Status: Love can come faster than your own shadow.

Just Like Lucky Luke

Chapter 1

AHEM. Warning: This is bandslash, GAY Stuff. So if you can't handle love between to men, then I don't think you should read it, it might give you a problem.

For those who can deal with it, please leave a comment!! :D :D ( I won't whine if you don't though ) ;D


The sun was shining above you like the big heating lamp it was. Making you lose your shadow completely. You’ve been driving for a good couple of days now. Adventure.. No. That had never been your seek. You would have your amount of fun when the right time came.

Your blue VW bubble and your smoke was your only friend in this long journey. The hat you always wore was sparing your eyes from the sun’s burning heat; the only shadow to appear was the one the hat made over your eyes.

Your sweaty skin was covered with hundreds of pearly sweat droplets, several wet, dark spots where formed in your jean-shirt, the blue fabric showing the contrast clearly to the world.

Your cigarette was of course placed between your thin dry lips; the thin paper that covered the tobacco met your lips surface as it had done several years all ready.
The chocolate gaze your eyes made, was clearly concentrating on the horizon, the determined look in them would beat Clint Eastwood down in his cowboy boots any day.

You’ve been on the road for a several couple of years now. Your hair that once was short and looked like you got an electric shot, was now long and feathery. It blew softly in the wind, showing your face’s tanned color when it brushed from your forehead.

You sighed as you studied the map once more. You needed a shower, a bed and a good meal (and a job) pretty damn fast, and you was hoping that a farm would come into your sight pretty damn fast. Alternatively, some kind of civilization at least.

“What the fuck?” When you had drove a mile or so, you eyed a person standing on the right side of the road, hitchhiking. “Who are you?” You opened the window to look at this tall lanky creature standing there, his worn out band t-shirt blowing lightly around his thin frame. His hair was a black mess, and he wore a pair of black sunglasses that covered his mystery eyes for now. He chewed on a bubble gum when he bent down to talk to you through the window. Laying one hand on the roof, he smiled casual to you.

“Hey, dude, care to give me a ride?” He chewed, pulling at his glasses a little.

“Who are you?” You repeated the question once more. He laughed at your stubbornness.

“I’m Jimmy, or James Sullivan, but you can call me Rev.” He smirked. His glasses now almost removed from his eyes, you could see the twinkling mischief that they held.

“Hi. I’m Brian Haner. Eh jr. However, you can call me Syn. Or just Brian.” You said casual as you unlocked your passenger door, nodding for him to get in the car. “Thank you, Brian. Have you travelled far?” He asked as he pulled the seat backward, making more room for his long and thin legs. “Yeah…ya know, adventure, right? Women, right? Memories… yeah?” You pulled at your hat a little, as you started the car, and Jimmy threw the bag he carried in the back seat, sighing for a moment.

“Uhm, what is your business out here, anyway?” You asked, genuinely curious. “Eh, ya know, I was kind of.. uhm. That’s a long story.. And it requires a pair of beers if you know what I mean.” He said, scratching his chin, his face made a little contraction. “Ah.” You said, watching the road again.

“It’s getting quite late.. We should find a place to rest.” You changed the theme quickly, hoping you didn’t cause this stranger to much brain trouble.

*Time Lapse*

You didn’t manage to get to a motel or something like that this night, so the good old tent would have to be raised again. It was good enough for you at least. It didn’t seem that Jimmy had anything against it either so.. You relaxed.

You picked up another smoke as you watched Jimmy put up the tent, which was very entertaining in your opinion. He cursed the tent for the fifth time when you decided to try to say something about how it was meant to be put up. “That stick over there goes in the hole to the right, and the other one that you hold in your hand is supposed to be in the roof.” You smirked as you smacked your lips a little, breathing out thin smoke circles. They disappeared between the bushes after a while..

He blushed as he continued to put the sticks into their right holes, bending over a little to much and fell forward into the mess of a ‘tent’. You laughed lightly. This was the first time you’d actually laughed in a while.. when you thought about it...

“Sorry.” You almost giggled. “But I didn’t want to sleep outside tonight.” He ignored that comment. Just continued with his work with a playful huffing.

“Finally!” Jimmy breathed as he admired his work. “Damn straight, Rev. It will be nice to get some rest.” You said as you stamped a few times at the last glowing twigs of the campfire to make it burn out. “I’m gonna turn in now.” You said as you crept into the tent, making yourself as comfy as you could without taking off too much clothes. Your pants and jean shirt was folded, but you kept your t-shirt on.. the nights was cold. You were tucked in your sleeping bag when Jimmy came crawling in.

He had his own sleeping bag, luckily and he tucked it tightly around his long body so he wouldn’t freeze his ass off. “Good night.” You muttered, and got a small reply and a single wave from Jimmy who was almost sleeping already.

All though, you didn’t get to sleep so fast. Who was this guy? What had he been going through? In addition, why did you feel so weird when he looked at you, or when you looked at him? Moreover, why did you feel so warm inside when he lay here, in your tent?
Solemnly, the sleep came creeping to you at last.

It was morning and you two hurriedly packed the camp down. The rain had decided to surprise you early and the only thing you could do was to get in the car as fast as possible. The rain was warm against your skin and your shirt was sticking to your body. Jimmy solved that problem immediately. He simply took it off.

“Damn. Holy diver..” You breathed as he exposed his wet skin, his hair was dripping with crystals of water, the small rivers that formed on his torso and down his face made your heart twitch. Drops dripping from his lips, his ice-blue ice that spoke of happiness that you should somewhat think only he knew existed. Like no other human had that magical power of feeling this supernatural happiness. The eyes twinkled, his lips where stretched into a grin wider and so remarkable that it made you lean against the car window and sigh.

“I LOVE RAIN!” Jimmy hollered, and then opened his mouth to taste the angels’ tears on his tongue.

You laughed at him, smiling bright when he came towards the car when he had is amount of water.

“Hoh,” He breathed, leaning all the way back in his seat, turning only his head around to look at you.

“That was fucking awesome, and why are you looking like you’ve seen a swan and it let you pet it?” He grimaced crazy, sticking his tongue out a bit.

“Uh, I do?” You were a little startled by his question, you had to say that much, but then you just laughed at him again. “You are some son of a bitch you know that, eh? That’s the best question I’ve heard in a while.” You said, shaking your head, starting the engine. He chuckled lightly and shrugged. “That’s just one of my many talents.” He teased, watching the road. Nothing were uttered about the pictures you got in your mind when he said those words. Imagine that..

You swallowed. Who was this guy?

*Time skip*

“And he totally lost his mind, yeah? You should have seen him! With the mustard sprayed all over his face. Screaming something about that a chicken peed on him.” Jimmy laughed as he had once more shared one of his crazy stories about his drunken party escapades and pranks.

You ate him with your eyes, his laughter making you gasp at how beautiful it sounded. Like it melted into your damn soul and built a cave in it. You needed some kind of moment, just to breath, or maybe he was the reason that you still breathed? No.. That was too weird.

“Brian? Syn? Are you in there? Somewhere?” You shied as he waved one of his perfectly sculpted tattooed hands in front of your face. “Uh, yes? Y-you were saying?” You stammered, but smiled when he laughed his cackled laughter again. “Fuck, do you really pay attention, Brian?” He scolded playfully.

“Yes, yes! Continue.” You sipped your beer, watching him empty his fifth. “You did wonder when I met you, why I was out here.. yeah?” Jimmy’s laughter replaced with a serious face, and a halfway drunken voice. A finger pointed at you, shaking a little.

“I got drunk. Then I cheated on my boyfriend. He wasn’t the nicest guy anyway.. He threw me out of his car when we were arguing. I was lost with my own destiny in my hands when he took over my apartment and my stuff. I struggled for a long time to get a job so I could earn what I needed to stay alive. But I couldn’t stay there too long.. so when I got the money I decided to live by luck and just take it from there. I’ve hitchhiked around for 3 months before I found you..” He trailed off, seeming to sober up a bit because of the seriousness of the story.

“You see, I’m meant to be lonely. I fucked up really bad, and I guess I deserved it.” He looked down at his feet. Never had you seen him so vulnerable. And never did you ever want him to be this sad.

“No. It’s not true. You deserve better, and past is past. Give yourself a new chance; you’ve been through a lot, man.” You said sternly, sounding almost mother-like, a caring feeling to it.

He smiled a small smile at those words, looking up at you, his blue eyes twinkling with something undefined. “Thank you, Brian.” He said quietly. So quietly, had you even heard him speak?

“Why are you out here? Cause I can sense that it’s not the adventure that occupies your mind.”

“I were accused that I committed a crime that I didn’t do.” You said in one breath as you lightened up another smoke. “Really?” Jimmy’s blue wide orbs stared at you in bewilderment.

“Yes. I lost my family.. and I lost my wife because of that stupid thing. ” You said unbelievably calm on the surface. Even though you knew that your blood was boiling hot from the frustration around this. “ Do you miss her?”

“No, that stupid bitch cheated behind my back, with that ass of a butler she insisted to have.” You shrugged. You begged that the intoxicated man in front of you wouldn’t remember all the details in the morning, when the mixture of cigarettes and campfire had died down.
♠ ♠ ♠
There are 3 more parts.
Two is completed. nr 3 will come soon.