‹ Prequel: Weightless
Sequel: Situation Overload
Status: in progress


Another Heart Calls

"Shit Lex" Jack moaned into Alex's ear. Alex was riding him, slowly and cautiously- not wanting to fuck up, but damn it was hard for Jack to cope- it was torturously slow, almost painful, but it was so good. So so good. Jack bit the skin behind Alex's ear, and Alex let out this groan that could earn him serious cash, and Jack bucked his hips upwards unintentionally, and his dick hit that spot inside Alex, and oh he nearly screamed. That was it then, then it was fast, and soon enough Jack was exploding inside Alex, and then he pumped Alex, giving him that extra push over the edge. When Alex had rode out his orgasm, he climbed off Jack, planted a kiss on his fiancé's lips, and collapsed, exhausted, next to him. Jack's stomach and chest were covered in drying come from Alex, and they were both still naked, when Vic came padding down the stairs.

"SHIT. SORRY. FUCK." Vic quickly turned and ran back up the stairs, he'd definitely seen more than he ever wanted to.

"Fuckk. We really need to remember that we live with 14 year olds, and a 10 year old, for that matter.." Jack concluded.

Jack and Alex were showering together, when Jack brought up the engagement.

"So when's it happening then?" inquired Jack as he rubbed shampoo into Alex's -still pink- hair.


"The wedding."

"I've not really thought about it..?" Alex replied honestly. "Have you thought about it?"

"It's not my job to think about it!"

"Why not?" Alex furrowed his brow.

"Well, you're the girl in this relationship, and the girl plans the wedding."

"Bullshit! I am sooo not the girl." Alex raised his eyebrows.

"Oh come on. I proposed to YOU. I put my dick in YOU. YOU have pink hair." Jack debated. Alex pouted.

"Can't we just do it together though?"

"Alright, start now. When?"

"Winter." Alex decided.

"Winter is in.. a week."

"So we can have it in six weeks."


"The park."

"Outside?? It'll be snowing!"

"That's the point. Have you not seeeeen Friends? Phoebe's wedding is so beautiful it makes me cry."

"Definitely the girl in this relationship."Jack teased.

"Fuck offfff" Alex whined jokingly.

When they got out the shower, Jack slapped Alex's bare ass, laughing as Alex yelped.

"Ahahha. You're cute, Lexy. Get dressed, we're going out."

"Out where?"

"For dinner."

"Where though?"

"Don't know yet. Wherever life takes us."

"Ugh you just have to be awkward. Now I don't know what to wear." Alex rolled his eyes at Jack, and began searching through his clothes.

"Such a girl." Jack sniggered, Alex chose to ignore the immature man he had agreed to wed.

Alex was stood by the door waiting at 7.15, dressed in metallic purple doc martens, black-incredibly skinny- jeans, a blindingly white dress shirt, not tucked in, and a thin black tie. Jack bounded down the stairs at 7.17, in skinny gray jeans, a black v neck, with a casual blazer over the top. He sat on the bottom of the stairs and pulled on his sneakers.

"Ready?" Jack asked, standing up and walking briskly over to the door, to open it for Alex. Alex nodded and then called to his siblings that he was leaving now, and that they had a key to get back in, so they didn't need to wait up.

Jack took Alex to an Italian restaurant and they sat in a booth and talked about normal things. They were a normal couple, and they'd never felt better. Considering the fucked up shit they'd been dealing with, they were coping pretty well. They were each other's coping strategies. Alex's phone erupted in his jeans pocket, and he turned sideways to wedge it out of the pocket, and then answered the call, not wanting to speak loudly, he continued to face the wall. When he was done on the phone, he turned back to face Jack, but Jack wasn't there. He looked around, and saw Jack on one knee.

"So I know I already asked you, but er, we didn't have the ring and shit, and yeah it's cheesy and not creative at all to propose in a restaurant, but er, I figured it would give us a more normal story to tell if anyone ever asks how we got engaged, I don't think many people would understand if we said we were yelling about serial killers and who I fucked in college before I popped the question.. And now I'm rambling and I've not even started the speech. Fuck man. I just, I love you so much. I don't understand you half the time, but it'd be shit if we already knew how each other thinks and all that, like. Urgh this is hard. But like, we don't fit each other perfectly, and there's always going to be a bit of attrition between us, but sometimes it's the attrition that lights the fire. The fire in my dick when I see you look as hot as you do tonight, or naked- even better. The fire in my mind, where it's just so hard to handle how incredible you are. The fire in my heart and fucking soul, when I realize that you're mine, and I'm yours. We don't fit each other perfectly, we're like a defective puzzle, an accident. That's what it was, pure coincidence that I saw you walking down that Chicago street, but damn that's the best accident that could've happened, and I wouldn't change it for the world. Even when we're swearing at each other, steam coming out of our ears, I love you. We've been through so much recently, a coma, sexuality confusion, getting rid of your stutter, my dad passing away, and of course we can't forget Oli and Josh, but we're still together. If that's not the pure definition of love, the dictionary can go fuck itself. I love you, and once again, Lexy will you marry me?"

"Yes of course! You're such a plonker you didn't need to propose again!" Alex smiled through the tears that had fallen in that speech. It wasn't even particularly heart wrenching, it was just the fact that the speech was so Jack, and Alex got to feel all over again how Jack was his, and he was Jack's. Jack slid the ring onto Alex's finger, and Alex stood up, and pulled Jack up too, and kissed him, long and slow. Jack's hands fell naturally to Alex's waist, and it was like a scene from a movie. When Alex pulled away, he bit his lip and looked up at Jack, and it was so fucking sexy.

"Let me pay the bill, and we'll get out of here." Jack grinned.

They stayed up all night planning for the wedding, and by 4am, they were both exhausted.

Later that day they went suit shopping with Tom, Vic and Mike, and posted the invites when they found a post box.

Everything was ready.

With reference to How I Met Your Mother, they were, in effect, just worried about the wild card. Possibly plural... probably plural, considering the mixture of people invited- high school friends, people from their colleges and universities, some of Jack's old colleagues, some people from the university where Alex worked, family members, including the ones that no-one really knew all too well- but hey, they had to have someone to give them away.
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shitty filler chapter i am sorry