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Sticky Situations


Carter's POV


I roll over and stretch… wait… is it? It is! Today’s the day!


I quickly turned off my alarm. Today is my first day at work! At 22 years old you’d think that I’d hate kids… but you couldn't be any more wrong. I recently interviewed for a teacher’s assistant at the local elementary school and I got the job. It wouldn't be much, just supervising the little ones and helping with arts & crafts, or helping tie their shoes. School doesn't start until 8 a.m. so I take my time getting ready.
I plug up my iPod to the speakers and hop in the shower. I start singing along –more like a sorry attempt at screaming- to the music blasting around the bathroom. I get a little too into things and start thrashing around while trying to get clean. Calm down Carter, I tell myself, it’s only a job. Nobody should be this excited on a Monday morning . I wrap a towel around my waist after I get out and walk down the hall, past my roommate’s door, to my room. I look into my closet and try to find something to wear. What do I wear?? Should I be casual, since I’m working with kids, or put on a suit? Ugh. Casual it is. I grab a pair of jeans, not my tight ones since I’m still trying to be professional, and throw them on my bed. I walk over to my dresser. I stumbled a little bit over some dirty clothes, mentally reminding myself to do some laundry. I grabbed some boxers and dropped my towel. I sighed as I brought the boxers over my hips, forgetting to get a shirt. I quickly pull on my pants and put my belt on, going back to the closet to get a plain grey button-up shirt and a skinny black tie. I walk back into the bathroom and look at my reflection. Damn, my hair is a mess. I start whistling a little bit, trying to be quiet. I heat up my straightener and straightened my hair to near perfection. My brown hair sat on my face just right. Ah, sweet. I look at the time and see that I still have an hour before I need to be at work, because teachers have to be there half an hour early. I go downstairs and put on my converse. They’re school appropriate right? Eh, maybe.
I look in the kitchen and see that we don’t have coffee or anything that could remotely resemble food. Sigh . I leave a note for Isaac:
DUDE! You KNOW I need food to function. Get me some when you get up. It better be here when I get home. Beeyotch. LOVE YA! You know, not in the homosexual way. You’re hot and all, but so not my type. ;) –Carter
PS: I’ll pick up some Chinese on the way home.

I decide to go to the coffee shop down the road from the school. Maybe they’ll have some decent offerings…
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So this may or may not work out. This is my first fic and I'm kind of excited :)

Rating is PG-13, but may change to NC-17 if the story gets to that point.