Status: Just starting out

My Fat Diary

And as I watch you disappear into my head

I walked through the busy corridor, pushing my way through the crowd to my locker. I had made it to lunch so far and I was exhausted. Maria was off sick and everyone else was annoying me so I was by myself. I blame Mondays. I can never deal with anyone apart from Maris on Mondays.
I dumped all my books into my locker and set off for the cafeteria. I was starving and couldn't wait to eat. I sped up slightly as I smelt the pizza that was being served today. When I got to the counter, I piled my plate up high, two slices of pizza, salad, a yogurt, an apple and a snickers bar. I paid for it all and wondered around the hall looking for somewhere to sit. Spotting an empty table, I walked over but accidentally tripped and fell into another girl, sending me, the food and the girl flying. I got up quickly and apologized, offering a hand out to help the girl up but she was too busy looking at my food that was lying discarded on the floor.
"Umm. Sorry. i didn't see you."
She looked up at me and it seemed like she had never seen a human before.
"You were going to eat all this?"
"Yeah. Sorry about pushing you over though. I didn't mean to."
"You're disgusting."
I stopped trying to apologize and stared at her.
"You're disgusting." She repeated, getting up and brushing herself off, "No wonder you're so fat."
I just stared at her again, with my mouth open.
"Look at you. All fat. God, how did you ever get a boyfriend?"
I walked off, not wanting to hear anymore, forgetting about my food completely. I wan't fat. I had a healthy appetite that's all.
But what if I was fat. Maybe she was right. I didn't even know who the girl was. What would be the point in lying to someone you'd never met before? There wasn't one. She was telling the truth. I was fat.
I walked into the bathrooms quickly and stared at myself in the mirror, turning around, viewing my body from every angle possible. I could see how my jumper was quite tight around my stomach and my thighs looked massive in my tights. How didn't I notice this before?
I sat down on the floor and put my head in my hands. Why was I so blind to this? I ate so much everyday. It wasn't exactly a surprise. i had been chubby as a baby and I thought I'd lost it but evidently not. Id just gotten so used to it, I didn't notice it anymore.
I needed to lose weight. Badly. I stood up again and smoothed my uniform out and walked out the bathroom like nothing had happened. I didn't go back to the hall as I knew I would be tempted by all the food. I could do this. I could diet. All the other girls can.
I was now more aware of people looking at me as I walked though. They probably think I'm fat too. It all makes sense. How didn't I notice this before. I'm fat. Fat. Fat. Fat.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title credit - The Pretty Reckless-Miss Nothing
So that was the first chapter. Just going to leave it like this for a bit and see if anyone likes it.