Gensokyo 20XXII: Imprisonment, Secrets, Sacrifice, Sorrow, and Freedom

Part II

Like I've said, they've gone mad and it's just socigenic illness. However, I noticed the floor had such a nauseating smell, which I thought was odd but then shrugged it off, since the mopwater employs bleach, which doesn't hae a particularly nice smell at all. After giving the smell some thought, I noticed it had a tinge of urine in it. Funny, mopwater isn't supposed to smell like someone piddled in it but, in this case, it did and it smelled like urine and bleach. It had just occured to me someone urine in the mopwater. Can't be helped, of course, as they denied us use of the lavatories, so we had to do our business somewhere. I wondered if Suika knew someone had urinated in her mopwater and she will be none at all too pleased. As I hurry on to my post, I couldn't help but to hear Suika and Satori whispering about something. "You did what?!" Satori asked, to which Suika responded, "I peed in the mopwater."

"Did that mopwater have, by any chance, bleach in it?"


"You're going to hell."

"Yes, yes, I am."

"And you're proud of that?"


"Definitely going to hell."

I had no idea what Satori meant by Suika going to hell but then I remembered what happens when you mix urine, more specifically ammonia, and bleach together and the result of that is mustard gas, which is extremely toxic, so what Satori meant by Suika going to hell was that she would likely be executed for what she did. Needless to say, many of the gaurds did indeed suffer the affects of mustard gas but, being true to our friend, we never tattled on her. Frankly, I thought it was a rather stupid plan to piddle in the mopwater but, then again, if it meant trying to kill the warden then I am all for it.
There are scratches
deep bloody scratches on her wrists, what
did she do?
I still remained haunted by losing Reimu, my babies, and then Yukari and it is to such an extent that I have clawed at my wrists in a bitter rage and sadness. I could only imagine what horrors she could be enduring just for the sake of helping us. She could have asked any of us to seduce the warden, any of us, and we would have done it. Even I would have seduced the warden for her but, no, she didn't ask. She only told about her plans but didn't bother to ask us to go in exchange of her. I wish I could have talked her out of it and, yet, I failed again. We haven't seen her in a long time and neither do we know if she succeeded in her plans or the warden did away with her for being a temptress. However, odds are he may not give her any information but, rather, he might offer to give me back my babies and her Reimu if she did indeed go through with it. In either case, we may never know.

I tried my hardest to hide my scratched up wrists but eventually they took notice and would ask, to which I gave no answer. I found I probably should have answered because Satori read my mind and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, whispering, "We're all thinking the same thing you are thinking, you can cry now. You're stronger if you cry." I burst into tears at that. After I had dried my tears, I had noticed Koishi walking towards me, holding something hear-shaped with a chain attached. She placed it in my hand and said, "This was Yukari's. I found it." I opened it and found it was a locket my, Chen, and Reimu's photos in it. I was surprised they haven't taken it from her and discarded it. I thanked her and stuffed it in my bra. I wanted to make sure I kept it safe.
"Hello, Auntie Yuyuko."
After awhile of living with Aya, Yuyuko came to visit and, for once, she didn't have tea or snacks on her mind. She came to assert the fact that Yukari hasn't returned any of her calls. Yukari is her best friend and she usually returns Yuyuko's calls but she didn't. I felt terrible for that and we thought she knew or, at least, remembered, being that food is always on her mind more so than anything else. I could tell it was her when came into the door because I heard the doorframe crack and then the sofa break. I'm surpised I didn't hear it fall through the floor with her saying, "Uh-Ooof!"

When she took notice to me, I felt her fat but very soft and squishy hand pet me in the head and her cheerful heavy voice say, "Hello Kitty." to which I responded, "Hello, Auntie Yuyuko." She asked me why is it my eyes bandaged and why Yukari hasn't called her. Assuming she forgot, I told her about everything, to which Aya made certain they were true. Yuyuko sighed and said, "I should have checked my answering machine those months ago and I knew something was up the whole time." At first, I thought she knew about everything but it turned out she didn't, Aya did. She petted me one last time and said, "I'll see you again someday." She left and didn't come back to visit for a long time but she did always check on us.
"I'm going to make a jailbreak."

"Suika, you're going to hell."

"Yes, yes, I am."
Once again, I shared my ideas with Sattie. I told her, "I'm going to make a jailbreak." Naturally, in response, she said, "Suika, you're going to hell." I laughed and said, "Yes, yes, I am." Sattie blinked and said, "Okay, then, I may as well go to hell, too, for concealing and helping you." I placed my arm around her and said, "Sattie, you're real nice." I then asked her if she knew of an exit, to which she said, "The laundry room." Under the premise that I didn't mop the laundry room floor, I gained entrance, found the exit Sattie spoke of and climbed out undected. I kept running and ducking but never looked back. I have Sattie to thank for this. Like she said, I'm going to hell.

She's escaped
And she made it but I'm not
telling anyone how
I'm not telling anyone what I did or about Suika's plans. I feel good about what I did, helping Suika, and I am going to hell for doing it As far as I know, we're all going to hell but, for once, I felt good about something. I knew about Suika's plan from the start because I heard it in her thoughts. At least, she's free, that's all I can ask for. Of course, in helping her escape, I now had a secret, a deadly one. I knew I must remain silent about what I did. Like I had told Suika, I was going to hell, too, for helping her escape and concealing this secret. This secret was deadly and I knew I must protect it at all cost. When I caught wind of the gaurds' thoughts on beating us, I was not at all surprised, as they were going to beat us whether or not Suika escaped. They had beaten us to the point that we felt we could no longer stand and we were told to clean up the blood they've beaten out of us.

After that and right before dinner, one of us broken. Nitori, a kindhearted soul, had thrown herself up against a wall, as an effort of snapping her neck. When she failed, I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her. I hugged her close and told her, "You're not alone." I helped her back to the table and offered to feed her, when dinner came. As I was feeding her at dinnertime, Koishi did something damn near and downright unusual. She threw her plate at the wall. Apparently, she thought it was crap and it didn't matter since, everyone but Yuuka and Nitori wasn't eating, though, in Ran's case, she threw hers on the ceiling. After a bit of feeding Nitori, I asked her if she'd like to throw that plate of crap. She replied thusly and threw it across the room.
I will find
out what happened to Yukari and
my little babies

If something horrible has befell them, someone will have hell to pay!
Being I was given secretarial work, I was given papers to handle. Of course, being that I wanted to find out what happened to Reimu and my little ones (who must be eating solid food and walking by now), I was snooping through the papers. From what I knew, what they do not know won't kill them and I couldn't be more right. I searched through the paperwork until I happened upon a file, labled "Babies." I opened the folder and it had a picture of my offspring. I read through it thoroughly and found out something I wish I didn't find out. I found out that of my little litter of three, only one survived, the other two had died. I read through the papers and found out about Reimu, whose name was listed as "?????" and that she was alive. According to the records, due to constant screaming, she was often doped up with tranquilizers ever few hours. Naturally, I found that to be damn near sadistic to do that to such a small child. Of course, she was going to scream, as she is likely in pain and or, due to be seperated from the one she percieves to be her mother, she is likely frightened. Either way, neither Reimu nor my little pup weren't really any safer than we were.

As I search through the files, I found Yukari's, labelled "The Warden's Lover", but most of it was blacked out. From what I could read, I knew Yukari wasn't going to come back to us right, no, she wasn't. From what I could tell of the current photo in her file, she looked like she had a story to tell. Her eyes were dead and seemed to scream, "Just kill me." I felt anger at the warden for what he did to her, Reimu, my babies, and all of us. When I noticed Satori and her little sister looking at me, I said, "If you dare tell anyone about what you just saw, I will kick both of your asses and tie you into one great big knot until your bodies merge and become so intertwined that you'll become one collossal freak of nature." Satori blinked and said, "Fret not, Ran, your secret is safe and what they don' know won't kill them." They left and I hid the files. That warden was going to have hell to pay for what happened to us. If only that person never ripped off my veil, then none of this would have ever happened. Of course, I feel no anger towards that person but rather I feel it toward the ones that desired to hunt us out, imprison us, and make us suffer.

I went to bed thinking about all that has transpired.
We had waited
But she never came home,
still, we waited
Aya didn't come home. She had left earlier but she didn't come home. We waited all day, noon and night, and she still didn't come home. I couldn't help but to wonder where it is she may have went to. She didn't say where she was going and she was supposed to be teaching me braille. She had been for over a week but my lessons are incomplete. Also, Rumia has a fever and can't even move or eat. I tried calling her cellphone but I got no answer. In silence, we would wait for her. It had been over a few days since she had left. We waited for a long time and she never came. I want to go out and look for her but we were told not to leave here. Eirin went out to look for her but didn't find any sign of her. She asked Yuyuko what had happened to her but she could give us no answers.

After some time, Yuyuko did come to visit us but bore bad news. Aya had passed away and the reason for as to why she didn't come home was because she died of a heartattack brought on by illness and stress. The collumn she wrote was the last one and, according to Yuyuko, she had concluded our stories in the Gensokyo collumn. When she died, she had put her pen down for good. Yuyuko moved in with us and told us that she'll take care of us for as long as she can and, if she could not, she'll take us to Patchouli's.
"You can't be serious!"
From time to time, I hear tales of a ghost haunting this place with her bloody screams. She usually screams, "I have to go to bed by day. Oh, I have to go bed by day." or she might scream, "They've taken my baby." Strangely, that voice sounds rather familiar but I cannot seem to place it. Then again, I must be hearing things again. Just nerves, that's it, nerves, nothing to be too concerned about. Crumbs! I must be going mad, then if I am hearing voices. It's all in my head, that's it. I know it has to be nerves, as living in these sorts of conditions is enough to drive someone mad and stories are bound to fly. Even though they give us things to do, there really isn't much stimulation, so frankly, they are driving us mad. Maybe we wouldn't have so much madness if they had let us outside.

At sporadic periods of the day, we heard those screams but still I couldn't place the voice. As we sat at the tables, we would often guess but Ran's assumption seem to be the most compelling. She stated that the voice is Yukari's and it tells a story of her sacrifice, what she did for us. "No one should have to sacrifice themselves that way." Koishi said, tears falling from her third eye. Satori nodded and said, "Yes, innocence has been lost." It wasn't long until Koishi took a large bite out of her wrist, drawing blood, and started to write the words, "Never Forgive!" on the table. To Koishi, emotions must have been a curiosity to her but, even though her face wasn't showing it, she was expressing it somehow. Once she was finished writing, she let her sister wrap up her wrist with pieces from her dress. I heard Ran take a heavy sigh and say, "I know something you don't know and what I am to tell you, we're all taking to our graves." I asked her what it was and she whispered it, to which I responded, "You can't be serious!"

I spent the rest of that day thinking about what horrid things they've done to little Reimu and Ran's pup. It isn't nerves, no, and it isn't a psychogenic illness but I know what it is. It is a nightmare and we are living in it. I will not stand for this, not this. No more being a proper lady, I'm done and I am going to enjoy making them suffer for what they did to us. That's it now, someone must pay and I will enjoy it. Ha-ha-ha!
"Look at what you did, Kaguya!"