Status: Updates will vary

Sticky Situations


Carter's POV

I walk into the school and go to my new classroom. The teacher, Ms. McKneely, greets me with a cheery "Good morning!" Oh, it's a great morning! Other than getting your coffee spilled. Xander. Such a great name. I look around and see the typical scene: little tables and chairs, an arts station, a game corner, and the teacher's desk. I walk over to the woman to see if I'm needed.

"What do you need me to do, ma'am?"

She looks up and blushes, "Oh, please. I'm not that old! Call me Maggie. All I need for you right now is to put these name tags on the tables."

Do they even know how to read? Oh well. I'll probably wind up just asking the kids for their names and directing them to their table. I look at the clock and see that there's only ten minutes until the students start arriving. I can't wait!


That was amazing! My first day was great, better than I expected. The children were good to me and there weren't any temper tantrums ... yet. I texted Isaac to see what he wanted from the Chinese place ans he only replied with, "Nothing with dogs or cats." Oh. Okay, that narrows it down. I pick up two orders of orange chicken and some egg rolls. Yummy.

"Honey... I'm hoooome!" What a great way to greet my roommate. My extremely hetero roommate, that is. But that's okay, we've always been close.

I hear a laugh from the living room as I drop off our food in the kitchen. I saw the note still on the fridge and ask, "Did you get the groceries?" I pop my head into the living room and see him looking at me with a confused look on his face. I show him the note and he looks embarrassed... "Uh, yeah. About that. I kind of... forgot?"

Well, I guess I have to go back out tonight. I hit the back of his head and tell him to come get his food before I eat it all. We settle in front of the muted TV and talked about our day. He asked me how my first day was.

"Dude, you have no idea! It was great! All the kids were so exci-- OH! GUESS WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE MY DAY EVEN STARTED!" I then went into detail about Xander and the coffee shop. He sat and listened patiently to my gushing over the sexy klutz. Wait. Sexy? Yes. Xander is one fine piece of ass... if you don't mind me saying.

He held up his hand to stop me, mid-sentence. "Did you get this guy's number?" Fuck.

" I don't even know anything about him other than his name... and the fact that he has a kick-ass tattoo of a mermaid on his forearm." That tattoo, it was gorgeous. It was black-and-grey with little splashes of green in the scales. The tail wrapped around the side of his wrist. It looked magical.

"Carter, you need to find him. Does he work at the coffee shop? Was that why he was in a hurry...?"

I sat up a little straighter. Maybe he does. "I'll go back tomorrow. Hopefully he'll be in there."

"Now, now, Carter. Don't become some creepy stalker person." I look over at his smirk.

"I would NEVER!" I shove him off the couch and take my trash to the kitchen. "I don't know why you have to be such an asshole all the time. It was your idea anyways."

He follows behind me with a wide smile. "What kind if friend would I be if I didn't tease you?" He throws away his trash saying, "Just let me know before you bring him back for any... fun," and winks before running from the room. My blush is probably a red that rivals any cherry as I stare at the door. "ISAAC MARTIN! YOU SON OF A BITCH," I start ranting as I stomp to his room, "DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT! YOU KNOW I DONT DO THAT ON A FIRST DATE! WE AREN'T EVEN DATING! I DON'T EVEN KNOW HIM!" I try opening the door, only to find that he locked it. "Shit. YOU BETTER LOCK YOUR DOOR! YOU'RE IN FOR A WORLD OF HURT WHEN YOU COME OUT!"

I hear a laugh and him saying, "Oh go back to your closet." Oh no he didn't. "Ugh, I'm going to the store. Don't ruin anything while I'm gone."


I made a mental shopping list on the way to the store, still fuming about Isaac. Why is he such an idiot? I don't even know why I let him live with me. Maybe it's the fact that we grew up together, or the fact that he's the first person I told I was gay. We go way back, so I guess that's why I put up with all of his shit. I'm not exactly innocent either. There have bee times where I've caught him with his ... lady friends ... and made some type if comment. It's a bro thing. Luckily he's never walked in on me during those times; although there have only been a few scattered encounters for that to be possible. I'm not a man whore in any sense of the word. I'm picky with the guys I take to bed.

I pull up at the grocery store and walked in, grabbing a buggy on my way. How hard it is to go to the grocery store and get some food during the day? I mean seriously. What could he have been doing all day? Classes for him don't start until Wednesday, so I guess he's catching up on some sleep. I'm lucky that I took some classes while in high school, so I graduated early. I am the proud owner of a degree in early education.

As I walk through the store I think of the kids in my class. They're all so adorable! Don't even get me started on their attempts at writing. There is a see of twins, Sebastian and Sophie, that look so familiar. We did a circle group thing today, where we were able to tell about ourselves. I don't think I've ever heard more about dinosaurs than I have today...

I check out and put the groceries in my car. He owes me some money for these since I got his favorite type of chips, dill pickle. I don't even like that! He's lucky I love him.

The clock reads 8:00 pm when I walk in the door. I put away the groceries and look to see is Isaac's door is still locked (it is) and continue on my way to my room. I put on some music and lay down on my bed. I fall asleep with Xander on my mind. Maybe tomorrow ...