Teijo and Hiyori begun to fight. As Teijo and Hiyori were fight Ururu turned to Rose and asked,
“Did they always do this?”
“Yes they did. Teijo and Hiyori would get into fight very often. Hiyori would normally beat him and Teijo hated it.” Rose answered.
Tessai pulled the two apart and said,
“If you two are going to fight take it outside or stop now.”
“Well she started it.” Teijo said pointing to Hiyori.
“No you did.” Hiyori yelled.
Teijo and Hiyori then glared at each then Teijo went back to talk with Kisuke and everyone.
“...Anyways, do anyone know what Aizen plans to do?” Teijo asked.
“Don't you know Teijo? You were working for Aizen. You must have some clue.” Shinji said.
“No. Aizen never told any plans. I was never allowed in the meets. Aizen left me in the dark about his plans.” Teijo said.
“Well your no help at all Teijo!” Hiyori said annoyed at Teijo.
“I don't have to take that from you Hiyori!” Teijo yelled.
“What are you going to do about it?” Hiyori asked taunting Teijo.
Teijo and Hiyori glared at each other with anger burning in their eyes then Teijo and Hiyori turned their heads refusing to accept the others existence.
“All I know is that Aizen plans to attack Karakura Town during the winter.” Teijo informed everyone.
“What does he plan on doing with Karakura Town?” Tessai questioned.
“We will figure that out later, but in the meantime we have to prepare for Aizen.” Kisuke said.
“Well we will get back to our hideout.” Shinji said.
“Do you mind if I come with you?” Teijo asked Shinji.
“Well you have Hollowfiaction. So your a Vizard.” Shinji said.
“Thank you Shinji.” Teijo said.
Teijo and the Vizards left Urahara Shop and head back to their hideout. When Teijo and the other Vizards arrived at the Warehouse everyone went to sleep, but Teijo stayed up looking at the moon and think about his past.

It was Teijo's first day as the Lieutenant of Squad Three. Teijo was going to meat up with Captain Otoribashi. Teijo arrived at Captain Otoribashi's room he said,
“Captain Otoribashi. I am here and ready to be your new lieutenant.”
“Ah Teijo come in.” Captain Otoribashi said through the door.
Teijo opened the door and found Captain Otoribashi and two others.
“Teijo this is Kisuke Urahara. He is the Captain of Squad Twelve and this his lieutenant, Hiyori Sarugaki.” Captain Otoribashi said.
“So this is Teijo. Nice to meet you.” Captain Urahara said.
“Nice to meet you Captain Urahara and you Lieutenant Sarugaki.” Teijo said.
Hiyori didn't say a word, but crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.
“You don't have to be like that.” Teijo said.
“I'll act the way I want to act.” Hiyori said rising her voice.
“Don't raise your voice at me.” Teijo said annoyed.
“Why? Does it bug you?” Hiyori taunted.
“I don't have to take that from you.” Teijo said growing angry with Hiyori.
“What are you going to do about it?” Hiyori continued to taunt Teijo.
Teijo and Hiyori glared at each other then jump on each other and begun to fight. Teijo and Hiyori rolled out of Captain Otoribashi's room and fought outside. Hiyori was standing on Teijo's back and Teijo's face was in the dirt.
“Is that all you got. Your pathetic. How did you become a lieutenant?” Hiyori asked.
“Get off me.” Teijo said pushing Hiyori off him.
Hiyori stuck her tongue out at Teijo as he got up and brushed himself off and walked back to Captain Otoribashi.
“What do you have anything for me today Captain Otoribashi?” Teijo asked.
“Just to get to know the rest of the squad Teijo.” Captain Otoribashi said.
“Alright Captain.” Teijo said.
Hiyori then came up and kicked Teijo in the back of the head.
“OW! What was that for!?” Teijo yelled.
“Because I felt like it.” Hiyori said crossing her arms.
From that day Teijo and Hiyori would often get into little fights. Hiyori would normally win. Teijo would often report in to Captain Otoribashi with bruises from fighting with Hiyori. Teijo would sometimes try to be friends with Hiyori, but after a few failed attempts Teijo just stopped trying and he grew to hate Hiyori as Hiyori grew to hate Teijo.

The next day Teijo was just sitting meditating when the door opened and Ichigo came walking in.
“I am surprised that you were able to find this place Ichigo. So you finally decided to join us.” Shinji said.
'Ichigo is here?' Teijo thought and got up walked over to see Ichigo standing.
“I didn't come here to join you. I came your to use Shinji.” Ichigo said
“Hiachi put up five barriers” Hiyori said.
Hiyori then attacked Shinji, knocking him through a window and breaking the barrier.
“No Ichigo, you have it backwards. We want you to join, you have no choice. Its up to us. Only after your power we will decide. If your strong enough we will teach you how to control your inner Hollow. Now Hollowfy!” Hiyori said.
Ichigo refused to Hollowfy. Hiyori put her Hollow mask on.
“You have no choice Ichigo. You too scared Ichigo? Then I'll pull your inner Hollow out by force.” Hiyori said.
Hiyori then attacked Ichigo with her Hollow mask on. While they fought Hiyori continued to goad Ichigo to Hollowfy, but Ichigo still refuses.
“Come on Ichigo. At last use your Bankai.” Hiyori said.
“I will not.” Ichigo repelled.
Hiyori continued to attack Ichigo fiercely. Ichigo's inner Hollow then surface and gain possession of his body. Ichigo attack Hiyori before she could react, breaking her mask, slamming her against the wall and begun to strangle her with one hand. Teijo and the other Vizards quickly restrain Ichigo before he could kill Hiyori. Teijo had his scythe two inches away from the top of Ichigo's head.
“Well I think we all seen enough. Hiyori do you approve?” Shinji asked.
Hiyori was too terrified and shaken to respond. Teijo and the other Vizards let Ichigo go and Ichigo begun to do some training on an exercise machine. Hiyori and Shinji then argued over boiling hot water. Ichigo became irritated with using the machine and he threw it at Hiyori. Hiyori blocked the machine by using Shinji as a shield.
“Why did you do that you dumb ass!?” Hiyori yelled at Ichigo.
“There is no point in me using that machine.” Ichigo yelled.
Then Ichigo and Hiyori begun to argue.
Some time later, Shinji and the Vizards brought Ichigo and Teijo down to their underground training area. The Vizards begun to fight a Hollowfied Ichigo. Lisa went first. As Lisa fought the Hollowfied Ichigo, the other Vizards and Teijo watched.
'This is just like when I was in Las Noches fighting my in inner Hollow. I hope Ichigo can pull this off.' Teijo watched as Lisa fought off against the Hollowfied Ichigo.
Time past as Lisa switch out with Kensei, Kensei switch with Rose, Rose switch with Mashiro, Mashiro switch with Hiyori, Hiyori switch with Shinji. After Shinji's turn it was Love's turn. Teijo was after Love. The Hollowfied Ichigo then went to fire a Cero at Love. Teijo stood up quickly to jump in front of Love. Hiyori yelled at Hachi to pull Love out of the barrier, but before anyone could do anything Ichigo regained control of his body. Later Ichigo trained with Hiyori, Teijo went out with Mashiro to get some new clothes. Since Teijo didn't have a Gigai humans couldn't see or hear him.
“Thanks for helping me with his Mashiro.” Teijo said.
“Your welcome Teijo.” Mashiro said.
“Why did you want to come with me anyway?” Teijo asked.
“Because it is boring watching Carrot-Top and Hiyori train.” Mashiro said.
“Carrot-Top? Don't you mean Ichigo?” Teijo questioned.
“Carrot-Top is Ichigo. Silly.” Mashiro said.
“Well anyways thanks for helping me.” Teijo thanked again.
“Now what are you doing?” Mashiro asked forgetting what Teijo was doing.
“I want to get some new clothes for when Kisuke finishes my Gigai.” Teijo answered.
“Oh. So you need me to buy your clothes?” Mashiro asked.
“Yes because people can't see me, but they can see you.” Teijo said.
Mashiro nodded then Teijo and Mashiro begun to shop for new clothes. After a few outfits Teijo found a outfit that he liked. Teijo had black trousers, six button double-breasted tailcoat, a grey vest, black tie, and black dress shoes. Teijo also had a white button-up under shirt with sliver a button on each cuff, white gloves and a sliver pocket watch.
“This is the outfit you want Teijo?” Mashiro questioned in confusion.
“I like this outfit. I am wearing this when I get my Gigai.” Teijo answered.
Teijo and Mashiro bought the outfit and headed back to the hideout to find Kisuke there waiting for Teijo.
“Ah Teijo there you are. Where have you been? I have your Gigai.” Kisuke said.
“Mashiro and I wear out shopping for a new outfit for me to wear. Thank you Kisuke.” Teijo said then took his Gigai and new clothes off to the corner. Teijo entered his Gigai then put his new outfit on and walked out to Kisuke.
“Well what do you think?” Teijo asked.
“That is a good look Teijo.” Kisuke said.
Mashiro didn't saw anything because she already went back to see how Ichigo was doing.
“Well I better go down there too. I think I'll help Ichigo train.” Teijo said.
“Good luck Teijo.” Kisuke said.
“Thanks for everything Kisuke.” Teijo said.
“It was nothing Teijo. Its just good to have a old friend back.” Kisuke said putting his hand on Teijo's right shoulder.
As Kisuke left, Teijo felt happy to have some of his friends back and for the first time in a hundred years, Teijo felt at home.