Wish upon a star...for a new life?! That's not what I had in mind. Wishes aren't supposed to come true!

Chapter One

Aria looked outside her window at the truck next to her mother's little car with tears running down her cheeks. She was upset. Aria couldn't stand the tension. Her parents were fighting one day and the next acting as if their life was 'perfect'. Most days they fought about money, visiting family, working to much, it was always something. As if that wasn't enough, her and her sister hated each other. Her sister Dee was the pretty...even beautiful one, if she said so herself. Dee had beautiful auburn hair with hazel eyes which others found attractive, but that's not why she hated her sister. Not because she was prettier and got more attention. She hated her because she always pointed out Aria's faults. Been there hoping for Aria's mistakes and failures to come. Had always put her down. What hurt Aria the most is that she had loved her sister so much hoping competition and the rivalry Dee had started could end. She wanted badly to have the picture perfect life where your sister's your best friend and you love your life. She knew that could never be. Aria knew to well that 'perfect' didn't exist in her world or any other.

Aria was brought out of her deep thought by her mother's deep sighing . She looked up, pulling her hood up to hide her tears, and saw her mother was pulling out her cell phone. Aria rolled her eyes. That's all her mother did most of the time with the exception of the arguing.

"I'm running late," her mother mumbled into the phone, "the damn train just stopped!" She yelled as she looked up from her spot in the car. Most of the cars were making u-turns to avoid waiting longer. " I know. I know. Bye" She said. Aria looked at Dee running her hands through her hair with the exceptional flip. Aria made gagging noises. "Oh shut up!" Dee screeched from next to her. Aria just rolled her eyes laughing, like she always did. Aria liked to pretend her life was perfect. Liked to think her sister loved her. And her parent's didn't see her as just another thing to deal with. She always laughed it off the uneasy feeling she felt because it hurt to much to think she was an inconvenience. "I wish I could be someone else." She whispered to herself looking at the dirty white truck next to her with that last thing floating about in her mind she drifted off to sleep.