‹ Prequel: Bluff



While running her fingertips over the intricate tattoo on her upper thigh, Kory thought about the first time she had met the guys, the first time she had listened to them. It was a pleasant memory that would forever be contaminated. She couldn't bring herself to get out of bed, as much as she knew she needed to. She had no clue what time it was, and if she was honest, she didn't really care. It could have been 6AM or 6PM, she couldn't tell. She couldn't have cared less.

Suddenly, the door opened and Jimmy ran in, plopping down on the bed next to her. "You're awake!" He beamed, grinning. He had arrived two hours earlier than planned, but no one seemed to mind. He needed something to do anyways.

Kory groaned. "I don't have any pants on," she said, laughing tiredly.

Jimmy shrugged. "All the more reason to get out of bed. C'mon," he said, standing up and grabbing her wrists. He pulled her off of the bed, the blankets along with her. "You have business to attend to, and by business I mean entertaining me, so get in the shower," he demanded, attempting to stand her up.

She only laughed. "Fine, fine! Get out so I can take a shower!" She exclaimed, pushing him towards the door. Once he was gone, she couldn't help but laugh as she heard him skip down the stairs loudly. Sighing, she forced herself into the guest bathroom and stripped herself of clothes. Deciding to take more time in the shower than needed, she washed her hair twice, mentally deciding what she'd wear. She didn't want to wear anything extravagant, but she didn't want to result to just a pair of old jeans and a band tee though, she wanted more than anything to show off her new tattoos. She was so happy with them, especially after meeting Ruben at the airport.

She opted for a pair of black shorts that had once been jeans, a blood red tank top with lace on the back, and ruby colored Converse. She decided against doing anything with her hair, letting it dry in it's natural ringlets. She put only a bit of eye liner and mascara on, keeping to something she could have worn anywhere. Making sure that her perfume was apparent, she grabbed her cell phone from the charger, and walked down stairs. Jimmy was helping set lawn chairs out with Matt, and Marrissa was in the kitchen, preparing the food.

"Morning. Help me? The guys will be here in like ten minutes," Marrissa said, walking from one end of the kitchen to the other. "Just take that plate out to Matt, he's doing all the grilling."

Kory laughed. "Jesus, Riss. Slow down, it doesn't have to be perfect," she said, shoving her phone in her back pocket and grabbing the plate.

"I know, but I want things to be organized, I don't want you to worry about anything but being happy today," she replied. She was well aware that today would be hard enough as it is for Kory, she didn't want to add fuel to the fire.

Shaking her head, Kory set the plate down on the island and grabbed Marrissa's shoulders. "You might want to wait a second before you grab those with your bare hands," she said, jerking her chin towards the oven mits on the counter. "Slow down, everything'll be fine."

Marissa nodded. "Thanks," she said, giving her a small smile.

Deciding to stay a second to make sure Marrissa wasn't going to burn herself getting the cookies, Kory decided that it was safe to bring the plate to Matt after a few moments. She grinned at the sight of both Matt and Jimmy almost doubled over in laughter. She waited for them to regain their composure, avoiding the possibility of interrupting the endearing brotherly moment. "Matt?"

He turned around so he could see her. "Yeah? Oh, here," he said, walking over to her and grabbing the uncooked food from her hands. He walked over to the waiting grill, beginning to cook everything Marrissa had picked out the previous day.

Kory watched from behind him, a small smile on her face. "Have you figured out how you're gonna ask her yet?" She whispered, positive that no one else could hear her.

He couldn't help the dimpled grin that formed on his face as he nodded. "Yeah, I'm gonna make plans for all of us to go to the beach later today, and do it there," he replied, "I think that would be nice. Do you think she'd like it?"

Nodding frantically, Kory giggled. "Yeah, she would. I'm really happy you're doing this, Matt," she answered honestly. Just then, Marrissa called her name from inside of the house. Quickly heading towards the kitchen, expecting the worst. "Oh god, what happened?"

Marrissa only laughed in response. "Nothing, but Zacky and Johnny are here," she said, grinning. "Go answer the door!" She urged, smiling.

It was as if her heart stopped. She couldn't do it. This wasn't as easy as she thought it would've been. It was just Zacky and Johnny, right? She could do this. No, no you can't. "Rissa, what if they're angry with me?"

Shaking her head, Marrissa sighed. "They're not. Come on, I'll go with you," she said, lacing her fingers with Kory's.

She followed behind Marrissa, using everything she had to force her legs that felt like lead to get her to the front door. Marrissa opened it, Kory hiding behind her like a small child.

"Hey! We brought b-!"

"Holy fucking shit, no way!" Zacky walked inside, placing his long arms around Kory's middle, pulling her close. He took in her familiar scent, not being able to put his finger on exactly what it was. All he knew was that it was nice to see her, to know that she was still alive. "You look-"

"Fabulous," Johnny interrupted, his voice sounding very flamboyant. He pushed Zacky out of the way, wrapping his arms around her neck and nearly crushing her.

She sighed. "Is death really necessary? I can't breath!" She said, laughing. It was so amazing to be with them again. No longer nervous or afraid, now that she knew they accepted her just as she was, even now. Relieved didn't even touch how she felt.

He only laughed. "Yeah, well deal with it!" He teased, before letting her go. "Are you gonna booze it up with us tonight?"

Kory sighed. "No, I think it's better if I stay sober for now," she said, shrugging.

Johnny only nodded. "You're back for good?"

Zacky scoffed. "Of course she is! I'm not letting her leave again!" He answered for her, grinning.

Laughing, she nodded. "Yeah, for good," she said, smiling.

It suddenly dawned on Zacky that, within minutes, Brian would arrive. He didn't know how he would react, obviously, and if he was being completely honest, Zacky didn't think that he'd be very happy about this at all. If anything, he'd be upset and show it by being pissy for the next few months.

"Let's head out back, Matt's started the grill," Marrissa said, knowing well enough by now the look of hesitance that crossed Zacky's face for only a second. She'd seen it on both Kory's and Matt's face several times throughout the day.

As everyone walked into the backyard, They situated themselves and got comfortable with a beer. Kory sat between Zacky and Marrissa, her leg bouncing nervously as she nearly chewed her lip raw. It was ridiculous, how nervous she was. What was he going to say? What if he didn't want to see her? She wouldn't allow herself to affect his and Matt's relationship like that, or his and Marrissa's when it came down to it. But she didn't want to avoid them either, which meant that she couldn't avoid him.

"Hey, sorry I'm late, got stuck in traffic."

His voice made her heart drop. She suddenly was having a hard time breathing, a hard time thinking, as she was suddenly flooded with different emotions. Hurt, overall, but also anger towards herself, pity, frustration, guilt, and literally everything in between. Everyone was completely silent, almost scarily silent actually.

"I brought beer though, so I hope that makes up for it," he said, before finally looking up.

Their eyes met for only a fraction of a second, before he watched everyone else carefully, and finally settled back on her dark brown orbs. There was something odd about this moment. He had imagined seeing her on the side of the street one day, and becoming angry and demanding an explanation in front of a crowd of uninterested people, he had imagine making her feel guilty for what she had caused him, but this feeling was so much different. He didn't know any word to describe it. Hate wasn't good enough, and neither was adoration. It was something in between. He was so angry with her, for leaving him without much of an explanation and never returning his calls for months, until he finally gave up on her. But he couldn't help but sigh as he took in her appearance. She was different. Really, really different. Hurt, maybe. But different none the less. Not because of the obvious new ink on her skin or her hair or her body, but something else. Something he could see in her eyes that seemed familiar, but not familiar enough for him to be able to tell what it was. And then he was angry again, because she hadn't given him enough time with her to figure out what that difference was. She hadn't given him enough time to figure her out.

He turned around quickly, placing the case of beer on the island as he walked outside to the front yard where he could have a second to think.

"I'll go talk to him," Matt said, leaving the grill and heading towards the back door.

Kory stopped him, deciding that it was her fault he was reacting this way anyways. "No," she said, "I'll go talk to him."
♠ ♠ ♠
Totally didn't ya know, pass out for a while while rereading this...nope, definitely not. ;D
Anyways, I know it's late but it's published, none the less. Left ya hanging, there, didn't I? Comment and tell me what you think will happen!
@ synystergirl
@ mrsmshadz
@ BabiiDoll103
@ Marylou.
Much love!