Status: You are all beautiful. Thank you for the comments.


9th May 2002

Tony asked me if I was coming to the baby shower.

“I don’t know.”

“Is this because of-“

“Don’t.” I couldn’t even hear your name.

“Five years.”

His pitying look made me feel pathetic. “I know.”

“Come if you can.” He smiled encouragingly.

I want him to be happy. But I want to be happy too. I wandered out onto the street during my lunch break, and yes I was hoping to run into you somewhere along the way to the deli. I did double takes all up the high street, convinced I saw neon and blondes everywhere when in fact every flash had been nothing but the imagination of the lonely and yearning. I lingered in Mothercare trying to pick a gift. I looked at tiny shoes and hats, no bigger than my thumb, all lined up one above the other ready to walk off the shelves and into your arms. Long forgotten woe threaded its way leisurely through my veins and seeped into my bones.

I have lost the key to the box. It lays open spewing raw memories.