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Survive the Storm

Chapter 20

The next 2 days to come were due to be interesting.
We had funerals today and a wedding tomorrow.
I let Kendra zip up the zipper on my short black dress, while Jane curled my hair and out it into a pony tail.
On the other side of the commons Chloe helped Kia and Hailey do the small amount they needed by the mirror.
We were getting ready in the commons were our classes were, because the funerals for the dead students were happening in the front lawn of the school, the way the school looked from the outside was amazing I never could explain it.
" I have the perfect thing to complete your hair " Mrs. B came walking in the doors.
She was holding a dress in a plastic bag and was just wearing her casuals.
" What is it? " Jane asked.
" This black bow and I have a white one to match your outfit for the wedding too " She smiled.
Jane let Mrs. B put the bow in my hair " There you look beautiful "
" Wanna help me get ready? " She asked Jane and I.
" Yeah totally " We walked along side her to move closer to where the math room was and we sat down and put up a mirror on the lockers.
Jane started to curl Mrs. B's long straight hair.
" Wait let me sit " Mrs. B leaned backwards to try to put her hand down first, but couldn't make it.
" Let me help " I helped her sit down cross legged her belly bump nearly touched the ground.
" No offense but how did you find a dress to fit that baby bump? " Jane asked.
" It was hard but I ordered one that barely fits but it'll do " Mrs. B responded sighing.
I looked over my shoulder to see Ms. Payton reaching to one of the tables and put the baby carrier on the table, she cooed and smiled at the babies.
She was already dressed in a black dress to with a black veil that was flipped up so u could see her face.
For giving birth just a month and a half ago from twins she had lost so close to all the baby weight.
Ms. Payton looked great.
Mrs. B slipped the dress on and I started to zip it up for her, when it got stuck.
" It's ok just zip it up I'm fine " She breathed in hard.
I zipped it up all the way and she turned around.
" Whoa " Jane and I stared.
" What does it look that bad? " She asked sadly.
" No your gorgeous! The baby bump fits perfectly " Jane smiled.
" Agreed " I laughed.
" Oh you guys " Mrs. B hugged us as far as she could.
I finished the dress off by a belt that we tried as hard as we could to get it along her waist.
" Awesome. Ready? " Mrs. B asked as she put her arms around us.
We nodded nervously.
As we walked past everyone they got up and we walked out together.
The front of the school was lined with flowers and people in black.
5 closed caskets were lined at the front of the small stage with flowers on top.
" Oh god " I cried and I leaned my head onto Mrs. B's shoulder, she leaned her head on mine.
After a brief ceremony I said my goodbyes.
" At least tomorrow can get better for the wedding " Hailey prayed.
" I hope so " I wiped tears.

Just like we thought, the wedding cheered up everyone and I was lovely to see Ms. Payton so happy to be with her daughter, son, and her new husband.
So beautiful she was in the white dress with her daughter in a mini white dress like her.
All of us were considered her " Student Bridesmaids " along with Mrs. B attempting to fit into a dress but that didn't work.
That wedding day perked everyone up, nobody seemed to grieve anymore.

Thanksgiving this year was a year we all were sure thankful for so many things.
We had a huge party in school, with all of us sitting around a table, holding hands.
" God we thank you for everything you've given us... You watched over us during the storm and we survived, you gave us life, you let Ms. Payton's kids who were born during the storm live, and you've given us everything you could, and were sitting here today " Mrs. B finished and smiled.

Christmas: There's lights, happiness, singing, and the best time of the year.
It was the last week before Christmas vacation.
Mrs. B was really over her due date, and was in pain.
" Mrs. B! Sit down! " I stood up after watching her for the first 10 minutes of class, hardly be able to stand.
" But I can't " She tried to ignore me but I walked up to her and sat her down.
" Ella really, oh! Ohhhhhh, " She cried.
" Trust me you need this " I kept her down.
All she did was hug me.
Suddenly she jerked forward and I lost my balance, falling over.
Water spilled to the floor.
" Oh my god! " I covered my mouth with my hand.
" Ew she wet her pants " Kendra laughed.
" Seriously Kendra? Not the time " I turned to her then back to Mrs. B.
" I'm having a baby " Mrs. B told me, panting.
" Take one last look at the pregnant me you've always known cause I'm having this baby! " She joked but it didn't last.
The next thing we knew was we were waiting for news of Mrs. B after her hubby drove her to the hospital.
This time had finally come she would be a mother.