This Year


January 1st, 2013
“I like the difference in people’s opinions. I like how one will believe that once you’ve met the one, those dreaded two words we like to label onto someone we’re convinced is our soul mate, everything in your life will take shape. Those are the people that choose to build their lives around their significant other, they’re most likely the most passionate to love and be loved by.

But then there’s others who are firm believers that you could meet the one, feel a certain way but have the timing be off. Once again two words we use to label something with, possibly to cover up our own mistakes of letting go too early.

And then there’s me, or people like me, the wandering pessimists. I have a love/hate relationship with love. I have a very big heart which I’m ready to give out but it takes a long time for me to do so, and so far no one managed to stick around long enough for me to give it to them.

Maybe instead of lying to myself again, by making up a petty New Year’s resolution of falling in love in 2013, I should change it up this year… seeing as I never live up to the promises I make myself how about this year, I will break a heart.
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An intro to my newest story! Soon to come!
Comment, subscribe, recommend. I would love some extra feedback on this.

Also a very special thanks to Erin and Teddi for helping me make the right decisions for this story! Check out their writing, it's amazing!