
Chapter 2

I was walking to my locker after Algebra 2/Trigonometry trying to shove my binder into my black backpack covered with pins when a kid slammed right into me knocking us both down. “Oh crap, ohmygod, I’m so sorry…” The young boy rambled on as he attempted to help me up. If it was anyone else, I would’ve flipped out. But this kid looked like he was in a hurry from something, or someone.
“Hey, kid, stop apologizing. I’m okay. But, where’s the fire?” As soon as I spoke, I heard a loud shout coming from the direction the boy was running away from. “Oh thanks! You stopped the tool.” A douchebag by the name of Cody Simmons grabbed ‘the tool’ and slammed him up against the lockers.
“Hey! Put him down, now.” I said with anger at this ass.
“I don’t think so. This punk gave me all the wrong answers for my Physics test and I got an F!”
“Well, maybe you deserved the F for bullying a sophomore for homework and test answers.”
“Look, bitch, what’s your name again?”
“Briar. And bitch? I don’t think so. Cody, I really don’t think you should try to start anything with me.” One of his friends spoke up saying, “Well yeah, cause you’re a girl.”
“I said: because you’re a girl.” His friends ‘Oo’d’ and laughed at his sexist remark. I laughed and smirked too walking over to him.
“That was cute.” Before he could do anything, I grabbed him by the neck and pressed my thumb into his pressure point before slamming his head into one of the lockers. Cody finally dropped the almost crying boy and now aimed for his new target. He grabbed my left arm and yanked me off his friend who fell to the floor.
I remember flinching and closing my eyes but nothing happened. I opened my eyes to see Riley Sayer on top of Cody on the floor. Cody kept trying to retaliate by hitting him back, but that was definitely not happening. A teacher finally realized what was going on and pulled Riley off Cody. “Can someone please tell me what it going on here?!” He yelled to the surrounding students. I quickly and quietly picked up and backpack and grabbed the kid off the floor where he still sat watching trying to get away before he noticed us.
“You two!” We froze, “I don’t think you’re getting out of this one!”
I shouldn’t have interfered I thought to myself as I sat in a plastic chair outside the principal’s office. The secretary kept giving me and the boy, whose name I learned is Lucas, dirty looks as Riley and Cody were getting talked to. “Is there a problem?” I asked her as she looked at us again. She scowled and muttered, “Punks”.
“You know, you shouldn’t talk to adults like that.” Lucas whispered to me from the light blue seat next to mine.
“I wouldn’t have had to do that if you just gave Cody the right answers, Lucas.”
“I’m sorry. I just got sick of getting pushed around and threatened by him for the work. What would you do if you were me getting bullied everyday just because you can recite the periodic table from A-Z? You’re so lucky no one knows who you are.” I’ve got to admit that one stung a little bit. Hey, he was right. “Briar, I’m sorry I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Yes you did and you’re right. Don’t apologize to me.” The door opened and Riley walked out. He sat down in the pale yellow seat next to me. He gave me a little smile. Yay. Please don’t talk to me.
“Hey, thanks for beating up Cody for me. I would do it myself but I’m not that strong.” Lucas leans forward and tells Riley.
“You’re welcome, uh what’s your name?”
“Morin. Lucas Morin.” He sticks out his hand, right across my body, to offer a hand shake.
“You’re welcome, Lucas Morin, I’m Sayer, Riley Sayer.” Riley says as he shakes his hand. Oh my God, this is so lame.
“And this is Briar. I don’t know her last name though.” Thanks Lucas.
“Briar, huh? You’re in my Physics class but I never actually knew your name. It’s a pretty name.” Before I had time to say something back, the door opened again. This time it was Cody and Principal Miller. “Alright, Riley and Cody you may go back to class. Please, try to keep your hands off each other. Lucas, it’s your turn.”
Lucas got off free. His only punishment was that he had to stay for an After School Detention today. Principal Miller called me in after Lucas left. “I appreciate what you did for Mr. Morin today, Briar.”
“It was nothing.”
“No, people usually don’t stand up for the Nerd. That takes a lot of courage. You may not think it’s a big deal to you, but you’re a hero in his eyes.”
“Well, what can I say? Someone needs to be there. Someone needs to show everyone that there’s nothing to be afraid of. Just because someone’s bigger than you doesn’t mean you need to deal with their shit.” He just smiled at me.
“Look, Ms. Ambrosi, Lucas doesn’t have many friends. Maybe you can take him under your wing in a way? I’m not asking you to hang out with him every day, but maybe just help him out a bit. I know you haven’t been the same since your mother got sick but that doesn’t mean you have to shut everyone out.”
“I haven’t shut everyone out, just the majority.”
“I know, I know. I may not be a therapist, but my door is always open for you. But back to this fighting business, I know you like to stick up for the little people, but try to pick on people your own size next time. And try not to bring other people into it. You have after school detention today, too.”
“Oh great. Fun. What about Riley? Cody?”
“Cody got suspended for 3 days. Riley, whose family donates a lot of money to the sports funding and to the school itself, only got an after school detention too.”
“Are you kidding me?”
“I know. It’s not right of me, but it was it first time offense. He’s the only jock that I’ve never had in this office until now. Just do me a favor,” He said as I started to get up.
“What, Miller?”
“Just try. For me?” I just gave a little smile and nodded while putting my bag on my shoulders. I shut the door and my way out. Time to go back into the halls. The real world. I wonder how far this story has traveled through the grape vine.