White Roses Fade to Black

It All Started With a Smile...

Lucie was sat in the outcast corner of the yard, her notepad propped open on her frostbitten knees. Decembers had really gotten colder in the last few years.

Take another photograph
The memories will blur
And I wanna remember you

Pick another flower
The petals will wilt
And I wanna keep you

Write another blank verse
The pages will fade
And I wanna remember you

Forever isn’t as long
As it used to be
Always is about as long
As a couple days
Forever isn’t what
It used to be.

But I wanna remember you

Katherine walked over and Lucie waved lazily. She couldn’t be bothered to be anti-social now, let alone social.

“Hey,” Katherine muttered.

Lucie just nodded. She looked up and noticed that Katherine looked different. Her skin was pale and wasn’t doused in foundation; her eyes, usually neatly lined with a thin eyeliner streak, were surrounded by thick eyeliner and smudged black eye shadow; her lips were unglossed; on her wrists, instead of bracelets, were wristbands.

Lucie’s mouth dropped open. The most shocking change was that Katherine’s hair was tied back in a messy ponytail. It usually hung, beautifully brushed and straightened to perfection, by her ears.

“Damn, you changed,” Lucie said, smiling slightly.

Katherine laughed. Lucie’s face fell slightly; Katherine’s laugh was kind of hollow and forced.

“You okay?” Lucie asked, raising an eyebrow.

Katherine nodded, and Lucie gave her a look, saying to tell the truth. Katherine’s nod turned slowly into a shake, and she looked at the floor. Lucie stood up, walked over and held Katherine tightly.

Katherine hugged back a little, then shrugged Lucie off. She wasn’t comfortable with hugs right now.

“What’re you doing tonight?” Katherine asked.

Lucie looked up. No one had asked her that in over nine years, since she’d been introduced to rock music.

“I, uh, I’m visiting David in hospital,” she replied, slightly confused.

Katherine’s ears pricked up and she looked up from the sketch book she’d taken out and started to draw in.

“Hospital? What happened?” she asked.

“He had a really big panic attack,” Lucie whispered.

She was still uncomfortable with repeating the story to everyone, but she’d found that it was easier just to say he’d had a really big panic attack.

“Oh. Sounds nasty,” Katherine said.

She was pretty relieved. She was afraid that David had decided to take a leaf out of Mike’s book and leave them…

Lucie and Katherine were sat next to David’s bed. Lesley was catching up on coursework and Calum had started an alcohol rehab session.

“I hope you can hear me, David. I’m gonna come to your bedside everyday until you wake up, and even then I’ll visit you,” Lucie whispered.

Katherine pulled Lucie into a hug and Lucie burst into heavy tears. Katherine held her tighter and watched David sleep.

“I need coffee and skittles,” Lucie said.

She pushed Katherine away slightly and walked out of the room, leaving Katherine to watch David twitch painfully.

Lucie sighed and put her money in the candy machine, pressing in the code for her skittles. They came out and she repeated it, this time the code for sour skittles.

They came out, and she moved to the coffee machine. One pound fifty for a damn mocha latte that was the equivalent of a quarter of a pint of milk, some boiling water and a few coffee beans.

Lucie mumbled to herself as she shoved the spare change in the slot. It came to the last ten pence and she shoved it in hurriedly, causing it to fall from her hands and roll away. It was her last money; she’d only brought enough for the skittles and coffee.

“Oh fuck! Goddamn it!” she muttered loudly, bending over slightly to look for her money.

The coin rolled way back behind her, so she let out an exasperated growl and went stood up. The tears still rolled down her face, so she sniffed and wiped the away.

“Excuse me? Is this yours?” a voice asked.

Lucie nodded and looked up. What met her eyes struck her dumb and she couldn’t move or speak. The guy handed her the coin and smiled slightly.

“Thanks. Hey, uh, what’s your name?” Lucie managed to spit out.

“I’m Freddie. You?” he asked, holding out his hand.

“I’m Lucie, with an IE,” she grinned, taking his hand and shaking it.

He laughed and his hair moved off his face. His piercing blue eyes took Lucie’s breath away. This Freddie guy had spiky black hair, that fell in his eyes just a touch. His eyes were amazing, and rimmed in heavy black eyeliner. His was wearing a TBS tee-shirt and black drainpipe pants, which were held up with a studded belt. His shoes were dirty black converses with bright green laces. Lucie saw the outline of a box of cigarettes in his pants pocket.

“Cool. So what you in for?” he asked.

Lucie’s smile faded from her face and she let go of Freddie’s hand slowly. He looked at her with concern as the tears started to roll down her face again.

“My… friend had a massive panic attack,” she whispered.

She hadn’t meant to say friend; she’s wanted to say boyfriend but the word wouldn’t form on her tongue. Friend had just kind of, slipped out.

“Oh. Well, my twin sister broke her ankle getting out of the lorry. It’s pretty bad, so we missed our first day of school. Mom tried to make me go, but I refused,” he giggled.

Lucie nearly fainted. He had such an amazing laugh.

“Well, I kinda don’t wanna go back coz it’s emotional back there. You wanna grab a coffee and like, I dunno, hang out?” Lucie asked.

Freddie nodded. Lucie smiled and put the ten pence in the machine, still smiling. Her smile didn’t fade, like it had done for the last two months.

A/N: OMG I got three new readers! Thanks for the comments. Three more for part 14!