Status: Love can come faster than your own shadow.

Just Like Lucky Luke

Chapter 3

Warning: In this part there will be some thoughts about self-harming ,all though it doesn’t happen. Just in case this disturb anyone. Apart form that, its still homosexual love described here. So watch out :XD:

The knocking was getting worse as you struggled to stop crying. Love can be so many different things. You can feel love, make love, stay in love or fall out of love. But one thing is for sure. You can’t run form love when it choose to stay. Never.

You slowly opened the window hiding your face behind your curtains of hair. “Brian..” Jimmy tried; he swallowed the bump in his throat before he continued. “I’m sorry, Brian. I got too drunk last night. I’m so sorry for the kiss.. I- I didn’t know how to react, okay. I didn’t mean it, and I know that I maybe made you sick to your stomach of that sudden intimacy with another man.. I- I don’t know how to say this. I’m not good at this.” He finished with a fake laugh that sounded just as desperate as your heart.
“Sorry..” You stifled. He suddenly stroke your chin carefully with tender strokes, making you shiver as you fought against your emotions. “Don’t be. You have nothing to be sorry for, I shouldn’t have done this to you.” Jimmy spoke softly. Amazing how he could turn your heart into putty, only with one touch. Oh, Jimmy. Confused, weird Jimmy. And, you loved him so much.

No.. too early.

“Get in the car.” You chocked, tremblingly putting on the engine. He sighed. He knew that he had to build up some trust again. Remarkable how he did that.


Her skirt was just as dirty as her intentions. It seemed like she believed that she could make every man in her way melt into butter when she first sat on his lap. The heavy makeup on her fake eyelashes, compared to her fake attitude just made it worse.

Jimmy was actually trying. Ever since the time you two had had that little “accident”, he had wrenched his gut out to make it up to you in any way possible. The final test came to you this fateful night in Detroit.

“Hey sugar.” Her voice rasped as if she was a man in a costume; however, her bouncing breasts made it perfectly clear that she indeed was female.

“Go away.” He glared at her. She ignored him. She moved forward. His body language telling him that this was all such a discussing experience to him that he was ready to barf in her boobs instead of enjoy them.

“ Honey, I know you secretly want it.” She purred closely to his ear, making him grimace slightly annoyed at her.

“No. I don’t.” He clenched his teeth, shoving her away so she stumbled on her feet.

You had been tense the whole time, knowing you should trust Jimmy’s words. That he was gay and that he had no interest in women at all. The green monster in your stomach didn’t quite listen to that kind sensible rubbish at this moment though. You must have looked quite hurt, cause after she was gone; he suddenly took your hand carefully in his and squeezed it reassuringly. You blushed madly, because how could he know just what you needed in that moment?

I love you. Your mind screamed helplessly, but no words where uttered.

*that night*

So it did happen then, after all.

You lay sobbing on the bathroom floor, the agony in your heart just came to an intense level as you choked your own spit several times. Shivering and helpless heartbeats became a grayish color.
How could you be in love if you were so afraid to fall? Easy. Difficult. Love is love.

How can you be brave? You hear him standing outside the door. He lay his ear against the doorframe, and start to listen to your heartbreaking sobs.

It is all so scary to you. A major change in your identity is the twisted thought you get. It’s like no one ever told you that love has no limits and it doesn’t matter who you love.

“Brian!” He knocks roughly.

“Brian are you okay? Oh my god, Brian please!” The sharp razor that lay on the sink has never been so tempting to you.

“Open up!” He shouted, you could hear the rasping worry in his smooth voice. It only made you feel slightly worse. Fuck it.

The door creaked shrilling when he finally got it up. You just sobbed.

“Fuck…” He swallowed, unsure if he should get closer to you or keep his distance. He went for the first option.

When he scooped you up into his long arms, and held you tight to his lean strong chest, you couldn’t quite believe the world. He held you, while he whispered reassuring words, and at the same time, begging you to tell him what was wrong.

“I-I’m so scared, so scared..” You trembled, your lips didn’t want to cooperate with your mind, and your body was still shaking profusely, your hands holding on to his frame as tightly as you could.
The strength he gave you just by sitting there and wiping your eyes, stroking your back and to show kindness towards you, kept you sane even though you thought it was lost long time ago.

You had been fighting with yourself ever since the morning he kissed you. Damn, how tired you were of fighting. Therefore, you just stopped fighting.

“Kiss me.” You whispered in the shell of his ear, your hazy chocolate colored eyes where pleading him.
“What?” He suddenly somewhat awakened from a silent slumber, as if he also were trapped in some other dimension like yourself.

“Kiss me, Jimmy. Please.” You shuddered, leaning towards him so his nose met yours. The pleading love-filled gaze was the thing that convinced him as the realization of your question spread out in those ice-blue orbs. The cupid bow lip stretched out in his beautiful smile, and once again you felt like the sun was shining right into your heart when his smile was flashed at you without now warning.

Leant forward as he captured your lips with his own in a sweet kiss, a soft smacking sound was all that was heard when your lips formed as one with his. The sparkles where flying everywhere, and a tingling sensation formed like an army of butterflies in the pit of your stomach and then all the way down to your toes.

The whole image of him being yours finally completed the puzzle you called life.
“ I love you,” He breathed where he sat on the bathroom floor, at a hotel somewhere with you sprawled out on his lap in a mess of tears and loving feelings.

“Oh my god.” You whispered to yourself, and he laughed quietly.
“I love you so much, so much.” Your voice cracked again as you tried to express the feeling that had been stuck in your chest for what felt like an eternity.

“Kiss me again.” You asked sheepishly, he blinked one time, and then obeyed. Sweet sensations was once more filling your words with utter joy and happiness. Weird how time changes, yeah?

Tongues came to their use, as the temptation of tasting the individual taste of your loved one were too much to bare.

“Let me show you that I love you.” You moaned in his ear when you broke apart.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ah, So sorry that I didn't post this sooner! *LE GASP*

Part 4 is coming up immetiatley after this ;D