Diary of Amelia Crest



"When the anti-christ comes up to you with the sign 666, I want you to back away and reject his sign and say no to him, yah hear? All he wants to do is send you to hell".

I nodded, and said yes. But as I pondered along I thought. Is hell really bad? Really? When things are so bad up here what's the difference? People are still bad, some even worse than he yet, yet we live among them day after day. Anyways I just walked back up stairs and laid down on my bed, sinking into the deep feathers that bonded the bed together. I felt the matteress, bare from the covers to hide it. Feeling every single stitch. Staring down at the patteren, wondering how people create such unique themes. After ten minutes if pondering I left to the bathroom and grab packets of tea. I soaked the tea into the bath tub water and soon sunk into it. I pulled the curtain back and grabbed my secret stash of cigarettes and light one up, inhaled and exhaled it. The smoke filled my lungs and outlined them perfectly then slowly left my insides to climb back up out of my throat and leave my ruby red lips. I dunk my head from the top of the water to the bottom of the tub and waited. I opened my eyes and waited for every bit of oxygen in my body to disappear. My body panicked and I couldn't breath. For a second I tricked my own body to thinking I was dying, but I shot back up. I wouldn't help but giggle. Continuing my bath I dunked my black hair in and as I lifted my myself back up I shampood my hair into a mohawk. I could do this because my hair was super fucking short. But hey, I liked it.
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not finished chapter