‹ Prequel: Weightless
Sequel: Situation Overload
Status: in progress


Give 'em Hell, Kid

Jack must've reread the note a thousand times, before he eventually realised that there were two things in bold, not that they made any sense to him, at all. 'For Baltimore' and 'lyrics'. What the hell could that possibly mean?

He must've reread it a thousand more times before he considered googling it. He typed the two bolded words into the search bar, and, to his confusion, a song came up.

The song was, to say the least, shit. It was some mock hip hop rap band, and Jack began to doubt that Alex was referencing this, but that's when he caught sight of a lyric video, and decided to see if he could possibly decipher anymore.

Alex had successfully arrived at where he wanted to be, and headed straight to the barbers to change his hair, just in case anyone came looking for him. Alex went for pink, and I mean full on, hot, bright, pink, but only on like, a third of his hair. He thought it looked ridiculous, but damn did he look hot.

Alex then booked himself in at the local youth hostel, and settled himself into a room he'd be sharing with two other people, they werent there at the time, but he would meet them later.

'That sounds a lot like Alex' was the first thing that came to Jack's mind when he read the lyrics to For Baltimore. But it couldn't be. Of course it wasn't. Noway. Alex wasn't in a mock hip hop band, Alex wouldn't sell his lyrics to a mock hip hop band and-

"ALEX DARLING, ARE YOU READY FOR US?" The door was kicked down, and a heavily tattooed, incredibly skinny man with a strong northern accent burst through the door, next to a man with perfectly styled hair, who was more well built. Behind them, entered two bulky men carrying AK47s, and from the looks on their faces, and the severe lack of expression in their eyes, they sure knew how to use them.
"What the fuck is going on!!??!!?? Who are you??!! Why are you in my house??!! Why are you looking for Lex??!!" Jack exclaimed, staring at the men in disbelief. "Oh! Jacky, pleasure to see you again. Miss Lex do you?" The man smirked.
"Who the fuck are you??!!" Jack yelled, demanding an answer. "And how do you know my goddamn name??!!"
"Oh Jacky dear, don't you remember me? I'm Oli. Oli Sykes."
"Right.. And why in God's name are you in my house looking for Alex with two guys with guns, and well, whoever that is." questioned Jack.
"Hey, it's me, Josh Franceschi. And we want to kill you."
"...What the fuck.. Why?"
"That's for us to know, and you to find out, motherfucker." answered Oli, harshly.
"Just kill me then. Why wait?"
"Well Alex isn't going to know if you die now, wherever the fuck he's gone to, he sure as hell ain't around here." Josh explained.
"Plus we came to the realization that it would be far simpler yet far more intense if we kill Alex and upset his loved ones than upsetting Alex by killing his loved ones." Oli joined in.
"Well it seems we've reached an impasse.." Jack announced awkwardly.
"Indeed.." responded Josh.
"How about...we find Alex.." Oli suggested, thoughtfully.
"But he could be anywhere! And we havent the slightest clue where he would go! And we would have to take Jack as hostage because now he knows what we plan to do.. It'd all be a mess!" Josh pointed out.
"Hmm.. Warehouse."
"Brilliant. Warehouse."

And all of a sudden everything went black, as Jack was hit over the head with something fragile- the last sound he heard was the distinct shatter of glass.

"Hey, nice to meet you guys, I'm Alex, uh shit, uh, Alex Grieco." Alex introduced himself as his new roommates walked through the door.
"Hey Alex, I'm Andy Biersack and this is my mate Alan Ashby." Andy was tall, thin, pale, with perfectly styled hair, and multiple piercings, and lets not forget the eyeliner- but damn could he work it. Alex thought he could see some tattoos poking out the top of his crew neck. And Alan. Well. Alan had thick red hair that covered his eyes slightly, a toned upper body, noticeable through his tank top and tattoos all up his left arm.
"Great, so, Andy, Alan, what brings you here?" Alex asked
"Erm, we both needed to get away from our families, incredibly quickly, and so we came here, and it's been cool, so we stayed. Been here 3 years." Andy explained.
"Woah, three years, long time. Why did you need to get away?"
"Our parents disapproved of pretty much all our life choices." said Andy, simply.
"Awh that's shit." Alex didn't think it was his place to ask what these life choices were, but it sucked that their parents didn't support them nonetheless.
"So why are you here?"
"My life was threatened and I needed to at least try to stay alive so I ran away but by doing so I had to pretty much abandon my boyfriend.. I'll find him soon though, when it's safe."
"Shit. That's intense."

Jack woke up in some sort of industrial basement, the cold of the floor spreading into his own skin, through the thin cotton of his t-shirt. He stood up, and called out. Was Oli around? From the silence, Jack assumed no, and quickly realized that he needed to try and get the fuck out of wherever he was.
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shit chapter ik

idk if you get it but alex is trying to use a false identity that's why he says alex greico