Love Somebody

Fighting for it

Chapter 9: Fighting for it

Adam left the set and went back to his dressing room, where he found Tara still sitting on the couch, stroking Jonesy's head.

“Hey.” he said softly and leaned against the doorway. “Are you ready to leave?”

Tara looked at Adam and softly nodded her head, before she grabbed her back and stood from the couch.

“Are you alright?” the singer asked her and softly took her hand.

The young woman looked up at him and nodded her head again. “Yeah, let's get out of here.”

Adam smiled and both walked out of the building, the cameras flashing and paparazzi screaming their questions at them. The singer just smiled from under his sunglasses and led Tara to his taxi. Of course seeing her with him, had the press going wild with suspicions.

Once inside the car, Tara sighed and leaned back in her seat, closing her eyes. “This is crazy.” she mumbled and looked over at Adam, who had taken off his glasses.

“I'm sorry, Tara.” the singer said and grabbed her hand.

She looked down at their linked fingers and wasn't sure what to think about it.

“Don't worry, let's just get the coffee.” Tara said. “How about at my place it's close to here and there will be no press.”

Adam nodded his head and the brunette beside him told the driver her address.


Tara opened her door and walked aside, putting Jonesy down and letting Adam enter her apartment.

“It's nicer here than back in the UK.” he said, looking around the bigger rooms she had here.

“Thanks, I'll just be making the coffee. Sit down where ever you want to.”

The singer smiled and walked over to the couch in the light flooded living room. He took a seat and leaned back, just enjoying the silence. But then Adam stood up again and walked into the kitchen. He found Tara standing there, leaning against the counter, her back to him and on of her shoulders bared .

Adam moved up to her and put his arms around Tara's waist. He felt her stiffen but still leaned closer.

“When I left your apartment that day, I swore to never do that again. But then I found you today and I can't help it, I need to feel you.”

The smaller brunette turned around and he instantly moved closer, pressing his lips to hers in a heated kiss. Tara didn't move for a few seconds, leaving her arms hanging by her side, before she lastly put them around his neck and returned the kiss.

Adam tried to get closer to her, putting his arms on the counter and with only a slightly opened eye shut off the coffee maker. The he reached Tara's bottom and lifted her onto his hips, making her cross her legs around them.

“Where's your bedroom?”

“Down the hall, second door on the right.” she said breathlessly between kisses.

Adam nodded his head and moved them to said room, only to stop shortly as they heard the pitter patter of Jonesy's little feet. The young woman in his arms looked over his shoulder and gave the little puppy a stern look.

“Your room, baby. And stay there.” she said, pointing in the opposite direction they were taking.

The dog left and both the singer and the brunette hanging onto his body went on their way to the bedroom. Adam shoved the door open with his foot and stopped inside the room. He grinned seeing the queen-sized canopy bed made of iron in the middle of the room.

Back in the UK she had had a small bed, where both of them had barely fit into. With an approving smile he set Tara gently down onto said bed. “I definitely like your new apartment better.”

Smirking Adam kissed her again moving to lay atop of her. Tara smiled into the kiss and pulled him closer, but there was still that nagging feeling in the back of her mind. She ignored it and raked her fingers into Adam's now longer hair.

Moving slightly off her, breaking the kiss, the musician took off his dress shirt and Tara could see that he had shaved his body hair again. Her eyes darkened seeing his naked, tattooed body a second time in such close proximity. “You know when you are with me, you don't have to shave. I won't mind.”

Adam swallowed seeing the lusty look in her eyes. Nodding his head he closed the space between them and sealed their lips again. Putting his hands under her top and pushed off the tank she wore under it with the sweater. Now she lay before him, still dressed in her bra and the black pants.

Panting softly both parties raked their eyes over the body of their partner making sure their hands followed. “Are you alright?”

Tara nodded her head, though she hadn't noticed that her body was trembling. Be it fear or only anticipation, she didn't know. Adam laid a hand on her cheek making her look him in the eye. Hazel eyes clashed with brown ones and before they knew it, both laid under the sheets, exchanging heated kisses and moving their bodies together.


It was a few hours later, when Tara woke up again. Maybe this would be a routine, her waking up before Adam. She turned her head and looked at the man sleeping beside her. It had been wonderful, a beautiful second time, but the bad feeling made her gut churn again.

Getting out of the bed again, she dressed in the first piece of clothing she grabbed, which had been Adam's button-up shirt. Tara made her way down the hall and went back to the kitchen, starting a new pot of coffee. And while the maker brewed it, she got to thinking.

Cloud she really have a relationship with Adam? Would she be alright with his lifestyle? Him being away all the time? Her living in New York and Adam in LA?

Sighing Tara walked through the living room and grabbed a warm blanket, while making her way outside onto the balcony. She sat down in one of the deck chairs and looked out over the city. The air was crisp but Tara welcomed the freezing temperature.


Inside Adam just woke up from a pleasant dream. He turned over and wanted to pull Tara into his arms, when she was missing by his side. He sighed again, knowing she had left the bed – again.

Adam had thought this time would have been a change, but apparently he was wrong. Getting out of the bed he dressed in his boxers and walked through the apartment. The coffee maker was running so Tara couldn't be far. And then he heard a small whine coming from the living room.

Walking inside he found Jonesy sitting in front of the window wanting to get out. Adam reached down and pulled the puppy into his arms. Looking out onto the balcony he found Tara sitting in a deck chair. He hadn't bothered to put anymore clothes on but still walked out.

“Hey.” he said softly and put Jonesy into Tara's lap.

“Adam? What are you doing out here? You could get sick.” she said and moved over, so he could get under the blanket, too.

Adam didn't have to be told twice and took the chance he had. He put his arms around her body and pulled her closer. Tara let out a sigh and tried to bring some distance between their bodies.

“What's going on Tara?” he asked and looked down at her face, seeing the sullen look.


“No, this isn't nothing. You acted like that when we were back in the UK.”

“It's nothing Adam. Do you want some coffee?” she asked and got up, leaving Adam sitting there staring after her.


Tara moved into the kitchen and breathed deeply, leaning against the counter.

She couldn't believe that she had done it a second time. When Tara left for New York she had sworn to herself that she would never get back between the sheets with Adam. It wouldn't work for them.

She hadn't noticed Adam coming up to her, until she felt arms moving around her waist.

“Please Tara, tell me what is going on in your head.”

Biting her lip, she felt tears gathering in her eyes. Moving her head down she saw his arms linked around her middle not moving an inch. The singer carefully turned her around and moved her chin up, making Tara look at him.

“I want to know it.” he said softly but still sternly.

“I can't do this, Adam.”

“What?” he asked. “What can't you do?”

“This.” Tara answered, pointing at both of them.

“What? You don't want us to be together?” Tara nodded her head. “And why? What is wrong with it?”

She sighed softly and left his arms, moving away from him. For her own safety or his, she didn't know.

“Do you really think this works? Us, I mean?”

Adam gaped at her, not believing if he heard her right.

“Tara. What are you talking about? Of course it's going to work.” he said putting his hands on her shoulders. “Why do you doubt it so much?”

She turned away from him and brushed the tears from her eyes. “I'm broken Adam.” she wanted to shout but it just came out as a broken whisper. “Whenever a guy looked at him, I built my wall higher so none could hurt me again.”

“God Tara, I can't promise you that there will never be a rough patch with us, but I can promise you that we will make it work.” Adam said pulling her into his own arms, kissing her head.

“Haven't you heard the song I sang. It was meant for you, to tell you that this time I will fight for you. For us.”

Tara could feel the corners of her mouth moving upward when she heard his words. She could feel him penetrate the stoney wall she had built around her heart.

“I heard it, but I wasn't sure you meant it for me.”

“Silly you. I wouldn't have sang it for anyone else.” Adam answered and kissed her lips softly before they both were interrupted by Jonesy's barking. Looking down they could see the puppy looking at them with what only could be described as a frown on her cute face.

Laughing softly Tara leaned down and pulled her into her arms, smiling at Adam when she righted her body again. 'Maybe this could really work out for the better.' Tara thought as she looked over at the men standing in front of her.

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So now that was about enough drama, at least for now. Let me know what you guys think.