‹ Prequel: Yours Forever
Status: Currently

Never Leave



"Raise my hand, at the thought of you leaving me alone."

The first time i hit him i felt a wave of adrenaline rush through my veins, it was an accident but I didn't regret it. I held him all night while he cried and promised never to do it again.

I almost wished he would have realized that i lied.

The second time happened a few months later. He came home and he was so mad at me, Vanessa called from work and told him that I cheated. I begged him to forgive me but he wouldn't stop yelling, I didn't notice that i had my hands around his throat until he started screaming. I wished that i hit that bitch instead.

The third and last time was at my brother's 19th birthday party and I'm so sorry that i made a scene, but he got me so mad- no; I was mad with myself. I didn't mean to eavesdrop but when I heard him tell Mike, "He's hurting me, I'm scared he'll kill me." any shred of common scene left me and i charged towards him, fist colliding with his unsuspecting jaw. I remember thinking, "I'll give him something to fear."
♠ ♠ ♠
the quote thing in the beginning is from chemical kids and mechanical brides by ptv (obviously)

this is v short and kinda depressing so sorry for that.

so comment and give me something to look forward to, this will be updated almost every week so keep an eye out.

Love you guys