Status: Love can come faster than your own shadow.

Just Like Lucky Luke

Chapter 2

Well, that thought didn’t actually go that way you wanted it.

Next day, Jimmy looked very thoughtful and serious all day long. You felt like it was as if he had so much to think abou,t that you didn’t quite know how to talk to him in fear of disturbing something serious. But with time he lightened up, and when you two reached the next city he was his old self again.

Strange isn’t it? You had now known him for about little more than a month, and you already felt like he was a long lost best friend that had returned to you after ages.

The trust you gave him surprised you in more than one way. You also came to think that he was actually remarkably beautiful in his effervescent personality. That only scared you half the time. Because on the other hand, you did enjoy it.


“This seems like a place we can stay for a while.” You stated pleased. He opened the door without any reply and took out his bag from the car floor. “Yeah..” He muttered, like he just returned to that serious state of mind for a second or two.

The first thing you did after finding a room, paying and eating, was to find a bar to spend the evening. Both of you were in need for some good Jack Daniels, and swallowed the strong liquor like it was lemonade. The conversation got more and more drunk, and more and more dirty. You was laughing so loud that you thought your stomach was gonna go under.

“D-did you s-sleep with him? OMG, Jimmy, you’re fucking weird!” You laughed
harder, Jimmy laughed with you wiping tears from his eyes, “Yeah-eh. Like seriously! You, y-you should try it one time!” He snorted happily. “I dunno, man! I dunno anyy, uh, gay g-guy that want to do that to meh!” You cackled, your hazy brown eyes couldn’t even make out the contours of the glass in your hand. He leaned forward carefully. “Y-you have m-meeh.” He breathed dramatically.

“Will.. ya fuck meh Jemmeh ?” You giggled uncontrollably. He lifted his blue gaze, his eyes just as happily drunk as yours.

“Take meh upstaais..” You laughed, half sang to him. “YEESH!” He cheered, then you went stumbling up the hotel’s stairs.. From that point.. You didn’t care what happened.

* Next morning*

“Fuck..” Your sight was all blurry as you tried to open your heavy lids. The hammering headache that made a tower in your skull didn’t quite make it better.

What the fuck happened.. You didn’t remember.. something about a lot of Jack Daniels. And Jimmy..

Where is he? You lay on your back, and stretched out an arm trying to sense what was at your right side. Warm, soft, boney… hmm.. did you get laid? What the fuck, your ass hurts like hell too!

You hear a low grumble. That’s not normal? Where is Jimmy? Where are you?
You move your hand downwards.

“AAAAH!!” You scream, your senses runs back in place as you realize what you just had between your fingers.

The other MAN (!!!) Shied jumping of your scream, screaming a little himself when he notice whom he is facing.

“Oh shit..” He says, scratching the back of his head. The fact that he is completely naked hasn’t disturbed him one bit. Something you can’t help but wonder about. There’s so many things that makes you wonder.. No. Not now!

“W-why are you in my bed.” You ask shockingly.

“uhh...” He began.

“UH? You say ‘uh’? What the fuck? We wake up in the same bed, my ass hurts and we’re both naked, and all you can say is ‘uh’?!” You let out frustrated

“Apparently.” He nodded with a little smirk. “I think its time to tell you that I am.. eh… Gay. Hehe.” He said with a crooked smile, almost looking apologetically. “You choose this as the right time to tell me that. You are unbelievable.” You crossed your arms over your chest.

“Well… I made you forget that you’re still naked.” He grinned. “Shit!” You quickly hided your tanned body behind your muscular arms. “Damn it…”

He just laughed. “Well, I’m sorry about what happened. We got a little drunk last night.” He murmured. You sighed, shook your head and just shrugged. “What has happened is past. We can’t change that. We’ll just have to make sure it won’t happen again.” You started to find your clothes, still somewhat flustered and pissed about it. Especially your aching ass.

“Oh Brian. I’m sorry. Really.” Jimmy pouted, and then he walked over to you and lay his head on your shoulder. The childish pout still decorating his thin bowed lips. “Yeah, I’m sorry too,” You snapped, ready to walk out the door when he turned you around and made you face to face with him.

“I truly am sorry. Let me show you how much.” He said. Then he kissed you.

“WHAT THE FUCK!” You backed away, almost stumbling backwards as your hands hit the door.

“Sorry, much eh? FUCK YOU.” You shouted, then sprinted down the stairs and found your car in no time. “I’m gonna show him, that son of a bitch, fuck, how could he do that to me!” You fumed. “God damn it!” You hit the steering wheel hard as you felt yourself loose it. All the feelings had been so clear to you just moments before. It did scare you to death, though. You liked it, when he kissed you. You didn’t mind that you’ve had sex either. It was all with him. You were miserable. Lost. Happy. Floating. Plauged. And in love.

He was knocking on your window, and you had to open it up.
♠ ♠ ♠
one more to go ! :)