Love Somebody


Chapter 7: Regrets

Tara was awoken the next morning by the sunlight beaming into her face. Usually it had to be dark in her bedroom. It was also odd that she was feeling so warm. Did she have a fever?

Putting her hand on her forehead she felt that it was cold. So no, definitely no fever. And then she heard a soft moan coming from beside her. Tara craned her head and looked over her shoulder. With a wide eyed stare she looked at her companion. Sucking in a gasp she looked at the wall on her side.

Did she...Oh God!

As stealthily as possible she got out of the bed and swiftly made her way to the bathroom, grabbing fresh underwear and her sweats, an oversized sweater and her leopard house slipper. Making sure Adam was still asleep in bed, she opened the door and slipped out of the room.

She stood in the shower, hoping the running water wasn't too loud and waking him up. As the warm stream hit her sore body she remembered the events of the night before. Tara had been drinking an entire bottle of Bailey's herself before she went dancing with Adam. She had to admit that she had had fun, even though it was with him. But then they went back to her apartment and had sex. Not just once but enough to last her a lifetime for now.

A quiet sob escaped her as she thought about her past relationship. Tara remembered vaguely that she had told Adam about Paul. She had met him in College, he was nice, until he decided he should have different girls while in a relationship with Tara, because she refused to have sex with him in the first months.

Shaking her head she hastily washed her hair and body and jumped out, listening for any sound that would indicate that her visitor was awake. Not hearing anything, Tara dried her body off, got dressed and put her hair up in a messy bun. Looking in the mirror, a paler version of herself looked back with eyes that were red from crying. Sighing she opened the door and came face to face with the one person she had tried to avoid for some time now.


Adam had woken up after the best sleep he had had for a while now. And not to mention the best sex since...well since he broke his engagement with Behati. A grin made it's way on his face, but disappeared when he felt the cool sheets. He thought that normally when you enjoyed the sex with the person you'd stay in bed and wake up together. Making sure Tara hadn't just fallen out of the bed with all her moving around in the night, he leaned over the side and looked to the ground.

No, she wasn't there. And then he heard the distinct sound of the shower running. There was a time when it was him, that had a shower after a night of sex, before he left without his partners knowing. With a soft sigh Adam got up from the bed and dressed in his boxers. The water stopped and he made his way toward the door where he thought the bathroom would be.

He stopped in front of the closed door and was just about to open it, when he came face to face with a very shocked and pale looking Tara.

“Babe, what's wrong?” he asked and moved to embrace her, but she flinched at his action.

Slightly shocked by her reaction Adam moved away and gave her the room to get past him. He could see her red eyes and assumed that she had been crying.

“Tara, talk to me.” he pleaded and followed the smaller brunette into the kitchen.

“I think you should leave, Adam.” she said so softly, he was afraid of not hearing her right.

“What? No I'm not leaving. Obviously something has upset you.” the musician said an walked up to Tara, putting his hands lightly on her shoulders. “And I want to know what it is.”

Tara leaned onto the counter and sniffled softly. “You need to go. You got what you wanted.” she told him and brushed his hands off.

“I got what I wanted? What is that supposed to mean?”

“It means you can go and make another notch on your bed post because you got me under the sheets. Now leave.” Tara's voice rose steadily as Adam still gaped at her.

“What the fuck? You thought I just wanted to get laid. Are you crazy?”

“No, I'm right in the head, again. Come on, be honest, this could never work.” she said laughing mockingly at Adam's hurt look. “You know it wouldn't work. We'd be together for a month and then you'd get bored with me, getting off with some other dumb model that you meet at one of your shows or even the VS parties. Just be honest with yourself and get the fuck out of my apartment.”

Now it was Adam's turn to get pissed at her attitude. “You know I thought we really worked it out, but apparently I was wrong. You're nothing but a conceited, pathetic little bitch, Tara. You think just because your fucking ex was taking it elsewhere that every man, that is even remotely interested in you, must be the same, but let me tell you, I wanted to fucking be with you.” He stopped and took a deep breath, giving Tara a dark look. “But your so bitter that you can't even tell the true feelings that I have for you. You just believe what other people say without looking deeper.”

Tara opened her mouth to respond to his angry rant, but Adam cut her off again.

“You know the expression 'Never judge a book by it's cover'? Well it applies to many things. When I first saw you I thought you were just a normal teen, then you snapped at me like I molested you in public and you made these few weeks here in London a living hell. And you know why?” he asked Tara and saw her shaking her head, her lips trembling slightly from her fight not to cry.

“Because you're two faced. On one side you're stone-cold and then on the other side you can be caring and charming and loveable and I don't know what else.” Adam sighed and rubbed a hand over his now tired and strained face. “But maybe you're right. I should just leave.”

He walked out of the kitchen without a second glance and left Tara standing there, sobbing quietly and tears staining her cheeks. She didn't even move when he walked by the open door one last time a few minutes later. The only time you could tell she wasn't a statute was, when she jumped and let out a flinch as Adam slammed the door.

Now the quiet sobs had turned into full blown ones as she cried for all the hurt and loss she had felt in her life. The hurt she felt when she had caught Paul cheating and the loss she felt right now when Adam had walked out the door, because she was to proud to tell him her true feelings on the matter.


It was only a matter of time before Christie came to aid her friend. She had stayed at James' hotel room the night before and they were just about to have breakfast with the rest of the guys when Adam stormed in and chucked his jacket into a corner of the room.

“Adam! What the hell?” Jesse exclaimed as he saw his distraught and angry friend.

Without an answer the lead singer went to his room and didn't come out until after Christie left. She knew it had something to do with Tara being her stupid self again, so she said her good-byes to James, as the band was leaving the same day for the States again, and he promised to keep in touch with her. James pulled her close and kissed her softly before sending her off to make sure Tara was alright considering.

Meanwhile Jesse had gone after the guy he grew up with and found him sitting on a chair in the corner of his room, his head in his hands.

“What's going on, man?” he asked and put a hand on Adam's back.

“She fucking threw me out.” the singer ground out between his teeth. “She thought I just wanted to get laid and told me to leave, that it would never work between us, because I would get bored with her.”

Jesse blew out a soft breath and sat on the bed, opposite his friend.

“And you want to know why? Because some dick head fucked up and she thinks that every other guy that comes along is the same.” Adam sighed and got up. He grabbed his bags and started packing his things, getting ready to travel back home to the states.

Jesse looked at him, not sure how to act. He had witnessed a few of Adam's break-ups, the worst with Jane, but this situation came close to it. “Maybe you should just calm down and first get some breakfast.” he told him and grabbed Adam's arm, leading the singer back to main room, where the rest of the band waited. Together they explained what had happened with Tara and him.


“Tara open the fucking door!” Christie shouted as she banged against the entrance of Tara's apartment.

“Go away.” she said hoarsely and buried herself in her blanket while laying on the couch with Jonesy snuggled to her side.

But her friend would have none of it. She had a key, just in case an emergency would arise, so she used it this time. Christie opened the door and walked in. She was absolutely shocked at seeing the apartment in such a disarray. “Tara, what happened?” she asked softly, while walking into the living room.

“Nothing.” her brunette friend mumbled, staring at a wall across from her.

“Well Adam storming angrily into their hotel room didn't seem like nothing.”

“Leave me alone.” Tara said, the tears trailing down her cheeks again.

Chris sighed and sat down next to her friend and stroked her head in a calming manner. “Everything's going to be okay again.” she said and pulled Tara into a tight embrace.

“I'm afraid.”

“Of what, hun?”

“Of making the same mistake again and getting hurt by the one I love.”

This caused Christie just to hold tighter to her friend, making sure she knew she wasn't alone anymore.


It was a few weeks after the Adam/Tara incident. Tara and Christie both had graduated the week after and were now happily free working with Julia. She had given them a lot more cases than when they had worked under her supervising.

“Girls, could you come in my office please?”

Tara and Christie looked at each other, not sure what was going on. They stood up and walked over to Julia's office.

“What can we do for you?” Tara asked and sat down across from their boss.

“Listen, I want to expand my company. I have been talking to Matthew about it. We both think it would be great to do this in the important cities.”

“Wow, that sounds amazing.” Christie gushed and grinned at Tara, who had a smile on her face again.

Julia smiled at them, too, and leaned on her desk. “I was thinking of sending you guys to New York and LA.”

A small shriek came out of Christie's mouth. She had the chance to see James again.

“Chris, you're going to be head of the LA office and Tara, you're the head of our New York office.”

“Oh my god!” the blonde stood up and hugged her boss tightly. “Thank you so much, Jules.”

“Of course. Did you think I didn't notice you always being on the phone of sending emails to a certain musician in the States.” Julia said and winked at the young women.

Even Tara was happy, now being able to start with a new chapter in her life. One where she could start over and change everything she had done wrongly in the past. She only hoped that when it came down to it, that she too could apologize and forgive a certain someone for their reactions and her own.

♠ ♠ ♠
And another one, with lots of drama, but it needs to be in there. So hope you like it, let me know guys.