Status: my first fanfic. also on

Soul Punks

Chapter 4

Ch. 4

"That whore! How could she do this to you?! Just wait until the guys hear about this!" I said reaching for my phone. But then Patrick grabbed my arm and looked me in they eyes.

"No, don't tell them, you can't. Not yet, I need peace, and you know when they hear about it, they will only make things worse."

"Fine Patrick, but you're gonna have to tell them at some point. What are you going to do? Are you planning in hiding in your room, surrounded by used tissues and watching John Hughes movies for the rest of your natural life!?"

"No... but that sounds like a pretty good plan." He said with a little grin, at least now he's joking again, we are getting somewhere.

There was only one more way I knew to make Patrick feel better, and that was tickling him. I looked at him with a devilish smile on my face, he began to look scared.

"Uhh Courtney, what are you doing?" he asked, completely naive to what was about to happen.

I pounced at him, knocking back so he was laying flat on his back. I straddled his lap, so he could not escape. Then I started to tickle him, he couldn't help but giggle, and it was adorable! (wait WHAT, no, I didn't think that, Patrick is friend)

"S-s-stop! P-p-please! I c-c-can't BREATH!"

"Nope, I don't think your man enough. You need to be tough and take girls like a man. This will help you become a man." I said, laughing along with Patrick.

"F-fine!" He pushed me off, and I landed on my back. He climbed on top of me, putting his hands on either side of me to support himself.

We kinda just stayed that way for awhile, neither one of us objected. It felt like time stopped, and I could feel something in my stomach, and it wasn't dinner.

"Well, are you going to rape me? Or am I gonna have to do it myself?" I asked, joking of course. (I didn't really want him to rape me... seriously!)

"Oh you can get started, I can watch," he said with a smirk.

I made a pouty face and pushed him off. We both started to laugh, finally got through to him.

"Hey Courtney, thanks for making me feel better. I knew that if anyone could do it, it would be you," he said, his face turned serious.

"Oh it was my pleasure. I wasn't doing anything anyways."

We sat in silence until we heard the front door click, and footsteps walk in.

"What! Are those your parents?! I thought you said they always spend the night?!"

"They usually do! I don't know what they are doing here!"

The door to my room opened and I heard my mom's heels making their way down.

"Shit. Here, get under my bed, quick!" I shoved him down and he crawled under. I pulled the blankets over my head and pretended to be asleep.

"Gosh, we leave for a couple hours and she makes herself TWO ice creams." I heard my mom complain. She took the bowls, went back up stairs, and shut the door.

"Hey Patrick?" I whispered


"Do you think you could squeeze yourself through that window?"

He poked his head out from under my bed and gave a sarcastic laugh. "Uhh no! That thing is like 2 feet wide!"

"Well you got any other plans to get you outta here?"

"You want me gone that bad. jeezz, I though you were my friend," he fake cried.

"Oh save it for the judge. Well did you want to sleep on the floor?"

"I really have no other options, since I sounds like your dad crashed on the couch. At least I can tell everyone I slept under you." I could hear his smile when he said that.

"Oh please. If anything, I KNOW I am a top, and you would definitely be a bottom."

"Whatever, good night sweetie," he said in a sing song voice.

"Good night honey, oh and by the way, I haven't clean under there in years."

"I could tell. So pink and black thongs huh," he said with a giggle.

"I uhh, oh shut up!" I could feel my face getting red. I was looking for those for ever!
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! Again, this story is on under the same name. So if you like the story you should probably follow it there, because I check that one more often. But don't worry, I won't forget about Mibba. Anywhore... Thnks fr rdng!