Status: Shoot me comments! I wanna know how I'm doing!! :)

Survive the Storm

Chapter 17

I came up, gasping for air but there wasn't much air around.
The rain made it seem like a sea still, lightening filled the sky taking away the darkness for short seconds, the wind basically blow dried my hair, the thunder shook the earth so rapidly I could hardly move.
The sky was a mix of green and purple through the darkness.
5- 7 feet deep the water must be, it was so cold and wavy.
I couldn't see anything around me.
By now I couldn't touch the ground, and couldn't find anyone who had came with me.
It was the worst decision I had ever made, now I was going to die.
I was going to drown or freeze.
" Guys! " I heard Mrs. Hans gasp.
" Get to the fence! " She screamed.
I barely saw out of the corner of my eye, the shine of the metal fence.
Swimming as fast as I could, I made it to the fence, climbing as fast as I could.
The water got shallow near the fence of the construction near the school.
I could touch the ground.
Arms grabbed me, I pushed away but then realized it was Mrs. Hans, Kia, and Jane.
I wrapped my arms around her soaked figure.
" I just want this to be over! I want to live! I want to see my dad again! I want to see all my friends! And most of all I wanna see the light again the sun! " I sobbed.
" Me too "'We all cried.
" I just want to see the sun" Was the last thing we gasped before a wave heaved over us.
I was sure then we were going to die.
There wasn't a god that cared about us, I was starting to believe.

Was I in heaven?
All I could see was sunlight.
Wait. Sunlight!
I wasn't dead, I could feel my heart beating rapidly in my chest.
Sitting up I looked around.
I could see everything around me!
The construction! The school behind me!
Could it be true? Was the storm over?
Or was it another dream and I'll wake up in darkness again.
I pinched myself over and over again, nothing.
This was real, I was alive and the storm was over! There was sunlight!
The water had went down, I lie on the concrete from the parking lot to the school.
It was about a foot of water.
Trees lie on there sides, and telephone poles were down.
I wondered how long it had been.
Before I could get up, 4 police cars and 5 ambulances slowly came through the water into the parking lot.
Men and stretchers came rushing out.
Many cars followed, with people racing out, screaming.
It was all a daze.
A few ran past me to the school.
But a couple put me on a stretcher and hooked me up to machines.
Jane, Ryan, and Hailey were put on other machines by me.
I watched as a news reported talked and recorded the discoveries.
Soon police men with stretchers returned from the school.
One said " Officer! We got bodies "
A few officers ran to follow him.
On one stretcher was Kendra followed by Chloe.
In the next was Kris! And then Megan and Cory.
Ms. Payton was on another one, which was rushed to the ambulance.
The babies were on a small one following them to the hospital.
One of the police officers returned outside with the news of 5 deaths, and came out with Mrs. B by her arm.
A few men bolted out of cars.
Parents ran to their children.
Mrs. Hans saw her husband and ran to him, they kissed right away.
But one of the most happiest things I had ever seen was the reuniting of Mrs. B and her husband.
A man ran from the crowd to Mrs. B.
Immediately her face lite up, he grabbed her cheeks, and they kissed like they hadn't seen each other in years.
Well I guess there was the fact that they thought they'd never see each other again.
They kissed for a couple minutes by the school, that's when I realized what true love is really.
" I thought I'd never see you again " One of them mumbled through the gasps while they kissed.
And the best example was Mrs. B and her hubby over there.
As they walked back hand in hand, he felt her stomach a few times saying " How have you been doing with baby? "
" I'm fine, it held up, I just need to see everyone and get to the hospital and make sure it's all ok " She clarified.
" Ella! " She yelled and ran to me.
" Oh Mrs. B " I cried and hugged her too.
After our reunite, they rushed us to the hospital.
" What do I look like? " I mumbled faintly to one of the nurses in the ambulance as we drove.
" Do u want a mirror? " He asked.
I nodded and he handed me a mirror.
Nervously I looked in the full mirror and was shocked to my appearance.
My hair was drenched and chunks seemed to be missing, the biggest gash I'd ever seen was across my head, I was super white looking, and my eyes were bloodshot with huge blacks smudged circles around my eyes.
I couldn't look anymore at my face.
As I handed the mirror back, a needle jabbed my arm, making me drift off into a sleep, a real deep sleep that I haven't gotten in a long time.

I woke up in a white hospital room with curtains on 2 out if the 4 walls.
In a white hospital gown, I didn't notice the neon green cast on my leg.
My first wonder though was how was everyone else doing?
Maybe a doctor would know.
I pushed my button to summon a nurse when the door quietly slid open.
" Knock knock " The person smiled.
That's when I realized it was my dad.
" Daddy! " I screamed like I was little.
He ran to me and gently took a hold of me, we hugged for all 5 minutes.
" How are you doing are you hurt?? " He asked concerned.
" I'm fine, just my leg and head " I gestured to my cast and then the cloth wrapped around my forehead.
" What happened to you guys? " He asked.
" Long story " I sighed.
" Well that long story will be the headline of every newspaper and news broadcast " He laughed.
" Why? " I wondered curiously.
" It's the hit of the year, stuck for a week in a school... So many deaths and a killer seeking revenge against a teacher " Dad said in his best broadcaster voice.
" True that " I nodded " So what's the news on everyone? "
" Well.. They pronounced Emma, Nikki, Josie, and Dani dead... So far " He slowed his voice.
" Oh and Megan died as she reached the hospital yesterday, they said she was dead "
" And Ms, Payton? The others what's up with them? " I asked anxiously.
" Ms. Payton is doing great, she's now met her 2 children, a girl then a boy, Hailey, Kendra, Ryan, and Kia were released from the hospital this morning... Healthy. " He continued " Chloe, Cory, and Jane are healing like you... Mrs, Hans was released also this morning... And oh Mrs. B, she is getting released later like you because of her pregnancy... They told her the baby is fine and should come in the next month and a half to come, completely healthy " He smiled.
" Thanks for the update that's great! " I laughed.
And waited for when I could see everyone again.