Status: Just a little time passer.


Kill the beast.

They don’t know me, they can’t. For if they truly knew me they would not brandish their swords so, with hate in their eyes and on their tongues. Their jabs and taunts are practised; they pass them down from father to son, mother to daughter, reinforcing their poisonous beliefs.

“Kill the beast!”

But they don’t know. They can’t know. Because if they did surely they would not come for me? I am not a monster! I was the victim of a crime and yet forced to bear punishment for it, forced into solitude by a curse I do not deserve.

If they only knew how lonely it was up here. I have only the statues to keep me company and even their eyes and mouths frozen open in terror unnerve me. They remind me of my wretched new existence.

I didn’t ask for this, it was inflicted upon me with spite.

The evil monster.

The gorgon Medusa with her hair of snakes and her rocky stare.

I only wish to look my killers in the face. I want to be able to look my murderer in the eyes as they swipe their sword to sever my head from my body. This is their punishment as well as mine. If this was just they would not turn to stone. They would be able to kill me and do it with their eyes boring into mine, showing me what they truly are. Instead they resort to trickery and subterfuge. They watch me in the reflections of their dented shields.

Well more fool them. These objects will not aid them in destroying me. They don’t deserve the right to use them!

I didn’t ask for this.

I am so alone up here.

I am a pariah. I will forever be alone.

I wish someone could kill me. I wish my desire to survive was not so strong.

I am so lonely.

I don’t deserve this.

It is not fair.