Status: Active

The Dead Will Walk the Earth

Chapter 3

The group managed to get in the mall by Brian throwing a discarded toilet through a window. The guys walked forward guns raised looking around.

"Come on and stay close." Matt said as they all walked in.

They walked down the mall coming to the main entrance with a fountain in the middle.

"Okay so far no sign of those things." Brian said.

"Doesn't mean that aren't here." Jimmy said walking down the left.

"Where the hell are you going?" Matt asked.

"Checking the place for those things." He said going further down.

"By himself?" Jill said washing herself with the water from the fountain.

"He'll be fine he can take care of himself." Brian said.

Jimmy walked down the mall coming to the sporting department. Thinking there might be things that could be used as weapons in there he walked in turning on the lights.

Looking around he walked to the croquet mallet basket taking one out. As he continued to look around he heard a noise coming from the back.

Raising his gun he cautiously approached the door before turning the knob. He stumbled back at the sight of one of the things eating a man's torso.

The thing looked up hearing him. Snarling he ran over and jumped on Jimmy knocking his gun out his hand.

Jimmy managed to grabbed him by the chin keeping him from biting him. He banged its head against the wall but this didn't stop it.

"What was that?" Jill said getting up.

Michelle screamed as a zombie came out of nowhere grabbing her Matt hit it in the head making it let go. The zombie turned it's attention on him jumping on him making him fall into the fountain cutting his arm.

Matt kept it from biting him Jill picked up his gun and shot the thing in the shoulder. The thing started twitching uncontrollably Matt kicked it off and got up.

"Thanks." He said taking his gun from Jill.

She nodded. "Are you okay?" She asked Michelle.

"Yeah just a little nip." She said.

Jimmy broke the dropped mallet and plunged the sharp end in the things head. It dropped on him dead.

He pushed it off and quickly got up grabbing his gun and running to the others.

"Those things are down here we have to go up." He said.

Everyone nodded and ran for the elevator they all got in Brian pressing the button for the second floor.

"Can I see?" Jill said looking at Matt's arm.

He held it out she examined it. "You're gonna need stitches."

"Great." He said as the doors opened.

They were met with three guns pointed in their faces the Gus raised their guns.

"Take your asses back downstairs." The guy who's name tag read Billie Joe said.

"Those things are down there." Matt said. "We have no where else to go."

"And my wife is pregnant we can't run no more." Brian said.

"Tough shit these are all your problems not mine." Billie Joe said.

"If I put my foot up your ass will that be your problem?" Jimmy asked.

"Hey Lurch." He said pointing the gun at him. "Look who has the gun in your face."

Jimmy glared and stuck his arm in the door to prevent it from closing.

"Just let us stay here for a little while please." Jill said.

Billie Joe considered her words before lowering his gun. "Okay but y'all stay here on our terms." "Give your guns to Tre."

"Like shit I will." Brian said.

"Hey greaser you want to stay here of not." BJ said pointing his gun.

"This is bullshit." Brian said giving Tre his gun.

"Excuse me is there a bathroom?" Michelle asked.

"Your asses are staying here in our sights." BJ said.

"So show us the place where we can take a piss and shit." Brian said.

"Mike show them." BJ said. "You're staying here."

"She's not going anywhere alone." Brian said.

BJ imitated him mockingly. "Fucking daycare."

"I need to stitch his arm up." Jill said gesturing to Matt.

"What are you a fucking doctor?" BJ asked.

"No I was a fucking trainee and I know some shit." She said.

"Get the kit." BJ said to Tre.

The three of them followed him to where a big TV screen was with little ones around it. Jill sat down cleaning Matt's wound and started stitching it.

"Medics and officials have found that the virus originated from this complex behind me." The newsman said.

Michelle gasped walking in. "That's where my sister and nephew live."

Jill looked at it. "Why are they living in that rundown place without the dad?"

"Because the mom and dad divorce." Matt said.

"How do you know?" Jill asked.

"Because her sister is my ex wife and her nephew is my son." Matt said.

"Mommy will they ever let us out?" River asked.

"I'm sure they will once they find out what's going around." Valary said.

"Okay." A medic named Fletcher said. "Is there any other tenant who isn't present right now?"

"My neighbor Diana." Val said. "We passed her on the way down and she was sick."

"How sick was she?" He asked.

"Said she was running a fever and coughing up things." Valary said. "She was holding a napkin that had blood in it."

Fletcher nodded and talked to the other medics. "Okay y'all stay down here we're making our way up."

"I hope everything is okay." Mr. Voight who was comforting his wife said.

"I'm not so sure." Amanda said.

"Why you say that?" Valary asked.

"Because yesterday a dog was brought in with what appeared to be a new advanced form of rabies." She said. "It grew mad and bit the other animals infecting them." "That dog belongs to that little girl Hannah."

Valary glanced over at Hannah and her mom. Hannah looked pale and sickly.

At that moment the lights flickered out before coming back on. Valary pulled River closer and stepped back as noise were head from above.

There was a loud noise before a body fell from upstairs to the middle of the lobby. Everyone screamed and jumped back.

Valary shielded River's eyes from the sight. "Fletcher." She said.

"We haven't seen a soul." Kimberly said.

"I know and the news is scattered and making no sense." Arin said turning the dial again.

"The city is Huntington Beach has become a bloodbath." A reporter said.

Arin turned the radio off. "And they're all saying the same thing."

"They keep talking bout a virus." She said. "And the way they're describing it sounds like some new type of rabies."

"All we can do is avoid anything and anybody who looks sick." Arin said.

She nodded and clutched his hand as they continued to drive.

"These bastards are trying to get in!" Johnny said trying to hold a board up.

"Won't hold them back for long and this warehouse is old." Zacky said.

Lacey screamed and shoot at another one. "Shit!" She yelled as a bunch came through and cornered them.

At that moment there was a loud noise. They looked to see headlights then the door was knocked down by a large van.

Stopping the top of it opened up and a blonde girl popped up with a machine gun. "Y'all duck!"

They all ducked as she shoot at the zombies killing them all. Some more came in she jumped out in midair clicking her boots together.

She went pass the zombies impaling them with the blades in her boots.

"Damn." Zacky said looking at her with fascination.

She kicked her blade through the last one killing it. "Y'all okay?"

They all nodded. "Thanks for saving us." Lacey said.

"No prob we heard the noise coming from here." She said.

"What's your name?" Johnny asked.

"We can have introductions later right now lets get the hell out of here." She said.

They all nodded and followed her to the van getting in she closed the door behind Johnny.

"That's Gerard." She said pointing to the guy who pulled out the warehouse. "And that's his brother Mikey."

"And what's your name?" Zacky asked.

"It's Meghan." She said.